The Dawn Trail in the World of American Comics

Chapter 38: My organization is extremely fair

Mason slept for a long time, about three hours, before he slowly woke up.

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When he opened his eyes, the familiar character card jumped into view, and the identity column, "E-level member of the Star Alliance," had been renewed and turned into the freshly baked "C-level member of the Star Alliance."

However, the young man did not feel joy or satisfaction after the promotion. Instead, in the moment he got up, he pulled up the sleeve of his left arm.

The originally simple ghost claw tattoo on it had become very complicated.

The outer black circular ring had become a simple flame-like line, and the inner ghost claws had "upgraded" to double ghost claws, along with a twisted and bizarre torso.

Zha Kang's guess about this curse was completely correct!

It was indeed a growth-type curse.

And Mason had "personally practiced" and figured out its growth conditions. The level promotion in the Star Alliance would cause this tattoo to change towards complexity and completeness.

Mason guessed that if he reached A-level, then this tattoo would completely and clearly show the reflection of an evil spirit.

"Boss! Why did you grow taller?"

The Kite Man, who had been dozing off while watching Mason, was awakened. His first exclamation made Mason subconsciously look at his own feet.

The pants that had fit him before had now become the trendy "high-water pants," with one leg exposed at the ankle, and the trench coat and shirt had also popped open two buttons.

Not only had he grown about 5 centimeters taller, but he had also become more muscular, no longer looking like a 17-year-old who had been bullied on campus.

Can you believe that he had muscles in his abdomen now?

"Don't be surprised, this is an 'employee benefit,' everyone has it."

Mr. Hunter's gentle voice sounded at the door of the large private room next to the office.

He walked up to Mason and looked him up and down. The young man clearly felt a penetrating gaze scrutinizing him, as if he had been seen through.

"Um, half satisfied with the size and performance."

Mr. Hunter said a dirty joke with a very serious tone, then withdrew his gaze from Mason's lower body and said to the embarrassed young man, "Your foundation is good, the effect of body and life quality enhancement is very good, strength, speed, and endurance have all improved, and it also helped you straighten out your endocrine system and improve your intestinal circulation.

But don't be too superstitious about this 'benefit,' Mason.

It won't make you a superhuman overnight, it just enhances your physical qualities to the upper level of standard humanoid creatures at your age.

Similar to an excellent soldier who has been training for many years, but potential is something you still have to explore on your own."

"This is already enough, Mr. Hunter. I thank the organization for its cultivation and will definitely do my best to not disappoint you and Captain K's spirits in heaven."

Mason inserted a word of loyalty."Hmm...梅森,你对哥谭市的未来有什么想法吗?"

Mason Hunter didn't care about these things and spoke in a business-like tone:

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"Since you two don't plan on changing base worlds, I won't force you. My job here is done and I'll be leaving soon. While you were unconscious, I went out and have to say that this city has really opened my eyes, Mason."

The boss of the Starry Sky Club commented:

"While I was out buying a cup of milk tea, I witnessed three robberies, two scams, and a theft targeting me, as well as a group of fully-armed guys having a gunfight on the street and a few guys in strange outfits falling from the sky. Has your life in Gotham always been this colorful? No wonder you don't want to change worlds. If it were me, I wouldn't want to miss out on so many 'exciting' things."

"Heh, that's how the locals are, sir."

Mason said expressionlessly:

"Don't be fooled by the chaos on the surface of this city. Once you get to know it better, you'll find that its inner workings are even dirtier. But it is indeed a suitable place for newcomers like us to lurk. It's a mix of fish and dragons."


Mr. Hunter nodded and said:

"Before I leave, I need to play the role of a 'newcomer guide' again and tell you some things you must know. Oh, by the way, remember to report to the police. I cut off the hands and feet of that perverted boy and threw his tools of the trade in a garbage bin on the street. It'll help the police if they arrive quickly before he loses too much blood and dies easily. Will this cause any trouble for you?"

"No, sir. This is an act of supreme justice that highlights your bright heart. I'll report it to the police immediately!"

Kite-Man, who had a good eye, took out his phone and left the private room. As someone who had been a follower for years, he knew that it was the boss and the chief's private conversation time and he shouldn't be there to hear things he shouldn't.

"Mason, since you're already a C-level member, the reorganized K team won't send a guide to you anymore."

Mr. Hunter took out a thin booklet from his cloak and handed it to him, saying:

"As the team leader, you need to strengthen your learning and quickly grasp all kinds of rules to avoid unnecessary risks when you go on missions. And this."

A small black velvet bag was also placed in Mason's hand. Mr. Hunter explained:

"There are fifteen energy stones in here that can be used to open the door to other worlds. They are your team's supply for the next two months. Of course, if you are proficient in alchemy or magic, you can also make energy stones yourself. If the quality is good enough, the organization will buy them back at a high price."

"Okay, I understand."

Mason nodded and heard the boss, who had a really good personality and wasn't domineering, ask:

"Hmm... Mason, do you have any thoughts on the future of Gotham?""How many world coordinates are recorded in the World Gate of Old K?"

"There are four illuminated scales on the doorknob."

Mason recalled the details of the World Gate and Mr. Hunter nodded, saying:

"So, excluding the Base World, you should have three exploratory worlds at your disposal. Considering Old K's level, there should be no ordinary D-level worlds, at the lowest they are C-level. With your current team composition, I don't recommend exploring high-risk worlds. Start with low-level worlds to practice."

As K team has just been reorganized, no mandatory exploration tasks will be assigned to you in the next two months, but you must quickly improve your strength within these two months.

Remember! This is very important, otherwise, once you are deployed in unfamiliar worlds that need to be explored, you are very likely to be wiped out."

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"Okay, thank you for the reminder, sir."

We are, find us on google.

Mason kept these suggestions in mind and humbly asked:

"Is there anything else I must know? If it doesn't take up your precious time, can Charles and I invite you to dinner?"

"I appreciate the kind offer, but there's no need for dinner."

Mr. Hunter gave a meaningful laugh, patted Mason's shoulder, and said:

"Don't play these tricks. Stars are an organization that advocates efficiency. Mason, you just joined us and don't understand these things yet. If you want to win my favor and attention, try to contribute to the organization as much as possible. We don't have the bad habits of those big companies. As a huge organization spanning nearly a thousand parallel worlds, we have an efficient and clean internal review... Hmm? What's this?"

He looked at Mason as he quietly handed over a small jewelry box.

Inside was a small, irregular gray stone the size of a fingernail. Mr. Hunter's eyes behind the mask immediately narrowed as he took the tiny thing and examined it closely.

After nearly ten seconds of silence, he said:

"Are you bribing me? So blatantly? This seems to be a strange item that can break through life and death?"

"Yes, sir. I experimented with zombies and it can make the dead 'resurrect', well, it's that kind of very scary 'resurrection'."

Mason lowered his head and said:

"I admit that I had some ulterior motives when I found it in the ruins of the academy. I originally planned to keep it for my own use, but then I realized that this thing is too evil. It's not something a rookie like me can handle, and I have no way to destroy it. You are the captain of Old K and I am the new captain of K team designated by Old K. If we round it off, you are also my senior and big brother. I can only seek your advice on such a dangerous thing. Sir, please show some kindness and help K team dispose of this terrible evil.""You will be thrown into a red dwarf star if your behavior is exposed."

Mr. Hunter shook his head and flipped his finger, causing the small piece of resurrection stone to disappear.

He sternly rebuked, "You are not allowed to do this again! Do you hear me? The Star Alliance is an honest organization! We do not engage in internal cliques or factions! Our internal competition has always been based on strength, and it is better to focus on improving ourselves than to engage in these crooked ways! Your thinking is problematic, and it seems that I must pay more attention to your K team, which has a bad influence. Are you interested in becoming part of my direct exploration team?"

"There are no more spots available."

"But, out of respect for Old K, I can give you a chance to try."

"What's the difference, sir?"

Mason couldn't help but think how honest this organization was.

"I believe this is all for the benefit of the organization, but I'm afraid our abilities are not enough to make you shine."

"There is no difference between the direct exploration team and the regular team. The only difference is that you report directly to me, and you have the power to choose one of three target worlds for each mandatory exploration mission. The worlds that require an exclusive exploration team are generally more difficult and dangerous, but the rewards are also greater."

Mr. Hunter cleared his throat and said to Mason, "But I think young people should have enthusiasm and be brave enough to challenge themselves. Life is a lonely journey. If you don't make a big fuss, how can you enjoy it? Do you agree?"

"Of course, the K team is willing to share your burdens, sir."

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Mason agreed without hesitation.

Mr. Hunter looked at him and gestured for him to take out his ID card. Mason pinched his finger, and a bronze-colored Star Card appeared in his hand, representing his level had been upgraded.

The boss extended his finger and drew a unique symbol on Mason's ID card, and a small hunter emblem appeared in the corner of his card.

"That's it. Two months later, the K team will have their first exploration mission. Perform well and don't embarrass me!"

Mr. Hunter withdrew his finger and said to Mason, "Also, new members need to pay attention to the trade fair held every three months. It is also one of the organization's important benefits for new members. You can exchange whatever you need with your fellow members, and you can also exchange what you have. The rest is in the captain's manual. Take a look yourself."

After speaking, Mr. Hunter was about to leave but was stopped by Mason. The young man hesitated for a moment before finally asking the question that had been bothering him.

He said to the boss, "Can I ask you something, sir?""Master, I witnessed the apocalypse in that wizarding world with my own eyes, and I heard from Old K that disasters and tragedies are the main theme of parallel worlds. This has been bothering me since I came back."

"I want to ask you, are disasters like the zombie apocalypse really common in parallel worlds?"

"That depends on how you view the topic of 'the end of the world,' Mason."

Mr. Hunter stopped in his tracks and didn't look back.

He sighed and said, "When did the world end? Was it when the celestial bodies disintegrated? Was it when the spine of civilization shattered? Or was it when the darkness enveloped everyone and dissipated the last bit of light?"

Many newcomers have the same doubts after completing their first world exploration, but few people can persevere in finding the answer to this question.

"Mason, maybe you can try. My answer to this question may not be suitable for you, but you can summarize your own answer with your own eyes and footsteps. I look forward to the day when you tell me that answer. The premise is that you can live until that day."

"You didn't say anything at all."

Mason silently criticized his new boss for being a riddle person...

He sighed and was about to bid farewell to Mr. Hunter, but unexpectedly, this mild-tempered big shot turned around at the door of the private room and said to him, "Oh, I almost forgot something, Mason."

He stared at the young man and said, "You have a certain kind of pheromone marker for location on your body. I don't know if you've noticed it, but the person who applied this marker on you is obviously skilled. That special pheromone will leave a faint reaction signal that can be detected where you stay for more than five minutes. But don't worry. I have already cleaned up the traces here."

Mr. Hunter laughed lightly and said to the young man whose face changed greatly, "Youth is an advantage, Mason, but it is also a terrible disadvantage. It seems that you have been targeted by a hunter who is far more mature and powerful than you. I can only wish you good luck, young man."

"Wait! Master!"

A lightning bolt flashed through Mason's mind, and he immediately remembered some of his actions in Blackgate Prison last night, especially his conversation with the Penguin in the sewer.

Damn it!

He must have stayed there for more than five minutes!

Batman had also been there!

His whereabouts were exposed, but the fact that the terrifying man hadn't come knocking on his door yet indicated that there was still a chance.

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In his desperation, he grabbed Mr. Hunter's wrist, but was thrown over ten meters like a sandbag and slammed into the wall with a single wave of the man's hand.

It felt like being hit by a heavy cannon.

Mr. Hunter closed his fingers, and a soft force surged, pulling Mason back like a rubber band. He had been gentle a moment ago, but now he exuded a terrifying chill all over his body.He stared at Mason and said slowly:

"I don't like people touching me! Mason, this is the first time, and I don't want there to be a next time!"

"Sorry, sir."

Mason lowered his head and said softly:

"It just happened suddenly. I might have attracted the attention of Batman. If it's not too presumptuous, I hope you can do me a favor before you leave."

"Do you know how busy I am, young man?"

Mr. Hunter asked.

Mason's answer was to take out the Eagle of Sujie with his backhand. This sword was currently the best thing he had, aside from magic stones and resurrection stone fragments.

When Mr. Hunter saw the sword, he shook his head and said:

"Old K's sword, and I gave him the weapon really know how to pick gifts. Anyway, tell me, what do you want me to do? I can only give you thirty minutes."

Mason immediately explained his plan, and Mr. Hunter nodded and disappeared in a flash. After he left, Mason sat on the sofa and looked at his bruised left hand.

It was this hand that held Mr. Hunter's wrist just now, and that momentary touch made Mason at least certain of one thing.

That was a woman!

A man's wrist would never be so slender.

So, is Mr. Hunter actually Old K's ex-lover? Or is there some other damn relationship? Otherwise, it can't be explained why this big shot gave so much convenience to a newcomer like himself just for Old K's face.

Or is she being nice to him for some other purpose?

Fatten the pig before slaughtering it?

Hmm, he must be cautious.

As Mason walked out of the private room, he thought that he might need to prepare a long-term contact plan for this unknown hunter lady.

Batman has many bad habits, but also many things worth learning from. Mason felt that he might also need a personal database.

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