The Dawn Trail in the World of American Comics

Chapter 39: If you make a mistake, just make

"Boss, the Hunter left this for us."

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As Mason was about to leave the Iceberg Lounge to get to work, the Kite Man found him and showed him something. The young man took the file from Charles and frowned as he flipped through it.

It was the complete ownership documents for the Iceberg Lounge's entire industry. With this, Mason and Kite Man could legally prove their ownership of the Iceberg Lounge.

What's even more outrageous is that the Gotham official notary stamp is already on the asset transfer document. Combined with Mr. Hunter's earlier statement that he had just been to Gotham, perhaps these documents were his purpose for going out.

"To show off his depth? Or to give us a warning?"

Mason looked at the documents in his hand and then at Charles, saying:

"What else did he say?"

"He said that the bar looks very imposing and is an ownerless land that is perfect for us to use as our base of operations in this world, so he helped us get this as a 'congratulations' for the successful reorganization of Team K."

Kite Man also looked serious.

He knew that this "gift" was very hot.

"Boss, should we take it?"

He asked.

"Yes! Why not?"

Mason read through the documents and took out a pen, saying:

"If we refuse again, we will appear guilty. He must have already found out what happened in this city in the past few days, and perhaps he is using this method to remind us not to struggle unnecessarily.

But taking this thing is really troublesome. Other forces in the city will definitely try to take it away."

"I said the same thing."

Kite Man sighed and said helplessly:

"But Mr. Hunter told me that an explorer team that can't even handle the local forces is not a qualified member that the Starry Sky Society wants to see."

"Well, that's true, but that's not my problem."

Mason nodded solemnly and wrote his name on the signature line of the asset transfer document. He then slapped the stack of documents on Kite Man's chest and said:

"Now it's your problem! Congratulations to Charles Brown, the owner of the Iceberg Lounge, for becoming a millionaire with property overnight."

Kite Man opened the file and saw his name written on it, indicating that he had become the owner of this new property.

Without giving his subordinate any time to react, Mason strode into the elevator. As the elevator doors closed and it descended, the young man sighed helplessly and rubbed his forehead.

"I really didn't expect that I would return to this ghostly place in this way. Then why did I work so hard to leave the Penguin gang?

I, who wandered outside, have actually returned again.

Fate is really wonderful."


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The elevator opened, and Mason walked out of the first floor, remembering the scene of his rebirth.

Just a week ago, he could only be a doorman outside this magnificent place, but now, this building, including the land and the 800-meter underground area, belongs to him.

Mason sneered, took out the Penguin's armed umbrella and held it in his hand, and strode away from the building.When he walked down the steps, he looked back at the Iceberg Lounge.

It had to be said that the Penguin's business acumen was absolutely unique. Although this store was not located in the busiest area of Gotham, its location happened to be the border area of ​​various major gang forces.

Occupying this area could effectively integrate the gray resources in the city. Coupled with the terrifying network of contacts that the Penguin had cultivated in the city for nearly thirty years, such a bar could be called a gold mine.

At this moment, Mason suddenly had a kind of enlightenment.

The seemingly flaunting behavior of giving away an expensive building with ease was probably a reminder from Mr. Hunter to change his mindset.

After all, for an organization like the Star Alliance that spans countless parallel worlds, money and wealth in a certain world are probably equivalent to "mission props."

"These big shots really have eight hundred minds with one glance."

The young man commented.

He stopped a taxi and arrived at Gordon's house in more than ten minutes. He also bought three pizzas, a bottle of wine, some fruits, and a bouquet of flowers as gifts on the way.

He knocked on the door and saw Barbara, so he handed the flowers to her, making the gentle big sister smile immediately.

Commissioner Gordon had just gotten up after taking care of his old brother at the hospital last night. Mason happened to bring food over and solved breakfast for him.

But when Barbara was cutting fruit in the kitchen, her wristwatch suddenly vibrated, causing the former Batgirl to put down the fruit knife in surprise and take a look. It turned out to be a message from Batman.

She sent the fruit plate to the table and went back to the room to pick up the special earphones. After the communication was connected, Batman's low voice sounded:

"Barbara, where is Mason?"


She asked, and Batman asked again:

"How long has he been there?"

"About fifteen minutes."

Barbara felt a little strange this time.

Sitting in a wheelchair, she glanced outside the door and saw her dad just drank a large glass of wine in Mason's cheers. His "cool" posture made the young girl unable to look straight.

She sighed and said:

"He came to my house for a dinner as agreed, and Gordon is very happy. Is there anything wrong?"

"Just a routine inquiry. Remember to hand over the Batphone to him."

Batman reminded her and hung up the communication with a short tone, making Barbara Gordon raise her eyebrows. It seemed that Batman really paid a lot of attention to Mason.

However, what Barbara didn't know was that Batman's situation was not very good at the moment.

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The Dark Knight of Gotham rarely appeared during the day, and he was even working with Nightwing.

On a remote road near Arkham Asylum in the suburbs of Gotham, Afuo manipulated the Batplane to continuously hover in the air and provide firepower support to the ground, while Master and the eldest son cooperated to attack the ferocious giant monster in front of them with some kind of electromagnetic heavy weapon.

The zombified three-headed dog that suddenly appeared ten minutes ago was roaring and running wildly on the highway, and this crazy monster opened its bloody mouth and bit at Master who was hovering in the air.Batman stared at the mysterious figure holding a crimson battle sword behind the three-headed dog.

"It seems that the zombie disaster in Blackgate Prison has nothing to do with Mason, at least not directly related."

Master looked at the mutated monster emitting a putrid smell in front of him and came to a preliminary conclusion that the mysterious person controlling the three-headed dog was the most suspicious.

"The Arkham Asylum gathers a large number of evil and crazy souls. I have already smelled the taste of that corruption."

The mysterious person shouted sternly, "Get out of the way, Batman! You haven't settled the score with me for damaging my house and taking away my carefully cultivated 'guinea pigs'. Do you crave death that much?"

"Are you the black wizard?"

Batman was stunned for a moment, then immediately reacted.

While the Batplane kept suppressing the three-headed dog on the ground, Master threw three bat darts at the mysterious person.

The enhanced bat darts carried a dazzling electric current in the air, with an extremely cool attack effect, but they didn't hit anything.

The mysterious person disappeared inexplicably.

At the same time, the Batplane floating at least three hundred meters in the air was like being cut by an invisible blade. It crashed and caught fire violently, slanting towards the nearby forest.

Master rolled and landed on the ground.

The combat arm armor on both hands silently cracked, and the black battle armor was cut open from the chest to the waist, leaving a clear trace.

The opponent seemed to be playing with him.

The blow almost grazed his skin and destroyed his battle suit but did not cause any harm to his body.

"Black wizard? Do you really think I'm such a low-level thing?"

The mysterious person returned to the back of the three-headed dog, sneering and waving his wrist to show off his sword skills.

He taunted, "You are truly guilty of arrogance, Dark Knight. But I have no intention of fighting against a 'chosen one' who has escaped death several times, Batman. Fate is on your side for now.

But let me pass!

Just like the evil souls in Blackgate Prison, the souls in Arkham Asylum are harmless to the city you protect. This will be the last thing I take away from Gotham.

If you don't step aside now, the next blow won't be so gentle."

While speaking, the mysterious person disappeared again and reappeared in the same spot, kicking the big zombie that had attacked him from behind several meters away with a flick of his body.

Silent Master did not step aside.

He took a fighting stance and stood in front of the howling zombie three-headed dog, just like a mantis blocking a car. The mysterious person sneered and drove the giant beast forward.

Just as it was about to crush Batman, a blue stream of light several times the speed of sound descended from the sky. It swung a fist, hitting the three-headed dog and crushing the middle brain.

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As the dust scattered in a circular pattern, Master whispered to the rescuer, "Did it take you two full minutes from Kansas to here?""I was teaching my son how to milk cows just now, and finding an excuse to slip away also takes time..."

The man replied:

"And you can't even hold on for two minutes? You really are getting old."


Standing in front of a zombie three-headed dog that almost tore his body apart with one punch, the mysterious man looked extremely wary as he glanced at the tall man standing in front of Batman.

The latter was suspended a few centimeters above the ground, and the heat rays in his eyes were already charged.

The mysterious man didn't linger any longer.

He seemed to know how powerful this man was, and stepped back like entering a current, disappearing on the ravaged and unrecognizable road, along with the shattered body of the three-headed dog.

The battlefield that was just deadly and exciting suddenly quieted down.

Superman, who came to support, cooled down his eyes. Wearing his battle suit, he landed on the ground. In the swaying of his red cape, he frowned and looked at Batman, whose armor had been cut open, and said:

"Where are the weapons you hid? Why didn't you use them and instead called me directly? This is not like your style."

"I don't have weapons specifically for this kind of enemy."

Master looked at the devastated ground and replied briefly:

"If you can't kill with one blow, you can't expose your cards casually. Being exposed will only reduce your deterrent power. Calling you to execute 'intimidation tactics' is the best choice. Have you seen his true face?"


Superman rubbed his eyes and said:

"It's the kind of magic I hate the most. It's like being filled with lead, and I can't see anything. I know Gotham is a magical place, but when did such a vicious character come again?"

Master shook his head and did not answer.

He squatted down to collect the flesh and broken teeth of the three-headed dog, and then stood up and said softly:

"So, next time should I just call Diana, who is more useful?"

"Or Barry."

Superman didn't care about his friend's sarcasm and said frankly:

"He's a guy with fast speed, and it's a good choice to suppress him with even faster speed. Barry has been a bit restless recently, and he said that his godspeed is changing and becoming elusive. Maybe it's something we've been paying attention to..."


Master made a gesture of silence and said:

"Let's talk about these things at the watchtower."

"Do I really not need to stay here and help?"

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Superman shrugged and floated up, asking:

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"I can use my super hearing to help you..."

"Your son is 'exploring'."

Master pointed to the monitoring device on his wrist and said softly:

"He's about to find the things you hid in the farm barn underground."


Superman's face changed.

With a whoosh, he flew into the sky and disappeared.

"Alfred, did you record the battle process just now?"

Batman activated the communication and asked. The reliable old butler immediately replied:

"I've started analyzing the enemy's fighting style, but there's too little usable data to formulate targeted tactics. The tracking device you threw on him has also been destroyed. Young master, your acting skills have regressed. You should have persisted in fighting for a while just now.""The new enemy has been filed, codenamed 'Cerberus.' Since it has been determined that this guy is the source of the zombie problem, does Mason still need to continue observing?"

"Lower the priority, but continue to observe."

Batman carried the unconscious Nightwing into the Batmobile and said, "I'm still curious about what Mason is hiding."


At Gordon's house, Mason helped the drunk Gordon back to his room and went to the kitchen to wash the dishes. As expected, he found that Mr. Hunter was already waiting for him there.

This cross-dressing lady had a destroyed tracker between her fingers.

He threw the Voodoo birdcage to Mason, where the three-headed dog inside looked miserable and unrecognizable, but was slowly recovering under the effect of the resurrection stone fragments.

"If you make me recite those shameful lines again, I'll give you a knife."

Mr. Hunter said softly, "But Batman is really interesting. He still had the energy to analyze my fighting style during our first battle. If my team wasn't already full, I would really like to invite him to my side. He is definitely the all-around teammate that all world adventurers crave. Mason, when you become powerful enough, you can try to recruit him. As for Superman, forget it. That guy is too dangerous, and you can't control him."

"Thank you for your generous assistance, Mr. Hunter. You really helped me a lot," Mason sincerely thanked him.

"Then try to make your favors worth something. Perhaps it will be a surprise in the future," Mr. Hunter waved his hand and a starry door appeared behind him. He turned and walked into it, disappearing in his fluttering cloak.

Mason breathed a sigh of relief in the quiet kitchen. Finally, he could relax for a while.


Barbara's voice sounded outside the kitchen. The girl in the wheelchair approached him with a laptop in her arms. She pushed her black-framed glasses and said to the young man who was washing dishes, "I have selected some very good jobs for you. Do you want to take a look?"

"Thank you, Barbara, but I have already found the job I want and asked my friend to send my resume," Mason smiled and said, "Maybe I'll get a reply tomorrow."

"Really? Then I wish you a successful interview," Barbara laughed and took out a black phone from her pocket, throwing it to him, "Although you don't want to be Robin, Batman still gave you a gift, the latest Batphone. Activate the security mode and you can temporarily connect to the Bat Network. My and Grayson's, as well as Tim and Gordon's contact information are all in it. Batman's special contact is in the emergency dial. But don't make prank calls. Be careful, he'll block your number. Dad said you're interested in tech products, but I advise you not to open it casually. Don't do anything stupid like Tim did. I promise you that there will be no more than ten people in this world who can put it back together once you take it apart."

"Really?" Mason wiped his hands.Translation:

He picked up the Batphone in his hand and looked at it carefully. He was one hundred percent sure that there were at least two tracking devices hidden inside. He rubbed his chin and said, "Maybe it will soon become eleven."

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