The Dawn Trail in the World of American Comics

Chapter 40: Feel the love of your stepmother,

The self-destruction program of the collection room caused a small part of the Bat Cave to collapse, but the master had already considered the inherent instability of the cave when he chose this place as his base, so he had reinforced the entire Bat Cave.

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The remaining area didn't have many falling rocks, but the bad news was that the path to the Bat Hall had been collapsed by the explosion.

What's worse, Mason and the little madman Damian Wayne, who caused all this, were trapped in a narrow area.

When the explosion occurred, Mason used his claw gun to avoid most of the impact, but the accompanying vibration almost crushed him with rocks. Although he was not injured, he lost his important shotgun, Old K.

This loyal green hunting shotgun blocked a falling rock for Mason in the explosion just now, and ended its not long but very exciting life in this way.

Mason's heart ached, and the corners of his mouth twitched. Anything used for a long time would have feelings.

Now he only had a combat shotgun, a hand cannon with only two bullets, and a freeze gun in his hand.

Damian, on the other hand, was hit directly by the explosion.

Logically, this would definitely seriously injure the child, but when he crawled out of the rubble, he just pulled off his burnt cloak and threw it aside, then picked up his broken sword and pounced at Mason.

The young man noticed the faint green glow on the little madman and knew that he, being from a prestigious family, must have some protective items.

Perhaps it has something to do with magic.

After all, the Assassin's League existed before the Middle Ages, and this long time was enough for the King of Assassins, Damian's grandfather, to collect enough magical items.

In addition, the existence of the mysterious Lazarus Pit, which can resurrect the dead, means that Damian, although only the height and physique of an eleven or twelve-year-old child, his destructive power is definitely not inferior to the members of the Bat family.

And indeed it was.

Damian rushed over with his sword, and with three consecutive strikes, he knocked the Hagrid hunting knife out of Mason's hand.

The young man had been fighting as a shooter and alchemist since his rebirth, and he was very resistant to close combat and had not learned much about fighting. In this narrow area, he suffered a lot from facing Damian, a martial arts master at such a young age.


Relying on his talent for quick drawing, he fired the freeze gun three times in a row, freezing the surrounding area but still unable to hurt Damian.

The little madman seemed to have something like "combat intuition". When Mason pulled out his double-barreled hand cannon, he rolled over and not only dodged the two consecutive shots of the cursed bullets, but even picked up Mason's giant hunting knife under the subsequent blue light.

"Nice weapon, perfect for chopping off your head."

Damian's fingers brushed the blade of the hunting knife, and he posed a domineering knife-holding posture with great skill.

As Mason pulled away under the obstruction of the ice beam, the short assassin threw out poisoned darts, which were so outrageous that they were almost as fast as bullets.

He forced Mason to face him with the trajectory of the darts.


The young man also retaliated.

He raised his left arm armor, and four petrified darts shot out, but they were cut off in the air by the opponent's double-handed sword using a move similar to Iaijutsu.

Seeing this, Mason completely lost the idea of grappling with Damian. He was sure that if necessary, this little madman would be happy to show him the stunt of "knife splitting bullets".

"You little monster!"

The young man complained:

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"How did your mother train you? Did you learn to hold a knife in your swaddling clothes?"

"Bruce Wayne passed the master trial of the Assassin's League at the age of twenty and it took him three years... and it only took me nine months when I was eleven!"

While Damian was dodging Mason's freezing beams like a monkey in the complex terrain of the enclosed area, he said without blushing or panting, even without messing up his breath:

"I don't know how he trained you, Mason, but undoubtedly, you, who only dare to hide and shoot from a distance, can't fight at all."

"Well, you're really good."

Mason activated the combat assist, and the floating aiming frame began to quickly lock onto Damian's figure in the dim area. He held the freeze gun in both hands, looked at the precarious capacity of the quick-freeze liquid, and said:

"I guess, from when you were a child, your mad grandfather didn't let you soak in the Lazarus Pit, right? Only that unscientific thing can give you the physical strength and power of an adult at the peak at the age of twelve.

It's like feeding you poison from when you were a child, giving you power, teaching you killing techniques, but not giving you a heart to control power.

You're far worse than your father!

Theft is never good, try looking at

In every aspect!"

"Shut up!"

As Damian shouted sharply, he turned around and threw out three poisoned darts. This action made his rapid movement on the rock wall pause, and Mason seized the opportunity.

He fired seven shots in one breath, turning the last bit of quick-freeze liquid into a freezing beam. While freezing half of the rock wall, he successfully smeared Damian's body with eerie frost.

The speed of the short assassin suddenly slowed down.

At the same time, Mason pulled out the critical shotgun and emptied a clip in a few seconds. After the smoke cleared and the ice shattered, Damian fell from the rock wall and lay on the ground, unconscious.

But there was no kill prompt in front of Mason.

"Stop pretending!"

While loading cursed bullets into his hand cannon, the young man pulled out Mark's Zeus's lightning rod from his bag and aimed at Damian, shooting a dazzling golden current.

Regardless of the attack effect of this thing, at least it looks very powerful. The spinning lightning really looks like the thunder thrown by the king of gods in mythology.

But it didn't cause any damage to Damian.

The plan to pretend to be seriously injured to lure Mason closer and then make a fatal blow was seen through, and the short assassin didn't pretend anymore. He jumped up against the flying lightning, shooting out the flying knife in his arms one after another, which was knocked down by Mason with the lightning rod in the air.

This little guy has a lot of good things on him.

While drinking some kind of ancient-looking potion, he quickly approached Mason and swung his knife, which was blocked by Mason's golden lightning staff.

But the collision of weapons didn't have any force, which made the young man's face change slightly.

He was too late to dodge, and Damian abandoned his knife and approached, poking his chest with his left hand. In the next instant, intense numbness and pain erupted in his body, causing Mason to stagger back.

"The martial arts my grandfather taught me are much stronger than Batman's merciful tactics."

The little madman, who was already confident of victory, picked up Hagrid's hunting knife from the ground and smirked as he approached. His eyes emitted a faint green light in the darkness.

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That was probably the residual effect of long-term exposure to magic water.

He said:

"I am destined to inherit the legacy left by the great Ra's al Ghul in the future, and the Assassin League hidden in the darkness will also return to the sun under my leadership.

You, Nightwing, the third Robin, Jason Todd, Barbara Gordon, you are all pitiful substitutes that Batman found to compensate for his missing family.

Even Batman himself..."

Damian sneered at this nickname and said:

"He will also die tonight! I won't allow anyone else to interfere with my battle. Mason, you should have died long ago. That night in Audisburg, the sniper bullet I fired should have shattered your head.

Today, I won't let you escape again."

"Well said, little guy. I also think I should have died long ago. Maybe I have already died once."

Mason drank a whole bottle of blood tonic to alleviate the pain in his chest and the tingling sensation. He felt a mouthful of sweet and bloody taste pressing on his throat.

The vicious technique that the little madman just used, similar to acupoint manipulation, was too cruel. If it weren't for his body being enhanced by the Stellar Society's level upgrade, he would have been defeated by that single move.

He really lived up to his reputation as a guy who learned various killing techniques since childhood.

Every move is deadly.

He stood up, supporting himself with Maxie Zeus's lightning staff, and said to Damian, who was approaching with a knife:

"But I think what I said is not wrong. You have the ability but completely lack the mental strength to control your power... Do you think it's normal for me to miss six shots of ice rays after shooting you seven times with my marksmanship?"


A loud explosion sounded in the tunnel connecting this place to the Bat Hall.

Just in front of the stone wall that Mason had just frozen with the last freeze liquid, a cluster of engineering bombs easily blasted the thick but fragile rocks under the cold effect.

Damian turned his head with a slight change in his face, and saw Catwoman holding a sword and Kite Man, fully armed, rushing in together.

"Damian! Strength alone doesn't guarantee victory in a battle, otherwise Batman wouldn't be so feared."

Mason twisted his lightning staff and used the golden electric current to force the approaching assassins back. He then shot out a batarang in Kite Man's low-altitude attack, taking himself and the frozen gun under his feet into the air.

A few seconds later, he landed in a safe high place, rubbing his chest and coughing, and said to the little madman on the ground who was jumping with anger:

"You may have passed the Master Trial in less time than Batman, but if you want to catch up with his combat wisdom, you should practice for a few more years.

The Assassin League doesn't lack that one master, but there is only one Batman in this world!

You arrogant little fool!

Twisted little madman.

Don't underestimate your old man too much."


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Catwoman turned her wrist, letting the blood stains on Sujie's Eagle Sword slide off, and stood in front of the explosion exit, staring at the small figure holding a knife in front of her. She said:

"This is..."

"Yes, he is your adopted son in name and in law, Selina."

Mason coughed and said:

"You should take this opportunity to show off your stepmother's authority while his dad is not here, teach this little guy the survival rules in Gotham, and vent your anger for your dearest little brother.

I was almost killed by this little madman just now."

"You, a 17-year-old man, being bullied like this by an 11-year-old kid, do you have the face to complain?"

Catwoman made a strange laugh and pushed her cat ear mask, looking up and down at Damian, and said:

"I should probably say that this kid did a good job?"

"You! Selina Kyle!"

Damian also recognized Catwoman.

After all, even in the chaotic Gotham City, female heroes dressed like Catwoman were very rare. The little madman stared at Selina with a more hateful look, raised the hunting knife in his hand, and aimed the blade at Catwoman, saying:

"It was you who hindered my mother's further progress with that man. You made her very sad. She has always wanted to personally get rid of you, as the end of that relationship in front of Bruce Wayne.

But I hope to give my mother a "gift" with my own hands.

I wonder if you can still laugh when your head is put in a gift box?"

"You're right, Mason."

Selina frowned and said:

"This little guy is really twisted, not cute at all!"

"The water of the Lazarus Pit burns his mind and makes him irritable and dangerous. Excessive growth is never a good thing. Capture him, Selina, he can still be saved.

But if he escapes and goes back to that twisted family for a few more years, he will be completely hopeless."

Mason raised his explosive shotgun and replaced it with a single-headed bullet while aiming in a kneeling position, and said:

"Of course, you can stab him a few times to establish the authority of a stepmother. Don't worry, he won't die with me here, at most he will suffer a bit."


As soon as the words fell, the giant hunting knife collided with Sujie's Eagle Sword. Damian let out a roar and pressed forward with the blade, but unexpectedly, Catwoman kicked him in the chest.

With such a despairing height difference between the two, Selina didn't even need to adjust her posture when she kicked him.Damian managed to regain his footing after a few backward jumps, ready to engage in a knife fight. However, he was hit in the calf by a stray bullet. Although his peculiar accessory helped to mitigate the damage, the interruption in his rhythm forced him to face the sword-wielding Selina.

Ever since joining Team K, Catwoman rarely took the initiative to fight.

She had never used her full strength in battle, but now, in this secluded corner, with Mason's help, Selina, who had made her appearance as a "stepmother", was not going easy on her wayward "adopted son".

She was indeed a strong woman who, after being entangled with Batman for over a decade, still managed to maintain a certain advantage.

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Her masterful and uniquely personal combat style was impressive. With her astonishing physical resilience and the supreme blade in her hand, specially made for the Assassins, she could always leave a trail of wounds on the irritable kid, just like a black cat extending its claws.

In less than a minute and a half, she had completely suppressed the full-of-fight Damian.

Sujie's Falcon was cursed and enchanted!

Damian didn't feel the first few wounds, but as the fight continued, he could feel his body weakening and the pressure on his mental state.

Cornered by Catwoman and those damn unpredictable bullets, he even found it hard to concentrate.

What was even worse was the blinding light that flashed from Sujie's Falcon in Catwoman's hand during her nimble flips, always catching Damian off guard when he tried to counterattack.

It was like a perfectly timed "skill interruption", making the kid more and more frustrated.

Through the secret technique of breath recognition taught by his grandfather, he could sense that Catwoman was not a big threat, and he even had the upper hand in terms of power. But when facing Mason, he was outsmarted by the terrain, and when facing Catwoman, he was suppressed by the "stepmother's" skills.

Two consecutive failures plus the pressure of the mental curse made the confident Damian start to feel lost.

He decided to pause this disadvantaged fight and return to the darkness to seek another opportunity.


A specially made smoke bomb was thrown at Selina's feet. The thick smoke from the League of Assassins completely obscured the small area, and Damian, like a ghost, disappeared into the darkness, planning to leave.

This was the first lesson he learned in the League of Assassins, about how to safely retreat from a fight.

But while the smoke might have blocked Catwoman's vision and made other tracking methods ineffective, the floating aim frame in front of Mason wouldn't let him off the hook.


With a crisp sound, Damian, who was hit in the leg, tumbled out of the edge of the thick smoke.

The second gunshot broke the grappling hook he was using to swing, causing the injured kid to flail in the air before falling to the ground.


A black cat tail whip swung out from the smoke, wrapping around the falling Damian's waist and pulling him into Selina's arms.

The naughty kid was still struggling, but in the next instant, he was knocked out by a palm strike to the back of his neck from the stern stepmother. She then pulled out a strong sedative that Mason had made for Team K and jabbed it into the little assassin's neck.

Damian's struggles grew weaker and weaker, and a few seconds later, he fell completely asleep in Selina's arms.

Scarecrow landed with Mason. The limping captain of Team K came over and looked at Damian in Catwoman's arms. He smirked and said:

"This little thing is quite cute when he's asleep. It's hard not to want to smother him with a pillow."

"Get lost!"

Selina huffed and said:

"I'm not planning on having children for Bruce in this lifetime. It would ruin my perfect figure and take away from the love between us. So, the arrival of this little guy might be a gift.

But we really need to address Damian's education!

Mason, do you know if that bitch Talia is coming tonight?"

Faced with Catwoman's meaningful question, Mason shrugged, glanced at Damian, who was now cradled in Selina's arms, and whispered:

"You stole her lover, then her child, and now after giving her a defeat, you're planning to wipe her out completely? Aren't you stepping into the 'wicked stepmother' role a bit too quickly?"

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