The Dawn Trail in the World of American Comics

Chapter 55: Honorable Robin? New title Get!

As expected, the master once again extended an invitation to Mason. Including the "test" outside Blackgate Prison, this should be the second invitation from the Bat Family.

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But Mason, also as expected, immediately refused.

He had more and more things going on now, and he really didn't dare to work with the world's best detective, the master. Most importantly, Mason strongly believed that Batman had not completely let go of his suspicions about him.

This was not because the master didn't trust him.

It was determined by the master's suspicious nature.

He and Superman had such a good relationship, both at work and in private, but didn't he still constantly update his "Anti-Superman Strategy Plan"?

In fact, in Mason's understanding, having a folder with his own name in Batman's private database was the real way to gain the master's trust.

"I'm sorry, Bruce, let me emphasize again, I'm flattered by the invitation from the Bat Family, but I really don't think I'm suitable to be one of you."

Sitting on the hospital bed, Mason sighed, half-jokingly saying:

"Firstly, my way of doing things indeed doesn't align with your 'no-kill' rule. Of course, I have no dissatisfaction with your rules.

It's always better to have bottom lines and principles as a human being than to live like a wild beast without any constraints.

But I'm just used to acting on impulse."

He looked up seriously at Batman and gave the second reason:

"Secondly, after experiencing what happened with Jason and Barbara, frankly speaking, the Bat Family has caused me a bit of... fear. Your way of interacting with each other seems very 'strange' to an outsider like me.

You always use hurting each other as a way to deepen your feelings and bonds.

Perhaps you are all walking 'psychological trauma collections', but for me, I still hope to live a little easier.

After all, the first seventeen years of my life were dark enough.

Now I know that the father who abused me for so long is not my father, which makes me both relaxed and sad."

At this point, Mason muttered:

"Speaking of the 'father' topic, you really should spend some time reflecting on your actions towards Robin and Batgirl, Bruce.

Perhaps you think this is your own family matter, but from an outsider's perspective, you did a terrible job on these two matters.

You know what they need, but you are just too stingy to give.

Always using occasional warmth as a reward...

This is not the right way to raise a child."

Faced with Mason's criticism, Batman, standing in the shadows, was silent.

No one could tell from his expressionless posture what the master was thinking or feeling at the moment. He was like cold iron forged in the night, sealing all his psychological activities from others' eyes.

He was used to facing the ever-changing and cruel world in this way.

Even Mason felt that no matter how happy and relaxed the place was, once Batman appeared, it would immediately become serious and cold.

"In summary, I think it's good for us to maintain our current relationship."

Mason took a deep breath, spread his hands and said to Batman:

"We can cooperate and occasionally help each other. I have your contact information, and you have mine. For now, our relationship in 'business' matters can stop here.

Of course, if Gotham's billionaire Bruce Wayne would like to invite me to a party at Wayne Manor, I promise to wear my best clothes and be ready to attend."

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"If this is your choice, then I will keep this invitation."

The master nodded, saying without joy or sorrow.

Seeing him turn to leave, Mason rolled his eyes and said:

"Actually, you gave this invitation to the wrong person, Bruce. There's a boy by your side who needs it more than I do."

Batman stopped in his tracks and looked back at Mason.

The young man shrugged and said:

"I know you, Afuo, and even Selina are all anxious about Damian Wayne's mental state. I will prepare some drugs that can soothe his mind and expel the residual Lazarus Pit water in his body as soon as possible.

But it takes time.

After all, that kind of water is a very mysterious and evil dark power. As an alchemist, I need various experiments to comprehend its mystery.

But in the meantime, you guys can do much more for him than I can."

Mason paused, organized his words, and said:

"The reason Damian has become such a 'little madman' is not only because he grew up in a place like Nanda Parbat where murderers gather, but also because he severely lacks the guidance of correct thinking and behavior.

No matter how powerful he is, he's only twelve, no, eleven.

This is an age that needs idols to lead and is restless. Who in this world is more suitable to be a role model for a teenage son than a father?

You should have a fourth Robin, Batman.

But it shouldn't be me.

Your son, Damian Wayne, obviously needs your help more.

Do it in the dual identity of 'father' and 'Batman'."

Mason's words, especially the one about 'father and son', touched Batman. The part of his personality that belonged to Bruce Wayne was always easily attracted by such topics.

Mason had personally confirmed this on the night he said goodbye to the Penguin Gang.

It was clear that the master was hesitating and thinking.

After a long ten seconds of silence, he said in a low voice:

"But he doesn't seem to need my help. When we had breakfast together this morning, he picked up a knife and gave me a cut..."

"No, Damian just doesn't know that he needs help."

Mason corrected:

"His crazy grandfather instilled in him the cruel wisdom of survival of the fittest, which made him accustomed to hiding his helplessness beneath a brutal and cold-blooded exterior.

But he is just a child, Bruce.

Just like when I was twelve and treated my drunken father with indifference, who would then beat me like crazy. Does that mean that my cold demeanor towards him implies that I don't need help from others?

When you were young...

After that night in Crime Alley, didn't you need the help of your loved ones? It was Alfred and Gordon who helped you through those difficult times.

Perhaps now it's time for you to help your son.

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He is like ice.

You have to become a fire.

Bruce, I hate to say it, but you are really too dull and stubborn in this regard."

"Yeah, who made me an orphan at the age of eight? I've always been clueless about family issues."

Master actually made a rare joke, leaving Mason, who was desperately trying to give him spiritual chicken soup, speechless...

Come to think of it, how could he expect a man who has never enjoyed a normal family life, who likes to dress himself up like a bat and walk in the dark alleys, and whose biggest hobby is to beat criminals to a pulp with his bare hands, to understand what a "warm family life" is?

The atmosphere in the ward became awkward.

Mason chuckled twice and said:

"Anyway, that's what I wanted to say. Damian needs a proper guide, and you need a Robin to help you.

It's a two-way street.

And I think Alfred would also support this "parent-child activity" that seems strange but actually fits the current situation of the Wayne family.

Also, after I'm discharged from the hospital, I will find a way to help Barbara.

It's better if you don't get involved recently, okay?"


Master nodded.

He jumped to the window with a swoosh and, as he turned into a bat and flew into the night, he looked back at Mason and said:

"The things you took from the Batcave..."

"I didn't take anything."

Mason immediately denied:

"Even if you are the person I admire the most, you can't just accuse me out of thin air. When I rushed to the collection room, a group of League of Assassins ninjas were looting there."

"I just wanted to tell you, Mason, that the prototype of the Phineal armor is bound to my DNA."

Master said softly:

"You can hold onto it for a while, but after the reconstruction of the Batcave is completed, I hope it will return to where it belongs. You, as a smart young man, should understand why I put them in the collection room instead of the armory."

After speaking, Batman leaped out of the window on the fourth floor.

He turned into a black shadow soaring in the night sky of Gotham and landed in the Batwing, which was hovering and maintaining optical camouflage, with a precise somersault.

As for Mason.

He walked to the window, listened to the pouring rain outside, and closed the window.

The expression on the young man's face was quite strange at this moment.

"So, what Master means is that the Phineal armor specially prepared for other members of the Justice League must be returned, but the other stolen things can be treated as if they never happened?

Is he implying...

No, is he encouraging me to study Wonder Woman's costume and Superman's blood?

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So, as an alchemist, have my abilities also been included in Batman's "Anti-Superman Tactics" and "Anti-Wonder Woman Tactics"?

You really are something, Master."

Mason quickly understood the reason behind this matter and couldn't help but feel powerless to comment on Batman's deep scheming.

Although he didn't join the Batman family, judging from this situation, Master seemed to have already regarded him as an "extra member" like Selina.

He shrugged and returned to the hospital bed, but was surprised to find a black and gold bat emblem placed on his bedside. He didn't even notice when Master put it there?

Mason picked it up and examined it in his hand.

Honorary Robin's brooch

Quality: Excellent Engineering Creation · Outstanding Craftsmanship

Item Effects:

Contains the Batcave's security defense system access code. The holder can enter the Batcave and obtain partial permissions of the Bat Network. It can be used as the ignition key for the Batmobile and can unlock all functions of the Batwing under permission.

Note: This item contains a super-precise positioning and information collection device.

Creator: Bruce Wayne

Item Description: Congratulations on unlocking the hidden profession "Robin". With this item in hand, you can change professions at any time.

"Damn, even a gift is hiding a bug and a tracking device!"

Mason looked at this thing and wished he could throw it into the toilet and flush it away. The little bit of goodwill he had towards Master disappeared instantly.

He could only hold this emblem in his hand and sigh to the sky. It's really difficult to be Batman's friend.

But this troublesome night is not over yet.

Mason, full of complaints, lay on the hospital bed and prepared to rest for a while. He had been drinking vitality potions to keep himself energized for a long time without sleep in order to improve his crafting skills.

Tonight, he planned to indulge himself and experience the feeling of dreaming.

But just as he counted Bat Sheep to 107 and was starting to feel a bit sleepy, the window was opened again, making Mason angry. He grabbed a fruit knife and threw it with a swoosh.The Lv4 archery blessing made the flying knife fast and furious, flying towards the eyes of the person who jumped into Mason's ward, but it was slapped in front of him by the latter's hands.

The trembling blade was less than two centimeters away from the person's eyes.

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"No need for that, right?"

Dick Grayson, who had changed back into the Nightwing uniform with the Domino mask, sighed and put down the fruit knife in his hand, saying to Mason, who was staring at him angrily:

"I just wanted to say goodbye to you, Mason, I didn't mean anything else."

"Alright, the farewell has been said, you can leave now."

Mason pointed rudely at the door of the ward and said, "Please leave this time!"


Dick, who had a raised butt and a great figure, felt embarrassed for a moment.

He put the fruit knife back on the bedside table, glanced at Mason, and said in a low voice:

"It's not just for saying goodbye... Don't get angry first, listen to me. I'm going back to Blüdhaven. What happened in Gotham has had a big impact on me, and I need some time to convince myself to accept this drastic change.

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Jason is not dead and is still trying to kill us.

Barbara did something wrong and now locks herself in her room, not seeing anyone.

Bruce has another biological son, and that little bastard has a big problem with me. I went to talk to him at noon today, and he stabbed me three times with a hidden katana."

Even the usually gentle and cheerful Dick couldn't be happy at this moment.

He sat on the edge of the bed and sighed, saying, "It's like everything has turned upside down overnight. Maybe I should leave for a few days, but before I leave, I want to ask you for a favor.

I know you can do it."

"Shut up!"

Mason, with an expressionless face, was really not in the mood to comfort Dick anymore.

He picked up Mr. Porter's magic notebook and wrote down a lot of materials, tore them off and threw them to Dick, then closed his eyes and lay on the bed, saying:

"Go to the 'Seven Layers of Hell' tavern near Miller Harbor, buy all these things and deliver them to my shop, then go back to your Blüdhaven.

At some point in the future, you may be able to meet a healthy girlfriend who can cuddle and hug you.

Now you can go, Grayson.

Please forgive my rudeness, but I really want to have a good sleep now. It's still three hours before dawn. Allow me to have a sweet dream, okay?"

Mason didn't explicitly say what these materials were for, but Dick's eyes lit up instantly.

He treasured the piece of paper as if it were a treasure, put it in his pocket, and whispered goodnight to Mason before pushing open the door and walking out.

Mason, lying on the bed, yawned.

He could finally fall asleep...

"Beep beep beep"

The damn flip phone rang, making the young man irritable as he grabbed it and glanced at it before answering the call, shouting to the other side:

"Your son will follow Batman to learn, I've done what you promised. I gave my Robin spot to Damian! Damn it, but if you continue to disturb my sleep at this evil hour, I guarantee he won't live to see his next birthday! Don't think the water of the Lazarus Pit is all-powerful!"

There was silence on the other end for a few seconds, and then a magnetic woman's voice came.

Damian's biological mother, Talia al Ghul, the master of the League of Assassins and the temporary leader, was standing at the dock of Miller Harbor in Gotham City.

Under the protection of an umbrella, she walked slowly onto a yacht in the dark and rainy night.

Surrounded by black-clad warriors who saluted with respect, she entered the cabin and said to the phone:

"Well, I want to thank you, Mason Cooper."

"As a token of gratitude from the League of Assassins and me personally, I want to tell you another piece of news... Ra's al Ghul is not dead, he is still hiding in Gotham City.

I guess he will come to find you, Lord Mason of the Starry Sky Society."

There was silence on the phone for a few seconds, and then Mason's voice came.

He said helplessly, "Tell me, what do you want? Cunning woman."

"The future of my son and my organization."

Talia didn't hesitate and said, "But we can talk about this later. Let's wait for our next meeting, Lord Mason. During this time, please take care of Damian for me."

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