The Dawn Trail in the World of American Comics

Chapter 52: If you an't beat Batman, then yo

Mason arrived at the Leslie Clinic on time during working hours and changed into a nurse's gown to start his busy work.

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When the late Leslie doctor arrived at the clinic, this overly diligent young intern had already helped more than a dozen patients with simple wound suturing surgeries.

He even used the spare operating room, and several experienced nurses volunteered to be his assistants.

This scene left Dr. Leslie dumbfounded.

This young man she personally recruited to the clinic always brought her great surprises. Seeing Mason in the operating room wearing a mask and holding a surgical knife, no one would know that he was an unlicensed alchemist.

But even the strict and serious Dr. Leslie had to admit that Mason was truly professional in his field of expertise.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to gain such a great reputation in his clinic in such a short period of time.

The group of nurses almost treated this tall and handsome young man with kindness and kindness as their idol and mascot.

"I feel like I don't need to come anymore."

When Mason walked out of the operating room after completing another emergency suturing, Dr. Leslie, wearing a doctor's uniform, said with a sigh:

"Maybe in a few months, I can stay in the office and enjoy my life... Mason, if I remember correctly, I have already fired you!"

"That's right, you will pay me one less salary."

Mason took off his mask and said with a playful smile:

"But you can't stop me from wanting to help people in need for free. This is what Batman taught me. I can make this city a better place with my own hands.

Besides, my emergency skills are getting more and more proficient, so you can relax a bit.

Commissioner Gordon has invited you three times in the past half month. Maybe you should take some time to savor and enjoy the beauty of love. I mean, you should at least give that infatuated old man a chance, right?"

"Shut up, you annoying guy!"

The cold-faced doctor pushed her glasses and said to Mason:

"There are many patients who were injured last night in the emergency room. You go and take care of those minor injuries. I'll take care of the emergency room. Also! I want to taste the Provencal fish soup for lunch."


Mason stood at attention and saluted, then walked out and turned back to the smiling Dr. Leslie:

"Doctor, if it's not too much trouble, I would like to borrow the clinic's pharmacology laboratory in the afternoon. There are a few medicinal solutions that require professional equipment that I need to make here.

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I promise I won't break anything."


A bunch of keys were thrown over, and Dr. Leslie said with a cold face:

"Those instruments were donated by the Wayne family. They are very expensive. If you break them, you'll have to figure out how to compensate!"

Mason shrugged while holding the keys.

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It's actually quite nice to have such a boss with a cold face but warm heart.

But the phone call just now was a bit annoying. He didn't know when Talia Al Ghul got his contact information, but there was no doubt that leaking this private number was as unpredictable as telecom fraud.

"Mason, come quickly. The emergency room has brought in a burn patient! We need your magical ointment."

Front desk nurse Wendy ran over and shouted at Mason.

The evil alchemist's eyes lit up. The burn ointment he just made this morning had another tester. This is really great.

After brushing up on emergency skills all morning and using his level 2 cooking skills to serve today's special dish, Provencal fish soup, to the doctors and nurses for lunch, Mason took advantage of the lunch break to go to the pharmacology laboratory on the fourth floor of the clinic.

Usually, this place is used to urgently test the blood components of poisoned patients, but because the Leslie Clinic has the Wayne family as a major sponsor, the "luxury" level of this laboratory is no less than that of Wayne Industries' medical department laboratory.

Basically, all the medical instruments available on the market can be found here. There are even three high-speed centrifuges just for liquid stratification...

Mason rubbed his hands, locked the door, and then opened the window and dialed a number.

A few minutes later, the Kite Man appeared in the sky and landed on the balcony on the fourth floor, handing a black briefcase to Mason through the window.

He said:

"It's not easy to get these things. The old man in that bar shop had a really bad attitude! If I hadn't mentioned your name, he would have almost kicked me out."

"That's a shop specifically for spellcasters. They don't serve ordinary people."

Mason opened the briefcase and glanced at the various ingredients inside. He nodded and said to Kite Man outside the window:

"Go to Wayne Manor and find Selina to get the invisibility cloak, then wait near Crime Alley tonight. I received information that a dangerous guy is planning to attack me."

"Who dares to provoke us in Gotham now?!"

Kite Man suddenly became angry and said:

"I'll go there now and set up. I'll blow up that idiot who doesn't know what's good for him tonight!"

"Be careful not to be followed."

Mason reminded:

"That guy is really dangerous. Next time, let John make a few needle holders for you guys too. We are attracting more and more people, and it's really giving me a headache.

Are the vaccines ready?"

"Don't worry, boss."

Kite Man pulled down his V-shaped mask and said:

"I rented a dedicated cold storage to store them. There are only two days left until the agreed "delivery time" with those pirates. We have to hurry. Is John still not coming this time?"

"He wants to avoid the Star City meeting. It's better not to show up here for now."

Mason looked at the time and made a gesture to Kite Man.The latter nodded and jumped off the fourth floor. After the kite opened, it quickly glided and disappeared into the gloomy sky of Gotham.

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The young man closed the window and processed the materials brought by the kite man. Then, for the first time, he used modern technology to fuse and further produce them.

The reason he didn't use alchemy was because the two things he was going to make today were quite unique.

The fear gas of the Scarecrow and the neurotoxin of the Joker.

Both of these things had complete formulas in Mason's alchemy branch. Mason originally planned to try them out in a few days when he had free time, but Talia's reminder, for some reason, let him know about the attack of the Crimson Knight.

So Mason decided to temporarily enhance his equipment.

The difficulty of making things like fear gas lies in the need for professional instruments during production.

Compared with alchemical potions, it didn't require much personal skill. It could be made according to the standard industrial process of modern chemistry. As long as the materials were good enough, the things produced would definitely be good.

The Joker toxin was a bit more complicated.

But the instruments in Dr. Leslie's clinic were enough to make it.

However, after Mason's alchemy skill reached Level 4, he also received "improvement suggestions" about these two things when unlocking their formulas.

Obviously, in the evaluation of the character card, both of these things belonged to the category of "not perfect enough."

Mason used enchanting techniques to process all the materials that could be enchanted, in order to improve the quality of the finished products. He had developed this habit and would enchant the raw materials in advance in every attempt of alchemy. This made Mason's enchanting skill improve almost like a rocket during this period of time.

Finally, today was the day!

"Completed one excellent craftsmanship·temporary enchantment processing of raw materials, enchanting skill proficiency increased by X5, currently at Level 1. Basic combat enchantment blueprint unlocked."


Mason whistled.

An hour and a half later, as the liquid vaporizer was turned off, Mason obtained a fist-sized silver-gray small gas canister as the finished product.

He placed this thing in front of him, and the information label quickly popped up:

Scarecrow's fear gas

Quality: Excellent alchemical item·excellent craftsmanship

Item effect: Releases gas that stimulates the brain secretions of surrounding life, causing them to enter a state of "fear" and "hallucinations." The duration of this effect is related to the target's willpower.

When used in large quantities, it will cause irreversible damage to the target's mentality.

Creator: Mason Cooper

Item description: A good companion for haunted house tours, couple entertainment, and watching horror movies.

Successfully completed one excellent craftsmanship·excellent quality alchemical compound production, alchemy skill proficiency increased by X10.

Mason shook the gas canister in his hand vigorously and then took out the penguin umbrella to put it into the delicate mechanical box.

This umbrella had been severely damaged before.

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Now, in Mason's transformation and repair, most of its functions had been restored. Even the bulletproof umbrella surface was remade with Batman's high molecular polymer cape material.

Mason planned to take some time before leaving work to replace the handle of the umbrella with Mark Zeus's lightning wand. In this way, the umbrella lost its shooting function but gained the ability to throw out high-voltage currents.

The penguin man, who was already in heaven, would probably be very pleased to see his masterpiece being transformed by Mason, a Level 3 engineer, into this "lethal weapon," right?

As for why Mason had to keep this umbrella, the reason was simple.

Although he now had various deadly weapons to choose from, he couldn't always carry a burst hunting rifle when he appeared as an ordinary person, right?

There had to be a weapon that could be used in "normal form."

Before the end of the break time, Mason made five gas canisters of fear gas as backups and also made a bottle of Joker toxin.

This thing was indeed something Zhou Kuo'er used to harm people.

When it was extracted into liquid, its color was an ominous dark green-black, full of deadly poison at first glance.

Joker toxin

Quality: Fine alchemical item·excellent quality

Item effect: Depending on the dosage used, it can cause five different effects: "mental confusion," "fear and confusion," "irritability and madness," "pathological madness," and "lethal smile." This item is highly toxic and can cause irreversible mental damage to the target even in small amounts.

This item can be spread on a large scale through heating and vaporization.

Creator: Mason Cooper

Item description: It is sweet, just like the chaotic delicacy you can taste when you decide to completely abandon reason after a bad day.

Successfully completed one excellent craftsmanship·fine quality alchemical compound production, alchemy skill proficiency increased by X20.

"This thing can be considered a new trump card. When encountering trouble, just throw it out. There's no need to clean up the battlefield, clean and hygienic."

Mason carefully put the dark green liquid into his bag, and then cleaned the laboratory before returning to his workstation.

He had a really fulfilling day today, thanks to the chaos caused by the Assassin League in Gotham City, which made Mason predict that the clinic would be very "lively" for the next few days.

Before leaving work, he used magic fire and engineering skills to polish and assemble Mark Zeus's lightning wand, and replaced it on the penguin umbrella. With this, Mason's renovation of the umbrella was basically completed.

It was still a fine quality creation, but the craftsmanship had entered the category of outstanding craftsmanship.

Mason planned to thoroughly study Mr. Freeze's freeze gun blueprint next, and then add freezing function to this umbrella. As for the flamethrower, it could be removed.

Mason could completely replace the flamethrower device with alchemical bombs. That was the next stage of his in-depth research in the fusion field of engineering and alchemy.

In the evening, Mason, who had changed back into his gray trench coat, carried a suitcase and walked out of the clinic with a black umbrella with a gold handle.The ghostly weather started to rain again. Fortunately, Mason had an umbrella and gentlemanly escorted the nurse, Wendy, to the opposite side of the street before she got into a taxi and left. Then he walked towards the direction of Crime Alley.

By the way, that cute nurse seemed to be very proactive in striking up conversations with him lately...

This doesn't seem to be going well.

As a guy who looks 17 but has a soul that's already in his thirties, Mason is no longer as enthusiastic about matters of the heart as young people are.

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Even though his healthy body tells him every day that he needs it.

But his soul says no!

"A good girl deserves a real good man. I'm just a poor guy with secrets all over me, always unlucky enough to get involved with the Black Mask Organization."

Mason walked into the silent and dark Crime Alley under the rain, holding a bag of garbage, seemingly ready to throw it into the trash can.

After about ten seconds, when Mason turned around, at the entrance of Crime Alley, under the pouring rain, there was a guy wearing a hobo cloak standing there.

Silent, like a ghost.

There were two black guns inserted at his waist, and his thin cheeks, exposed under the umbrella, bore some resemblance to Mason.

"Jason Todd."

The young man looked at the unexpected guest and said in a low voice:

"We shouldn't have any personal grudges, right? You don't go to Wayne Manor to bother Bruce, so why are you blocking me here? You hate those young people who took your Robin identity, but I refused Bruce's recruitment.

I'm not interested in becoming Robin."

"You killed the Joker."

Jason's hand gripped the gun at his waist, and he said coldly:

"He was my prey!"

"Sigh, it's really hard to reason with you young people with serious family issues!"

Mason complained:

"You always force the people you care about to make stupid choices to prove your position in their hearts. But you, young and impulsive, can't understand that every time you force them, you push them away from you.

It's like a flying knife stuck in their hearts, causing cracks to appear.

Oh, by the way.

I have something to ask you."

The young man coughed, put away his umbrella, let the cold raindrops hit his black hair, and looked at Jason. He moved his fingers and his tone turned cold.

He said:

"Are you intentionally using Barbara? Or was it just an accident that she was taken back to the base by Grayson?"

"What difference does it make?"

Jason pulled out two guns and walked towards Mason.

He asked in the rain.

Mason shrugged, his fingers holding the umbrella's mechanism, and answered in a gentle tone:

"Of course, it makes a difference, and a big one. This answer will directly determine whether you'll be dragged out of this alley lying down or be shoveled out with a shovel...

So, answer seriously, Jason Todd."

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