The Dawn Trail in the World of American Comics

Chapter 51: At least one must be taken down!


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The rolling door of Mason's small shop was pulled open, revealing the small store in front of Poison Ivy.

Harley, familiar with this place, led her patient and good friend inside. She felt that she would be living here for a long time, so she took the initiative to pick up a vacuum cleaner and started cleaning the two floors.

To be honest, Mason originally opened this small shop to make himself look like a normal person and have a place to stay, but he rarely stayed here.

In fact, ever since he had the vitality potion, Mason hadn't slept for a long time.

At this moment, he stood outside the shop, looking at the crime alley behind him. This area was already one of the chaotic sources in Gotham City, especially during tonight's chaos.

There were still remnants of burning ashes on the street, and several nearby shops had fallen victim to the "zero-dollar purchase."

However, not far away, there was a large group of people tied to the lampposts. Judging from their bruised and unconscious appearance, it seemed that a certain superhero had "passed by" and cleaned up the place.


Mason's old-fashioned phone, given to him by Alfred, vibrated in his pocket. He took it out and answered the call, hearing the low voice of Kite-Man.

"Boss, it seems like Sandstorm is done for."

"Hmm? Seems like?"

Mason raised an eyebrow and asked, "Tell me more."

"I was gliding in the sky and saw him being trapped by Green Arrow and Batman with some kind of magnetic weapon. In a situation where he couldn't break free, he was punched through by Flash's lightning-fast punch.

Then he detonated some kind of bomb, turning the entire block into a desert-like scene. He himself turned into a sand sculpture and collapsed with a gust of wind.

Now Green Arrow is cleaning up the battlefield, and Flash is helping Commissioner Gordon maintain order in the city. The National Guard nearby is about to enter the city.

Batman seemed to have urgent matters and left first."

Kite-Man recounted what he saw in a tone of watching a spectacle.

Mason pursed his lips, feeling somewhat relieved but also thinking that Sandstorm didn't seem like a reckless person. He felt that this matter might not be over yet.

So he said to Kite-Man, "Come to my cabin first. Leave the Iceberg Lounge for now. We'll go back after all this is over."

"I have to go see my son first, boss."

Kite-Man apologized, "I left him in Poison Ivy's secret base before I left. There are many people she saved there. I'll come to your place in the morning."


Mason had no objections to this.

He knew that for Charles now, his teenage son was his lifeline.

After finishing the communication with Kite-Man, Mason returned to the basement of the shop and started making a batch of "treatment kits" for Poison Ivy, including soothing agents, joy-inducing agents, and sedatives.

He also asked Poison Ivy why these potions had a much better effect on her than others.

Poison Ivy speculated that it might be because of her closer connection to nature, so these potions, which did not contain modern chemical ingredients and were closer to the essence of nature, could produce several times the healing effect on her and last longer than on ordinary people.

This phenomenon made Mason very curious.

He planned to find a way to study Poison Ivy's unique physique when he had free time, perhaps it could also be a breakthrough for him in alchemy.

Poison Ivy watched the entire alchemy process in the basement, showing great interest in the ancient knowledge displayed by Mason, and he was happy to teach her.

But Ivy didn't have a "Personal Manufacturing Industry Cheat" system, and just understanding the basic formulas of alchemy took her a long time.

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The combination and effectiveness of various herbs were even more complicated.

However, her ability to accelerate the growth of plants made her very suitable to be in charge of the magic medicine field that the K-Squad was preparing. After seeing Ivy miraculously ripen a batch of horseshoe grass seeds to sprout in ten minutes, Mason's gaze towards Poison Ivy became even more intense.

He had already started seriously considering the possibility of recruiting Ivy.

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"Mason, there's a guest."

Harley's slightly panicked voice came from outside the door, interrupting Mason's alchemy teaching to Poison Ivy.

He raised an eyebrow and got up, walking towards the exit of the basement, still thinking about who would visit his small shop at this dawn. When he reached the first floor and looked, he recognized the person.

Oh, it's an acquaintance.

"Hey, Mason."

The Flash, wearing a red tight suit and yellow boots, held a cup of coffee and leaned casually on the counter of Cooper's shop, greeting the young man in a friendly manner.

Next to him, Harley was trying to take a selfie with the Flash, clearly very interested in this superhero.

"Batman asked me to retrieve that extremely dangerous thing from you."

The Flash took a sip of coffee and took a photo with Harley, then he explained to Mason:

"It's not that I don't trust you, but I have to take it to a safer place."

"That's understandable."

Mason didn't show any dissatisfaction.

He and The Flash walked outside the small shop and took out the biological virus missile from his magic briefcase, saying:

"Even if you didn't come, I would have contacted you proactively. This thing has exceeded the limits of my engineering and alchemy.

It's really dangerous.

Especially the seven bio-weapon warheads inside."

The young man solemnly tapped the long and gray missile beside him and said to The Flash:

"My knowledge of alchemy tells me that once this thing leaks, it will cause a terrible disaster, maybe even the top superheroes like you won't be able to resist.

I know you take it seriously, but I hope you take it even more seriously."

"Well, we will."

The Flash nodded.

He put his hand on this cold weapon and, before activating his unscientific super speed to leave, he suddenly turned his head to Mason and said:

"I just met Mr. Lucius, and he told me that the zombie virus vaccine sent by the Str Laboratory was a great success, but I know it's only a semi-finished product, someone helped them in secret.

Mason, can you tell me how you did it?"

The Flash asked with great interest:

"How did you come up with adjusting the composition ratio of the vaccine to make it more effective? To be honest, I also participated in the development of that vaccine sample, maybe we can exchange ideas in this regard?"

"Well, I don't think it's possible."

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Mason looked at The Flash strangely.

He took out his irregularly shaped gray philosopher's stone and said to The Flash:

"I used the ancient wisdom of alchemy.

This philosopher's stone can extract all kinds of potion-like items. All I did was put it into your medicine sample and wait for ten minutes, and it will inject 'magical power' into the medicine.

So, the successful development of the vaccine has nothing to do with me.

My friend, you! You are the true hero, The Flash."

"But you provided this crucial transformation material, even though it does sound unscientific."

The Flash stared at the gray philosopher's stone in Mason's hand. The young man smiled and handed the philosopher's stone, which had only two uses left, to The Flash, saying:

"Take it for research, don't be shy, this city owes you. If you really make a breakthrough, remember to share the results with me."

"Haha, deal."

The Flash laughed.

This young man, who is known as the "Harmonious Duo" with Green Lantern, waved his hand casually to Mason and then, with a swoosh, he disappeared along with the biological missile at the side of the crime alley.

He also took away the small gangsters and criminals who were knocked out and tied up by Green Arrow and sent them back to where they belonged.

"The power of super speed..."

Mason watched The Flash disappear and said with some longing:

"If I could replicate this ability, even if it's just running at supersonic speed... sigh, dreams really have everything."

He shook his head and turned back to the small shop, telling Harley, who was dozing off behind the counter, to take a rest, and then he lowered the rolling shutter to make more potions before going to work.

The city has just experienced a chaotic night, and Leslie's clinic will definitely be busy today.

Mason doesn't want to miss this great opportunity to practice emergency medical skills.


"Cough cough"

In the forest outside Gotham, Talia, who had escaped from death, was dragged out of the water by a pair of strong arms while coughing.

She had been hiding in the water for nearly three hours to avoid the bat drones hovering nearby, but for an assassin master who had been stabbed three times by her rival, it was still unbearable torture.

She had started to have a high fever and was weak all over, unable to exert any strength.

Fortunately, she had a companion by her side.

Red Hood, also known as Jason Todd, was in a much better condition than Talia.

He didn't suffer serious injuries when escaping from Arkham, although he was severely beaten by the master.

He took Talia into a cave, made a fire, and took out the medicine he carried to treat her.

Because of the wetness, the whole process could be described as "intimate", but Jason Todd remained expressionless throughout, even when administering first aid to Talia, he remained very restrained.

He seemed to have no interest in this charming and alluring woman in front of him.

When dawn arrived, Talia finally regained consciousness.

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The aftereffects of the high fever still made her weak, but as the master of the League of Assassins and the daughter of the Demon's Head, her physical fitness far surpassed ordinary people and even touched the threshold of "superhuman."

As long as it's not a fatal injury, she will recover after a few days of rest.

Talia, wrapped in a tattered cloak, sat up and saw Jason Todd sitting by the campfire.

This young man no longer had the madness and anger he had when he confronted the master before. He sat by the bonfire in a daze, staring straight at the flickering flames in front of him.

It seemed that he no longer cared about everything around him.

"Do you want to leave here with me?"

Talia coughed a few times and asked.

Jason didn't answer. The master assassin spoke again:

"Returning to South Dard is the best choice for your current situation, Jason. Although my father is dead, he is immortal. Just wait patiently and he will be reborn in the Lazarus Pit to continue leading us.

Jason, this failure is just..."

"Our cooperation is over."

Jason said coldly:

"We agreed on this before! I didn't save you because I wanted to convey goodwill to the Assassin's League, but because between us... forget it, that's not a good thing.

Rest here, I'm leaving soon, don't come looking for me again!

Your people will bear the consequences if they dare to approach me!"

Talia frowned at this answer.

She said coldly:

"We brought you back to life, Jason. You will never be able to repay this favor! You have the mark of the assassins on you, and you will always be one of us."

"Just like Batman?"

Jason sneered and said:

"He also has your mark on him! But he shattered all your arrogant illusions just a few hours ago.

Talia, you are just a group of losers. Perhaps you were once glorious, but after the rise of Batman, you have never won even a single victory against him!

I warned you before, those outsiders are not good partners.

They are only using you to achieve their goals. Even a young man like me can see the truth. Your father, who has lived for nearly nine centuries, is kept in the dark.

The fact proves that the foresight Batman taught me is much more useful than what you taught me."

"Ah, Jason..."

Talia sighed and said:

"You think you have seen the whole truth, but in fact, you still don't understand anything.

Forget it, if you want to leave, then leave. You will continue to entangle with that man in Gotham. I see loneliness and abandonment in your eyes.

The more you hate him, the more you desire him.

You are such a greedy and pitiful child.

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But I have something to ask of you, not as the master of the Assassin's League, but as Talia. Before I return to this city, I hope you can secretly take care of my son for me.

Damian has returned to his father's embrace.

This was also something I had been planning. Fate has brought us to this point, and I will not try to change it."

"Batman will change him!"

Jason stood up and said:

"Just like he changed me. Your son will eventually choose to leave you, Talia. Because you, who are cold-blooded, are not a qualified mother."

"A fledgling bird must learn to fly alone. If he has the ability to break free from me, it only means that my son has grown up and is even more outstanding than I imagined.

I will only leave sadness to myself and bless my son to achieve great things in this world."

The master assassin smiled, remained silent for a few seconds, and said to Jason:

"Do you want to hug me? Jason, this may be the last time we are alone together."

"That's enough!"

Jason gritted his teeth and took a few steps back.

Looking at the woman with long hair in front of him, he said firmly:

"Forget about those things! That was something that shouldn't have happened under the confusion and chaos of my rebirth! You are Damian's mother, Bruce's lover...

I shouldn't have done that!"


Talia laughed meaningfully a few times and said:

"You see Batman as your father, so in terms of my relationship with him, I am also your... Jason, you are really a young man who says one thing and means another. I still remember that night when you called for your mother in my arms, helpless like a stubborn little bird that never grows up.

Well, don't look at me with so much anger.

I won't tease you anymore.

Tell me, what are you going to do next?

I see endless anger in your eyes. It seems that you have transferred your hatred to another person. Forgive me for speaking frankly, but making such a choice right after experiencing a failure doesn't seem wise."

"Mason Cooper!"

The Crimson Knight didn't hide it and said:

"He ruined my confrontation with Bruce. He took away the power to execute the Joker from me. He destroyed my carefully planned revenge!

Grayson, Tim, Barbara...

They are all members of the Bat family, but Mason is not!"He had no reason to get involved in this matter, but he still came crashing in and disrupted it. This account must be settled, and this is my new plan."

After saying that, Jason Todd left several weapons in the cave and turned to face the dawn, disappearing into the woods.

Meanwhile, Talia rested for a few minutes and, after confirming that Jason had left, picked up the communication device he had left behind. Like a cunning fox, the master assassin dialed a number on it and patiently waited.

After a dozen seconds, the call connected.


Mason's voice echoed through the communicator, and Talia, stroking her long hair, said:

"Mason Cooper, I want to make a deal with you!"

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