The Dawn Trail in the World of American Comics

Chapter 54: Sharing a se ret with you itself

Mason was sent to Dr. Leslie's clinic, and his arrival startled the doctor who was on night duty.

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Mainly because the numerous wounds all over Mason's body looked terrifying, and the blood-soaked clothes made him look like he had been through a grinder.

But in reality, those injuries were all superficial.

Apart from a slight weakness from blood loss, Mason was fine.

However, for the sake of his employee's health, the doctor with a cold face and warm heart still requested Mason to stay in the clinic for observation overnight.

He was assigned to the same ward he stayed in last time. Even though it was raining heavily and Batman had to go out for his nightly patrol, the ward soon became empty with only Mason left.

The first few hours were fine, but in the later part of the night, Mason started feeling extremely uncomfortable in his stomach, which quickly developed into symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea.

But he didn't bother Dr. Leslie.

He knew what was going on.

"Damn rejection reaction..."

Mason stayed in the bathroom, vomiting several times, making his pale face reflected in the mirror.

Earlier, in Crime Alley, in order to quickly end the battle with Jason Todd, he used the "Purge" Legion Enhancer he found in the Headmaster's Office at Hogwarts.

The label clearly stated that various negative reactions would occur after injection.

At this moment, the young man was only grateful that he didn't draw the worst negative effect after experiencing the feeling of being a "weakened Wolverine".

As an alchemist, he had a precise understanding of his own physical condition.

The current vomiting and diarrhea were just the process of his body expelling harmful substances. In terms of the strengthening effect of the unicorn blood he drank last night at Arkham Asylum, he would recover his health in a few hours at most.

He definitely couldn't sleep now.

So Mason sat on the toilet and took out the enhancer he had injected once before, using the light in the bathroom to examine it.

He looked at the delicate integrated syringe in his hand, recalling the scene of himself "transforming twice" and bloodily slaughtering as the Crimson Knight in Crime Alley.

After injecting this enhancer, he almost immediately gained various abilities of Wolverine Logan.

Jason's two magic knives stabbed his heart several times, but they didn't cause any harm. His heart completed self-healing the moment the blades left his body.

And those sharp bone claws that popped out of his fists, they felt like weapons connected to his flesh and blood. Every swing could bring terrifying damage to Jason.

The most powerful ability was the "Beast Instinct" bestowed upon him during the effectiveness of the enhancer.

That kind of combat instinct that allowed him to sense the enemy's malice and attack methods in intense battles and make corresponding adjustments, made Mason feel like he had turned into a killing machine.

Every time Jason swung his knife, he knew where the knife would strike. Every time he dodged, he instinctively attacked Jason's weakest point. And with his blood and the enemy's blood flowing, this beast instinct could even enter a frenzy similar to "blood rage".

Apart from temporarily losing his sanity, this thing had no weaknesses.

But even losing sanity would make a person with beast instinct more dangerous, just like an injured lone wolf.

"If I can weaken this side effect..."

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Mason stared at the enhancer in his hand, which had changed to "2/3" in terms of usage. His interest in this alchemical compound that could change the tide of battle in a short period of time became even stronger.

This thing was marked that after reaching Level 4 in alchemy, one could attempt to analyze the basic enhancement blueprint. Now Mason happened to meet this condition, and he had personally tried it.

This allowed him to already grasp a part of the basic formula after recovering from the enhanced state.

"This thing is for commanders. Its adverse reactions should have been suppressed to the point of being harmless to the human body. But since there is a model for commanders to use, there must be drugs for ordinary soldiers and cannon fodder.

And this 'Purge' Legion..."

Mason tried to dismantle the syringe in his hand. With his current engineering skills, it was not difficult to do so. As he disassembled it, he thought:

"It is already certain that this legion has destroyed various important areas of the Hogwarts world. But if the zombie virus is spread by the Star Society, it means that there must be a cooperative relationship between these two organizations.

Maybe the Star Society first messes up the world, and then the Purge enters to clean up the designated areas. From Mr. Potter's diary, it is not difficult to find that some of these Purge members possess powerful combat capabilities.

The Ministry of Magic in Britain was even destroyed by one person.

But among them, there are also people who need to use this enhancer to gain combat power to fight against elite Aurors. The difference in combat power is really huge."

The young man complained:"It's like mixing a Tyrannosaurus rex with a caterpillar... Hmm? Wait, maybe that's exactly it!"

A flash of inspiration crossed Mason's mind.

He continued to ponder his thoughts and thought to himself:

"The members of the Star Alliance come from parallel worlds, and the members of the Exploration Team are also selected from various worlds. If the composition of this Cleaner Legion is the same as that of the Star Alliance, then perhaps they are also a combination of warriors from multiple worlds when they go into action.

Just like what Mr. Sandstorm said about the 'subsidiary worlds of the Star Alliance.' It's normal for such a large organization to control a legion that can be enslaved and manipulated, just like Darksaid and his new gods, who are powerful but still need a large number of cannon fodder demons to help them conquer the world.

Speaking of which, the Justice League failed to eliminate the Assassin League at the last moment, allowing the 'extremely dangerous' source zombie virus to spread. Perhaps this world will also become a wasteland like the end of the world."


The sound interrupted Mason's thoughts about the Star Alliance and the Cleaner. The delicate integrated syringe had been dismantled.

Inside was a small bottle filled with enhancer liquid, with two-thirds of its contents remaining.

"This is enough for me to deduce the complete formula."

Mason carefully examined the small bottle filled with pure liquid in front of him. He decided to make it an important task for his alchemy progress.

The configuration of other potions should be done gradually, but this one, which can immediately enhance the combat effectiveness of Team K, must be mastered as soon as possible.

Just imagine, if he could replicate this medicine, he could make Kite Man grow real wings, turn Catwoman into an immortal goddess of war, and even allow Scarecrow to gain the ability to control dangerous energy in a short period of time.

All members of Team K would have a magnificent "second transformation," even though it only lasted for thirty minutes and had various adverse reactions.

But it would be enough to save their lives in critical moments.

This bright prospect made Mason nod in satisfaction. He put away the solution in a vial and took out the phoenix egg from his suitcase.

He had only had this thing for a few days and hadn't even had time to examine it carefully.

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Now that he had some free time, he took it out and examined it closely. However, he couldn't feel any signs of life inside the eggshell, and he couldn't even hear any sound of yolk or egg liquid when he shook it next to his ear.

"Could it be dead?"

Mason furrowed his brows and thought for a moment. He tapped the eggshell and heard a deep sound.

He also saw on the information label of this thing that using flames could shorten the time for this phoenix to be reborn through Nirvana, so he decided to give it a try.

The young man pulled up his pants and walked out of the bathroom, searching for a lighter. After a few seconds, he realized and shook his head, extending his left hand to hold the giant phoenix egg.

Magic fire, ignite!

The flame of magical power ignited by the "Power Blessing" from a devil jumped and burned on his fingertips, crawling along the outline of the eggshell.

The burning quickly covered the entire egg.

Under Mason's gaze, after being covered by the magical flame, this motionless egg began to vibrate strangely, as if it sensed the delicious flame and took a "deep breath" after a few seconds of preparation.

The young man felt a tremendous attraction bursting out from the eggshell.

Not only did it devour the magic fire he had ignited, but it also extracted his energy in return, continuously generating magical flames and enveloping itself.

It seemed to enjoy being surrounded by this magical fire.

But Mason was suffering.

He usually used magic fire to smelt ores or perform alchemy, which required extremely delicate manipulation. How could he have such a wild experience of "arson"?

Being reverse-extracted by the magic fire quickly made Mason feel weak. After ten seconds, he even felt dizzy standing in place.


Mason fiercely threw away the greedy phoenix egg. This action made him sit on the ground, panting for breath.

The fatigue on his cheeks felt as if it had been drained.

The good news was that the egg of the legendary creature was not so fragile. It didn't break even when it was thrown on the ground, but instead rolled all the way to the window.

The bad news was that Mason was weakened to the point where he couldn't stand up for a while.

And there was even a negative effect of "Energy Weakness" added to his character card's status bar, indicating that he couldn't summon magic fire for the next twenty-four hours.

Of course, among the bad news, there was also a second piece of good news:

Successfully completing a massive magic fire summoning increased the proficiency of the Craftsman's Flame Manipulation skill to Level 2, and unlocked the mysterious side talent of "Craftsman's Flame Shaping."This talent allows the user to consume more energy to complete complex shaping when using magic fire to smelt small metal parts.

"Well, it's not a loss, but I really don't want to experience this feeling again."

Mason lay on the floor for several minutes before he recovered. He got up weakly and walked to the window to pick up his phoenix egg. He found that the terrifying over one hundred years needed for its rebirth had been shortened by five years after absorbing the magic fire just now.

It seems that this magical flame is more "nutritious" than ordinary flames, huh?

But the problem is, Mason can't stand this way of drawing. He can only find other ways to satisfy this "big eater" later.

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Feeling exhausted by the egg, Mason planned to climb onto the bed and rest for a while. However, before he could close his eyes, he heard the sound of the window opening.

The young man immediately grabbed a fruit knife from the bedside table and opened his eyes to take a look.

Batman was entering the ward through the window in the dark night.

There were still water stains on his cloak and battle suit left by the rainy night, indicating that the master was ready to finish his night patrol and go off duty.

"The door is over there!"

Mason sat up from the bed and pointed to the door of the ward, yawning. The master didn't pay attention to this unique humor. He just looked at the exhaustion and weakness that Mason couldn't hide on his face.

It seems that Jason did beat him quite badly, which made the master feel guilty.

It's all because he didn't educate that child Jason well...

"I'm going to tell you something, Mason."

The master stood by the bedside, not turning on the light but habitually hiding in the shadows. He used his signature hoarse voice to say to Mason, who was sitting on the bed:

"It's time for me to tell you everything related to you. The truth may make you feel uncomfortable, but sooner or later, you will have to face it."

This opening made Mason raise his eyebrows.

Looking at the master's serious look, Mason probably guessed what he was going to say, so the young man put on a serious listening expression.

Batman took out a very old document from his pocket and threw it in front of Mason. The young man glanced at him, turned on the bedside table lamp, and opened the document under the faint light.

The cover was the adoption record of Gotham Orphanage.

As expected, the content inside was about the legal proof of Mason's adoption when he was one year old, but the adoptive parents were not Mason's biological parents. Instead, it was a name he had never heard of.

"You are not Robert Cooper and Elsa Cooper's biological child, Mason.

When I contacted you, I asked Alfred to investigate your background to verify your identity. Unexpectedly, he discovered this secret."

The master looked at the young man who lowered his head and said nothing. He said:

"Gotham Orphanage had many omissions in its documents before it was taken over and relocated by the Wayne Foundation. I only found this one when I went to search.

On the night you were adopted, there was a car accident on the road with the car carrying you. At that time, Robert Cooper, a senior member of the Penguin Gang, happened to pass by and took you away from the scene of the accident. Then, with the help of the Penguin, a series of official connections were established to make you officially become the foster child of that gang member."

Mason had already learned this secret from the Penguin, but now he had to pretend that he was hearing it for the first time in order to avoid exposing his whereabouts in Blackgate Prison.

He lowered his head and held the edge of the document with trembling hands. Obviously, he was suppressing a great shock and a sense of confusion.

After several minutes, he raised his head under the fluorescent light of the desk lamp and looked at Batman in front of him with slightly red eyes. He pursed his lips and said softly:

"Then... why did they abandon me? I mean... my biological... my... mother, why did she... I'm sorry, I..."

"It's okay, you can cry."

Batman maintained his indifferent posture.

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But his tone softened a lot.

He looked at the young man sitting on the bed in front of him.

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This was an orphan...

Hmm, just like himself.

The only difference was that Mason lost his parents when he was young, while his own parents accompanied him until he was eight... Anyway, a magical feeling rose in the master's heart.

He felt that Mason was at an important stage in his life after learning the truth about his identity.

Perhaps, this boy who learned the truth about his origins needed the right guidance from himself?

So that he wouldn't repeat Jason's mistakes...

"I have also been investigating your biological parents, but unfortunately, so far, I haven't found any valuable information."

The master said, which immediately caused Mason's dissatisfaction.

The young man clenched the document in his hand and gritted his teeth, saying:"Gotham Orphanage was taken over by the Wayne Foundation ten years ago. All the files and information are in your hands, Bruce. How is it possible that you haven't found anything?

Am I some kind of villain's child? So you can't tell me the truth?

Do you still not trust me? After I helped you defeat the League of Assassins and find your son! Am I still someone who needs to be doubted?"

"Mason, calm down."

Master shook his head and explained:

"I haven't hidden any information from you. All the files from the year you were adopted by Gotham Orphanage were destroyed in a fire.

Obviously, someone doesn't want us to know your true identity, and you should know what that means, Mason.

You have a hidden past.

And those shadows may come back to find you one day.

In fact, I suspect that the capture and knowledge imparted to you by the 'Three-Headed Dog' are related to your origins. That witch who is obsessed with collecting evil souls may not be as simple as she seems."

"Yeah, she's definitely not simple."

Mason almost burst out laughing in his heart, but he had to maintain a sorrowful expression on the surface.

A few seconds later, Master walked to the bedside and said very seriously:

"Mason, would you reconsider becoming Robin? You can become one of us, and we will protect you as we protect ourselves.

The invitation to become Robin is still valid."

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