The Dawn Trail in the World of American Comics

Chapter 44: Look, I have turned this urse in

"For the first time, it will be very painful. You need to be mentally prepared. Relax your body and mind as much as possible, don't think too much, and try to feel the thing that is about to surge into your body...

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It may be scorching hot, or it may be a steel-like long spear piercing and tearing your senses.

You may bleed and even scream.

But don't be afraid.

This is all normal.

Once you adapt to the strange thing from another dimension in your body, you will feel the pleasure of power from your mind and body, and even enjoy and immerse in it."

The voice of Zha Kang entered Mason's ears, accompanied by a strange smell of incense, making Mason frown tightly as he sat in a just-drawn hexagram array.

He adjusted his breathing and closed his eyes according to Constantine's instructions, and complained softly:

"Do you have to describe a mysterious ritual in such a vulgar way? Don't think I don't know what you're implying, you dirty guy."


The shameless mage burst into laughter, holding a cigarette and exhaling smoke, saying:

"Wow, our little Mason actually knows these things? I used magic to determine that you were a fledgling when we first met, but you can understand my vulgar jokes.

It seems that you're not a good kid usually.

I'm just trying to make you relax.

After all, we're dealing with the power of an evil god now. If we're unlucky, when you feel that darkness, ten blocks nearby will be instantly torn apart.

Tens of thousands of people will perish because of your mistake.

So, don't have any psychological pressure."

While Zha Kang sprinkled a bunch of yellow sand-like glowing powder on the array beside Mason, he patted the young man's shoulder and whispered to him:

"Even if you go to hell, there will be tens of thousands of people accompanying you, and you can have a VIP supreme seat and become a legendary figure in the past few hundred years in the nine levels of hell.

You won't be alone, and it's quite grand. I envy you to death."

"You need to reflect on yourself."

Mason calmly breathed while mocking:

"Is it because when you should have worked hard in bed, you had too much to say and your tongue wasn't agile enough, which led to Little Zha sweeping you out of the door?"

"This dirty sarcasm is not bad, you get nine points! Keep up the good work. But you'll never have a lover as perfect as Little Zha in all aspects in your life, so you can envy me.

I'll enjoy this sour envy."

Zha Kang snorted.

At the same time as he retorted, he stepped back and lit another Silka cigarette. This kind of luxury item had obviously become a kind of "magic medium" in Zha Kang's hands.The moment he lit his cigarette, his khaki windbreaker fluttered backward without wind.

His hands twisted into strange seals that no normal person could make, and when his hands touched, black flames ignited around Mason in six directions.

Red light burst out from the floor under the young man, like opening a portal to a different dimension.

Despite sitting firmly on the ground, Mason felt a strange "weightlessness," as if he were falling.

"Hold on!"

Zhakang shouted loudly:

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"The tattoo and curse on your arm are a positioning coordinate that allows you to sense the source of that power in the multiverse, but don't approach it actively!

Don't even try to call it!

Otherwise, this reality will be exposed to its eyes.

Now listen to me, step one, raise your left hand and focus on the tattoo. That thing is a living creature that resides on you. It can feel your gaze and your emotions.

Tell it.

You need power..."

As Mason followed Zhakang's instructions to the second step, his consciousness suddenly froze, and Zhakang's voice sounded distant and empty, as if coming from another world.

It felt like Mason's soul was frozen in a timeless sea of stars.

He could see the stars shining in the sky, coexisting with darkness.

He could even see the colorful nebulae in the distance, as if the mystery of the entire universe was unfolding before his eyes, but unfortunately, he was a bad student and could not comprehend these truths.

Mason didn't know if the scene before him represented the manifestation of parallel worlds and multiple universes, but he was certain that this picture was definitely the origin of the name "Star Meeting."

But after the initial shock of the first few seconds, Mason's consciousness quickly emerged with a hint of panic. He wondered what would happen if he couldn't go back? Did he have to float in this unknown place forever?

That bastard Zhakang didn't tell him about this process at the beginning!

But the feeling of panic came and went quickly. It seemed that Mason felt helpless, and something familiar appeared before him.

A translucent screen unfolded in his field of vision, and familiar characters were listed.

Mason could even feel a "casual and relaxed, light as a feather" atmosphere from the appearance of those words, as if this strange thing before him was nothing in the face of his golden finger.

In that instant, the young man was also brought up with inexplicable confidence.

He didn't know who put this magical thing into his soul, but he was sure that the evil god of the Star Meeting faith was nothing in the face of his own power!"Detection of external force access... Power path is negative · hell mythology system · top-level fallen divine gene evolution... Power access form: bestowal/enhancement.

Destructive power conversion begins... New talent generated.

Mysterious side new talent unlocked as [Demon Fire].

New skill added: [Craftsman · Flame Manipulation Lv0].

New trait added: [Mysticist: can sense and manipulate magic and supernatural energy]."

This line of text quickly helped Mason understand the situation. Scum Kang's curse was useful.

That scum was surprisingly reliable this time, but according to the character card's prompt, that force should have a destructive nature. It was his own ability that transformed it into a harmless enhancement mode.

So in the end, Scum Kang was still an unreliable jerk.

Now Mason had no guilt about bringing Scum Kang into the team.

And a few seconds after the character card prompted that a new talent had been unlocked, the young man clearly felt that the unique starry sky in front of him began to reject him.

His consciousness was pushed back into his body.

At the same time, in a certain dimension of an unknown parallel world, an existence felt a trace of its own power being prayed for.

But unlike previous requests for bestowal, this time its own power disappeared as soon as it left the body. It was like being swallowed by an invisible existence, and it lost control of that trace of power forever!


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The existence said softly, but only issued a message to its believers to check it out, and did not pay too much attention to it.

It was just a trace of power. If it was in the past, it might have made it furious, but now it was not the time to waste precious energy on such things in the current bleak situation.

At the same time, in a special plane located in the gap between multiple parallel worlds, in a unique domain called "Star Castle".

Mr. Hunter, uh, maybe Ms. Hunter, who had just finished her work, was about to get up and move around, but suddenly felt a message sent from the soul level.

"Your Excellency 'Fate's' power has been stolen? Suspected to be through the 'Curse' of the Star Association? This is really a rare event."

Hunter's fingers moved a bit, and then she said to her two colleagues, "Swordsman" and "Warlock," in the soul communication link:

"You two continue with your own affairs, I will investigate this incident."After obtaining the agreement of the other two mentors, Mr. Hunter changed back into his "male" appearance. She stood in front of the gorgeous and ancient French windows with a mask on, and there was a suppressed light floating in her eyes under the mask.

If the power of fate can be stolen... does that mean that she and her companions can also completely get rid of it...


She couldn't think about it anymore!

Mr. Hunter forcibly stopped this idea with her strong willpower. She took a deep breath and flicked her fingers lightly with the black hunter gloves on.

An old card jumped into her hand.

She caressed the man on the card who had already died but still lived forever in her heart.

In the lower corner of that card, there was a hidden symbol, just like the symbol "K" at the bottom of Old K's Gwent card, except that the edge of Mr. Hunter's card was a black "Q".

"Old K, you poor tortured creature, may you rest in peace. A hunter who does not want to become a hunting dog cannot stop... It's time to set off again."

A few minutes later, in the Gotham City crime alley.


Mason, who opened his eyes, took a breath like a drowning man who had been saved. He felt like he was suffocating and looked around blankly while panting heavily.

The trashy Kangmei came forward with a smiling face to monitor Mason's situation. He said irresponsibly, "You're still alive, conscious, and haven't been invaded by the evil god. Cool! My spell actually worked, even though the success rate was less than 15%, which is no different from suicide when rounded up.

You're really lucky, Mason."

"Get lost, you unprofessional guy! That's not some evil god! That's a devil! A devil with divinity!"

Mason pushed Kangmei away unkindly and scolded him.

Kangmei, who was still smiling, was suddenly struck by lightning when he heard the word "divinity". He shook his body, looked around, and then rushed into Mason's counter, frantically searching.

The young man felt dizzy as he stood up.

Every breath he took felt like he was inhaling burning smoke, making his throat very uncomfortable. He grabbed a glass of water and drank it, then shouted at Kangmei.

"What are you doing?"

"A time machine! I'm looking for a time machine, just like those funny Japanese animations. There must be a time machine in your cabinet that can travel through time, right?"

Kangmei screamed, "Let me go back an hour ago, no, three days ago! I want to kick that hell succubus who seduced me back into the toilet and then have a wild time with my little Zha for seven days and seven nights!

Damn it!

I shouldn't have come to Gotham!""You bastard, do you know what it means for a devil to have divinity?"

"The entire nine layers of hell and the entire mountain of heaven can't even match up to the size of a palm! How could you get involved with such a terrifying existence!"

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"No, how could someone like me who always plays it safe get into this kind of trouble?"

"Because I'm generous enough?"

Mason said coldly.

"Or because you're greedy enough?"

"I have no grudges against you, Mason, but your damn generosity almost killed me!"

TM had lost his train of thought and even started speaking gibberish.

He glared at Mason fiercely, waved his hand with a cigarette butt to draw a teleportation portal, and disappeared into it like avoiding the plague.

Before the green portal vanished, TM even made an indecent gesture with his left hand to bid farewell to Mason.

"Goodbye, let's never meet again in this lifetime, okay?"

Mason watched TM leave without saying a word.

Their friendship had ended, but he was sure that his "karmic relationship" with TM had just begun.

However, he felt that the heat inside his body was getting more and more intense, and he couldn't control it. He picked up a water cup to take another sip, but the hot air from his nostrils ignited the paper cup in his hand.


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It wasn't a spark from his nostrils, but his fingers.

Mason widened his eyes and raised his left hand. Suppressing flames were jumping between his fingers. It looked scary, but his skin wasn't burnt, just feeling a little warm.

The young man panicked for a few seconds, constantly shaking his hand to try to extinguish the flames.

But soon he found that he could manipulate these flames. Although he wasn't skilled, he could weakly control the intensity and shape of the flames burning in his palm.

"So this is 'demonic fire'?"

Mason seemed to have found a new toy, letting the flames drift on his five fingers. He stared at the flames, tilting his head and thinking:

"But what's the use of it? I can't shoot it out and pretend to be a senior member of the 'Five Fireball Spell Cult.' Do I have to use my palm to burn people up close?"

"Or is there some special use that I haven't discovered yet?"

With this thought in mind, the young man turned his head and picked up a tailor's iron ruler on the counter, holding it in his hand. The flames quickly caused the ruler to bend and even melt.

Mason raised his eyebrows and began to purposefully control the temperature and direction of the flames.

One minute later, to the young man's surprise, the thin iron ruler was successfully "recreated" into a modern steel "artwork" that looked like a ghost's creation."Haha! It really is the 'Craftsman · Flame Manipulation'!"

Mason laughed heartily and raised his left hand, saying:

"Now I can even skip the forge. The forging branch that has been bothering me can finally be put on the agenda. I knew it! The power of rebirth is destined to make me a versatile craftsman!


As you wish, I don't like fighting and killing anyway.

Too violent.

Not elegant at all."

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Half an hour later, exhausted from playing with fire, Mason returned to the balcony of Master K's magic apartment via the retractable escalator just installed in his suitcase.

When he landed and turned around, he saw Catwoman lying on the balcony in the latest Chanel bikini, wearing sunglasses and holding a fashion magazine.

As Mason landed, the lady raised her left leg and changed to a side-lying position as a way of greeting.

Mason curled his lips. This lady was really a formalist!

What's the point of pretending to be on a beach vacation?

He took out his bat phone and switched to camera mode, gesturing to Catwoman with his chin and saying:

"Selina, please strike a pose that will make men's eyes light up!"

"Are you crazy?"

The lady lying on the beach chair pushed down her sunglasses and looked at Mason with a sideways glance.

"Are you still trying to tease me? I told you, I can give you a hand."

"No, I really only need one photo."

Mason explained while holding up his phone:

"I want to invite a scumbag to our party tomorrow night, but the only way to make him come willingly without any suspicion is to use your supreme charm as a 'special attack on men.'

So, can you help me?"

"Oh, a party, I like it. But I have to confirm if the party you're hosting is the kind of close-distance intimate party with many men and women that's really hot?

After all, I have a boyfriend.

You have to understand, I can't play too crazy."

Catwoman blinked, changed her posture on the beach chair, and glanced back like a black cat with her waist down and her upper body raised, with a faint smile on her face.

That moment of charm made Mason instinctively turn his head and cough twice.

Damn it!

It's starting to work...

This old lady is really something.

No wonder even the cold and tough Master is so infatuated with her, and people generally only use two words to describe this kind of woman: fairy!

"Done!"Mason didn't need to edit the photos. He just saved them to use as bait for fishing tomorrow. Catwoman lazily returned to her previous state and picked up a magazine, saying:

"So, when are you going to introduce me to your sister? I'm getting bored here."

"Didn't I tell you?"

Mason coughed and said:

"Tomorrow night, sis. The party is a welcoming ceremony for new members. We'll temporarily leave the boring Gotham and go to a new world for a ride. I promise it will be a place where the runaway cat can play to her heart's content."

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