The Dawn Trail in the World of American Comics

Chapter 45: Hi John, remember to ome to the

"You're taking a long vacation after only five days on the job?"

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In Leslie's office, the cold-faced doctor looked at the paper in her hand and gave the young man a strange glance.

"Is it hard to write a leave request?"

"Why does it have to be so formal and look like a thesis?"

But after reading it carefully, the doctor fell into a strange silence. Ten seconds later, she put down the paper, rubbed her forehead, and closed her eyes, saying:

"So you want to study these three... um, alchemical medicines to improve the efficiency of my clinic's treatment?"

"Yes, doctor."

Mason, wearing a gray windbreaker, took out an irregular black stone from his pocket and said:

"This is a calculus from a goat's stomach. Through a series of complex processes, I can make it into a detoxification substance called 'fecal stone.' Don't mind the name. Its actual effect is as excellent as its name is terrible. Just grind a small piece into powder, swallow it with water, and it can effectively relieve most symptoms of poisoning. Also, the ointment for bruises and burns is an ancient recipe that has been passed down in the alchemy system for nearly a thousand years. Although it is complicated to make, it has stronger adaptability and convenience than modern medicine. Finally, there is a high-level potion called the Joy Elixir, which is specifically used to treat depression and mental illnesses. I can..."

"Okay, you don't have to explain anymore."

Leslie sighed, saying:

"If I hadn't personally experienced the miraculous effects of the vitality potion, I would definitely think you were talking nonsense while high. Is five days enough?"

The cold-faced doctor looked at Mason and said:

"How about I give you a few more days off? Your 'over-saturated' work status in the past five days has caused mental anxiety among all the nurses in the clinic. Disappearing for a few days is a good way to ease the situation."

"That's enough."

Mason smiled gently and brightly. After leaving the doctor's office, he picked up his phone and sent a message to John's social account:

"John, considering your evaluation that I won't live long, I've been thinking all night and I might not live long either, so I've decided to hold a 'farewell' party for myself tonight. I don't have many friends. Do you want to come and join me?"

In a cheap hotel on the outskirts of Gotham City, a hungover Zatanna picked up his phone, which was soaking in a water glass, and glanced at it.

"He knows he's about to die and still throws himself a party? Tsk tsk, he's really particular."

The black magic master sneered and threw the phone aside without bothering to reply.

Mason had made him an enemy of a terrible devil, and this ruthless guy would love to curse the young man himself, but he didn't mention all the treasures he had taken from Mason. Besides, he still had a hangover headache and lay on the messy bed with a lady's underwear he didn't know where it came from.

A few minutes later, the phone vibrated again, and Zatanna glanced at it.

"Are you sure you won't come? I know you're angry, so I asked my friend to find Gotham's best dancer to liven up the party. Give me face, John."

"Who the f*ck are you to give me face? I don't even pay for meals when I mooch at Heavenly Mountain, okay?"

Zatanna sneered at the request.But in the moment he put down his phone, a picture was sent over.

It was a photo of a woman wearing a trendy bikini, lying on a beach chair and posing with a glance back, with sunglasses covering most of her face.

It looked like a candid shot.

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Konstantin, who had been suffering from a hangover headache, suddenly sat up and stared at the screen when he saw the picture.

He even enlarged the photo to examine every detail.

With the sharp eyesight he had honed from years of being a suave magician, he could tell that this was not a HX Tech beauty that had been photoshopped, but a hundred percent natural and stunning.

Because Catwoman was wearing sunglasses and had her face turned to the side in the photo, the lousy Konstantin didn't recognize her, but just this hot body was enough to catch his attention.

Well done, woman!

Your little trick has successfully piqued the interest of this great magician!

In an instant, he became full of energy.

He casually grabbed the crumpled cigarette box from the bedside, lit one up, and quickly sent a message to his dear half-brother and good friend, Mason Cooper:

"I just finished a difficult battle to protect the peace of Gotham and fight off demons from hell. Don't be discouraged by your curse, my dear friend Mason. Let your big brother John comfort you tonight.

Give me a time and place.

I will be there on time."

Mason's reply came back in an instant: Iceberg Lounge, tonight at nine, don't be late.

At the same time, wearing a safety helmet and goggles, riding a blue flying motorcycle on Glacier Avenue, Mason glanced at Konstantin's message, smiled, and drove into the underground garage of the Iceberg Lounge, which was under renovation. A few minutes later, he arrived at the top floor office.

"Are you ready?"

He walked in and asked Kite Man, who was waiting for him. Charles pointed to the luxurious desk, which was piled high with collected materials and a genuine magic cauldron found in the ruins of Hogwarts.

"Not just that!"

As Mason took off his coat and threw it on the sofa, he unbuttoned his shirt and walked towards his workbench, saying to Charles:

"We're going to explore a new world tonight. Are you ready? You have a few hours, maybe you can go see your son."

"Hmm? Aren't we going back to the ruins of Hogwarts?"

Kite Man was a little confused and said:

"We're already familiar with that post-apocalyptic world. Maybe it's more appropriate to go there."

"No, although Mr. Hunter is hard to distinguish between friend and foe, his warning is correct. We only have two months of free time, and while K Squad is recruiting new members, we need to hurry up and receive the 'legacy' left by old K."

As Mason skillfully put some precious herbs into the grinder and added some alchemical powder and pre-made solution to the stone-like material, he explained to the trustworthy henchman Kite Man:

"Old K's world gate records three worlds. He said that the Hogwarts side is a public open world for novice members, which was searched a long time ago. It's for us to practice in.

That world has dangerous zombies and magical creatures. We had no chance of winning before Scum Kon joined us."

Translated by: ottermanThere was another dangerous world that caused the previous team led by Old K to be completely wiped out. Sujie's eagle was brought from that world, and our current strength would only lead to death if we entered to explore.

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So, our only choice now is the world related to pirates.

It is marked as a C-level world.

However, like Hogwarts, it is rated higher due to its unique resources despite having overall weak strength. It is also K team's "private territory."

We need to familiarize ourselves with it and find anything useful to us as much as possible. That will be our "work focus" for the next two months.

"I understand now that you've said that."

Charles nodded seriously and touched his arm. He said, "I'll go prepare immediately and check on the child."

Kite-Man left, and Mason also entered work mode. He had to prepare the "Joy Potion," a high-level potion, specifically for Scarecrow's "welcome party" before it started at night.

He had tried it several times last night, and the process was familiar to Mason.

The formula for this potion was not complicated, but the only difficulty was to grasp the timing of boiling various medicinal herbs and throw in a peppermint at the fleeting moment.

Don't ask why a peppermint could turn a basic potion into a high-level magic potion. Alchemy was such a magical and whimsical thing.

Even Mason, an alchemist, found it hard to explain the specific principle.

And since the key to this magic potion was to control the temperature, Mason did not use traditional flames this time.

After preparing all the medicinal herbs and sorting them out, he put his left hand into the burning chamber of the magic crucible and took a deep breath, summoning the unique magic fire he had just mastered last night.

The crimson flames quickly burned between the young man's fingers. They were much sparser than ordinary flames but had excellent heat.

This thing could melt a steel ruler in a minute, and its combustion efficiency went without saying. It belonged to the category of "magic flame."

What's more, Mason had tried it last night. Although he could not control the flames to reshape steel yet, he could manipulate the flames to burn with his thoughts.

It was like having an "intelligent furnace."

Maintaining the magic fire for a long time would make Mason very tired, but the vitality potion could extend this process, enough to finish brewing this pot of magic potion.

Mason kept throwing the ingredients into the pitch-black crucible according to the formula, just like how top chef Stephen Zhou smashed eggs with his bare hands using the "Fire Cloud Palm." He also adjusted the heat according to the changes of the boiling materials in the pot.

After stirring ninety-nine times repeatedly, when the materials in the pot had turned into an unappetizing paste, Mason picked up the peppermint beside him.

He had searched all the herb shops in Gotham City and could not find this rare herb. It was the group of people who called themselves "young masters' servants" that appeared in front of the small shop in the early morning last night who brought it.

They apologized for Damian's mischief and brought a large number of rare materials, almost sweeping away all the potions and firearm components in the Cooper's shop."The arrival of these rare materials collected by the Assassin's Alliance was also an unexpected surprise for Mason, making the first day's sales at Cooper's shop not too shabby.

It could even be said to be an unexpected "grand opening."

"Right now!"

Mason counted silently for ten seconds, then decisively threw the peppermint into the pot when the paste in the pot was about to turn into a disgusting green color. After stirring quickly thirteen times over high heat, a unique fragrance emanated from the magic cauldron.

The originally disgusting green paste, under constant stirring, unexpectedly turned into a sunny golden color. It was not an exaggeration to say that the liquid surface reflected beautiful light.

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As time passed second by second, the golden light quickly converged into a dark golden mercury-like liquid, while the water content quickly evaporated. In the steam-like mist, the cauldron, the size of a human head, was left with only three standard crystal bottles of finished product.

It can be hard to make great work when its stolen from "pawread dot com".

"Successfully completed an excellent craftsmanship, excellent quality, and magic-rich alchemical compound production. Alchemy branch skill proficiency X30 increased, currently at Lv2.

Alchemy branch talent [Quick Hands and Eyes] unlocked.

[Alchemy Stone] formula unlocked."

"Hmm, so besides the evaluation of inferior, mediocre, standard, excellent, outstanding, supreme, and perfect craftsmanship, does the quality of the finished product also affect the multiple of proficiency improvement?

And it seems that the magic flame can also increase proficiency.

Learned another useful little knowledge."

Mason calculated in his heart and carefully poured the finished liquid into the prepared crystal bottle. He carefully examined the first advanced magic medicine he made and the information label popped up:

Joy Elixir

Quality: Excellent craftsmanship, excellent quality, magic fire boiling (magic-rich enhances quality)

Effect: Brings the user sincere joy and excitement from the heart. This effect has no side effects, but repeated consumption in a short period of time will reduce the effect.

Producer: Mason Cooper

Item description: Now you know why the pitiful Chemical Paradise has no market in the magic circle, right?


Mason flicked the bottle, and a smiling face was reflected on the crystal bottle.

"Welcome to the team, John Constantine."


"Your wine has a problem!"

At half-past nine in the evening, with the accompaniment of a group of beautiful waitresses hired by the Wind Kite people at a high price, the drunk Scum Kang shouted out loud in the private room after drinking several glasses of wine:

"Why do I feel more and more high after drinking? I feel so happy now! You bunch of black-hearted bastards, did you add something to the wine... Hmm! Jump up, baby.

Twist it, yes!

Like this!"

He cheered and watched the girl dancing on the table in front of him, throwing a handful of small-denomination banknotes into the air, making the atmosphere of this "party" even more lively.

But Scum Kang didn't forget about business.

After being hugged and persuaded to drink a few more glasses, Scum Kang, who was obviously already happy in his heart, wiped the strawberry kiss mark on his neck and pulled Mason aside, whispering:

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"The appetizers are great, the desserts are sweet, but where's the main course? My good friend, you're not standing me up, are you?"

"How could that be?"

Mason smiled and led Scum Kang out of the private room into the adjacent house. An open suitcase was placed on the table in front of them. Mason took Scum Kang's shoulder and, with a slightly drunk tone, whispered:"Sorry, I still had a trick up my sleeve. Come, let me show you."

After speaking, the young man dropped his glass and climbed down from the luggage box, leaving Constantine in astonishment. However, this scene that could scare ordinary people could not shake Constantine.

He was knowledgeable and knew that this was a spatial item, just like the mysterious house of the Zha family.

Constantine sneered, still cautious in his semi-drunken state, and drew a rune under his feet that could emergency teleport him back before following into the luggage box.

After he went in, the box closed with a click.

Kite-Man walked into the private room and picked up the luggage box, returning to the top-floor office and hiding it in a secret compartment.

At this time, in the internal space of the magic luggage box, Shazam descended down the retractable ladder and saw a beautiful woman in a black tight-fitting suit with a good figure and a dance mask sitting on the sofa on the top floor at a glance.

She was shaking a large glass of brightly colored cocktail, as charming as a dance queen.

When Constantine walked in with a confident smile, Selina let out a magnetic laughter. She got up like a fairy, sipped the liquid in her glass, and then handed it to Shazam. She whispered in his ear:

"Drink it, sister will show you heaven..."

"I've been to heaven, it's not that interesting. It's not even one percent as charming as you."

Constantine grinned and reached out to hold the "meal" in front of him, and followed Selina step by step towards the wall on the top floor in a face-to-face dance.

There was a door there used as a "decoration".

In the process, Shazam tilted his head back and drank the cocktail mixed with a whole bottle of euphoric agent in the glass, showing off his charm.

He finished the drink.

The joy in his heart made him whistle and thank the upcoming beautiful and decadent night in his life.

While Catwoman was using her superb fishing technique to "play" with Shazam, Mason, who was standing on the side with a smile, put the black energy stone into the cat's eye groove of the world gate and pressed down two scales on the brass door handle.

The moment he let go, he snapped his fingers.

Selina raised a finger to stop Shazam's lips from kissing hers, and then pushed her hand against the chest of the black mage, pressing him against the door on the wall.

"Sister is expensive, little magic rogue."

Catwoman took off her mask and stared at Shazam, whose face had turned pale, and said:

"Don't be rude, or my strong boyfriend will beat you up."

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