The Dawn Trail in the World of American Comics

Chapter 8: The self- ultivation of a qualifi

Mason's feet landed in a smelly ghostly place, and what appeared before him was a scene of post-war ruins. The three-story platform in front of him had clearly been attacked by some kind of explosive from the sky, and even the main body of this fairly large train station had been destroyed beyond recognition. Mason felt like he had stepped into a WWII battlefield.

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He looked around, and in this wasteland full of debris, he couldn't even find a trace of life, as if it had been abandoned for decades and was desolate.

"Ore Shiate!"

The only woman in the team exclaimed in shock when she saw the miserable sight in front of her. Trying to relax, she chewed gum, but in that instant, she was completely defenseless. This white girl with short black hair, a slender waist, long legs, and very capable, looked at the old K, who was inspecting his crossbow, with an aggressive posture and shouted, "This is not what you said when you recruited me! Is this a world full of power? Bullshit! This is clearly a ruin, a wasteland! This place is worse than the battlefield in Afghanistan, and I feel like I'm back in a nightmare."

"Calm down, Ms. Betty."

Old K ignored her completely and said casually, "Believe me, this is already a very peaceful world according to the record evaluation of the Star Alliance, and it is very suitable for beginners to explore freely. In fact, if it weren't for my old team members dying in another damn chaotic world, I wouldn't have brought you 'good babies' here again."

After speaking, this mysterious guy coughed and said loudly to the four people, including Mason, next to him, "I have been here many times. I completed my employment test here, and I guarantee that as long as you listen to me, there will be no problems. This time, our exploration target is a magic academy that has already been destroyed and abandoned in the apocalypse... Hmm? Why do you have that expression? Isn't there a magic academy in a different world a normal thing?"

Old K once again showed that condescending expression that disgusted people. While loading his crossbow with an arrow box, he said slowly, "There is a magic inheritance in this world, but it is very weak. There used to be many magic academies here, but most of them have been searched... cough, what I mean is, 'explored' by my colleagues. What's left for us is only the last and most dangerous one. There are many good things in the ruins there, and our task this time is to find one of them and hand it over to the organization, in order to achieve the reorganization of the K team.""I promise, everyone, as long as you can survive until the end, each and every one of you will receive benefits beyond your wildest dreams.

The lucky ones will officially join my team and become E-level members of the Star Association. I will take you to the world I am currently conquering, and together we can achieve great things!"

"Does 'achieving great things' mean that you will abandon us in another world like your previous team members?"

The hot-tempered girl Betty was accompanied by another tall and thin man who coldly asked, causing Old K's expression to suddenly turn ugly.

This guy who spoke with a sharp tongue was dressed in a black tight-fitting suit with a red spiral logo on his chest, and a heavy black cloak with green patterns on the inside.

He had golden hair but wore a strange half-covering mask that covered the upper half of his face, and his tone of voice was very gloomy.

Mason felt that this guy was strange.

Because every time he looked at him, he felt his head suddenly spin, as if there was some kind of special force field surrounding this guy.

"Shut up, Lord 'Count'."

Old K sneered and said:

"When I rescued you from Amanda Walle's prison, you didn't have so much to say.

Find the magical object called the 'Philosopher's Stone' in the ruins of the abandoned Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This is the highest reward and medium difficulty task in the Star Association's bounty in this C-level world.

Now, I'll give you some time to get to know each other. We'll leave after I come back from reconnaissance.

Out of kindness, I remind you that the mini bomb will immediately explode when it leaves the range of the remote control, which is three kilometers.

So if you want to run, I suggest you do it quickly."

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After speaking, Old K turned and left.

Perhaps to intimidate the team members, this guy showed off his "ability" while walking.

After taking three steps, his figure suddenly flashed and mysteriously appeared ten meters away. After taking a few more steps, he flickered again, causing the four cannon fodder to frown.

"Uh, hi everyone, my name is Charles, you can call me 'Kite Man'. I'm from Gotham and was brought out of Blackgate prison by Old K.

What about you guys?"

The most talkative member in the team took the initiative to speak.

He was wearing a green jumpsuit and carrying a special brown backpack on his back, with flying goggles on his head.

Although he was tall, he always unconsciously reached out to touch his head when speaking, giving him a feeling of insecurity."Save it. I know who you are, Kite Man, a former lackey of the Joker's gang. After the Joker was caught and sent to Arkham, you guys scattered like monkeys when the tree falls. Those who had skills went to join others, but no one wanted you. You ended up robbing a bakery and being caught by Gordon himself. I actually doubt whether you did it on purpose to enjoy the delicious prison food."

Betty, a hot-tempered girl chewing gum and standing with her hands on her hips, didn't care at all that her coat was filled with various explosives that others could see. She looked down on Kite Man and casually mentioned his embarrassing story, then turned to the other two and looked up and down at the man who had just argued with Old K, saying:

"You're from the Suicide Squad? Not bad, buddy. What's your ability? Don't tell me you can do magic tricks. We already have a useless Kite Man as our team pet."

"I know you too, Betty Susie."

The man who looked the most powerful glanced at the girl and said:

"I heard you underwent human modification and can make everything you touch explode. After retiring, you joined a terrorist organization in Canada, and people in the circle call you 'Bombshell.' Amanda Waller is very interested in you, but that's not a good thing."

"Bombmaker, thank you!"

Betty proudly straightened her chest, corrected the man's statement, and stared at him. After hesitating for a moment, he introduced himself:

"My code name in the Suicide Squad is 'Dizzy,' but people in the circle call me 'Count.' I want to clarify that they didn't say it wrong. I do have noble blood. As for my ability... I can make all living creatures in my sight enter an uncontrollable dizziness, and if necessary, I can interfere with electronic devices."

"Cool! You'll be a good partner."

Bombshell Betty seemed to have taken herself as the leader of this four-person small group, and neither Count Dizzy nor Kite Man objected. Then the three of them looked at Mason, who had been silent all the time.

The young man didn't care about their gaze at all and had no interest in introducing himself. Jokingly, he came to rescue, not to make friends here!

He was now thinking about the information Old K had just revealed.

"Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? The Philosopher's Stone?"

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Mason looked up and surveyed the sign of "King's Cross Station" floating in the wind above the crack in the rubble caused by the explosion. He felt that his guess was probably right.At this moment, a sense of relief and doubt rose in Mason's heart at the same time. He was glad that he had some knowledge of this world, which could be a hidden advantage. But he was also puzzled about what had happened in this world to cause the train station in London to be bombed like this. Did the dark wizards succeed in their planned counterattack? Did the wizards and humans erupt into a world war that directly led to the fall of London? No way!

"Hey, kid! Everyone's waiting for your self-introduction," Bombshell Betty felt that Mason was contemptuous of the "authority" she was trying to establish and spoke impolitely. Mason turned his head and glanced at her, shrugged his shoulders at her imposing appearance, and pointed to his mouth with his hand, then waved his hand, making a helpless expression.

"Oh, so you're a mute..." Betty felt a little embarrassed.

She glared at Mason with some annoyance and asked, "What's your ability?"

Mason pulled out his precision sniper rifle "Old K" from behind and made an aiming gesture with it.

This action immediately made Betty lose interest in this tall and thin young man with black hair and yellow skin.

Tsk, he's just a gun enthusiast.

In the circle of super villains, this ability is too weak. Unless he has super marksmanship and super gun control like Deadshot or Bloodsport, simple bullets have no threat to his explosive ability.

Betty lost interest in Mason and turned to chat with the only Count Vertigo she admired, while Kite Man, who was despised, took the initiative to come over and patted Mason on the shoulder in a very familiar way.

"This bunch of freaks think that power comes from ability, but they don't know what real power is. When I followed the Joker, I knew too much about these things. They regard us as a burden and will make us go up and fight when something happens. I've seen this kind of thing too many times, so we need to help each other," Kite Man said to Mason in a low voice.

Facing Kite Man's initiative, Mason, who pretended to be a mute to avoid too much communication with others, showed a polite but distant smile.

Then Mason took out a flying bomb assembled with drones and engineering bombs from his backpack, as well as a tablet for control. After a simple operation, this thing flew up as a reconnaissance drone and flew into the ruins in front of him.This action made Kite-Man, who had followed the Joker and seen the world, blink. As a villain, he immediately knew that this low-key, mute young man was more powerful than Bombshell had imagined.

But a few seconds later, the image transmitted from Mason's reconnaissance tablet made Kite-Man's eyes widen and almost scream.

He covered his mouth and looked at the monitor screen with a pounding heart.

The engineering bomb flew over the dark tunnel below, which was a big pit formed by the collapse of the platform stairs leading to the parking lot in the underground station. There were a group of wandering "people" there.


No, they were hiding in the shadows beyond the area where the sunlight shone down, and some of them didn't even have a lower body, crawling on the ground with their upper body.

The ground in that ghostly place was as dirty and solidified with blood as hell on earth.

As the drone approached, the faces of those "people" were revealed, each with festering skin and bulging eyeballs, mutated and twisted bloody teeth, and some even dragging their withered internal organs while moving.

Anyone who has seen a few B-movies knows what this is.


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A massive number of zombies!

Mason was also full of doubts.

He wasn't afraid of zombies, but he was puzzled as to why a zombie disaster would occur in a world with wizards? These two things clearly have different art styles!

"They're leaving."

Kite-Man suddenly reached out and poked Mason's shoulder, whispering.

The young man turned around and saw that Bombshell and Count Vertigo had apparently agreed on their plan of action and were walking towards the station exit, completely unaware of the hidden danger around them.

He gestured to Kite-Man with a finger and made a "follow me" look, then walked lightly along a safer route detected by the drone towards the waiting hall of the train station.

Platform nine and three-quarters, where they could board the Hogwarts Express, was there, and old K should be there too.

That cunning guy said that leaving time to get to know each other was just an excuse.

That bastard was specifically trying to give the four newcomers a "test of strength" and wait until they were scared stiff by the zombies before he swooped in.

He was an old actor, after all.

Kite-Man, dressed in green as a comical villain, hesitated in place. Mason's direction of departure was completely opposite to that of Bombshell and Count Vertigo.

It seemed like a choice was before him.

Which side should he follow?

The male-female duo who were much stronger than Mason on paper?Still this seemingly ordinary 17-year-old high school student?

Kite Man didn't hesitate for long.

He decided to trust his strong intuition that he had honed over the years in the Joker's gang, and caught up with Mason in just a few steps as they advanced through the dark and desolate ruins, occasionally interrupted by strange howls, following the guidance of the unmanned aerial vehicle into the waiting hall, while a violent explosion could be heard from behind.

That was Bombshell unleashing her power.

It seemed that she had finally discovered the zombies in the station and understood their current situation.

Mason didn't stop, but instead accelerated his pace. The zombies would soon form a horde if they were disturbed, and he had to enter the magic platform immediately.

As he expected, when he arrived at Platform Nine and Three-Quarters, he saw Old K leaning on a pillar, smoking a pipe. The latter looked at the silent Mason and Kite Man following him with an appreciative gaze.

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"Not bad."

He grinned and blew out a smoke ring, slowly saying:

"I've trained many rookies, and there are always some idiots who think they're invincible, and abuse their abilities. Their fate is often not too good. The first rule of the Starry Sky Society is to fight with your brain, not your fists. It seems that you are naturally suited to join us, Mason. No wonder you were chosen by Batman as a young man. But we are a team, so abandoning your comrades is not a good behavior."

The hypocritical Old K snapped his fingers, turned around, leaned against the pillar behind him, and said to Mason:

"The wizards have put a barrier here. I need some time to activate it. Your task is to protect me from being disturbed and to save those two idiots. Any questions?"


Mason opened the safety and turned around to make a ready-to-shoot motion, showing his attitude with practical actions.

He glanced at the nervous Kite Man beside him, threw him a mechanical pistol he had made when practicing last night, and gestured for him to step back a few steps.

Don't disturb his "leveling up".

After everything was ready, the young man watched the picture transmitted by the engineering bomb that monitored the movement of the zombie horde.

The moment he saw Bombshell and Dizzy Count running towards them, chased by a large number of zombies, Mason decisively pressed the detonation button.

With a loud bang.

The shattered floorboard above the only road leading to the waiting hall collapsed due to the engineering bomb floating there, blocking the zombies' advance and also blocking the male and female duo's path, leaving only a narrow space for them to move forward.

Now, whether the male and female duo wanted to or not, they had to fight and retreat with the horde behind them to have a chance to survive.This action made Old K turn around and look at Mason, but he didn't say much and began to break the wizard's barrier on the platform.

Mason shrugged his shoulders and raised the gun in his hand.

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Entering battle mode, the combat assistance came online, and a large number of free-aiming frames appeared in his vision. The red preset trajectory was also activated, and "FPS mode" was started.

"The warrior who blocks the zombie tide has arrived."

He aimed at the fastest charging zombie with its disgusting head, and as his finger touched the trigger, he couldn't help but think:

"It's rare to have such a good opportunity to practice shooting. It seems that being abducted here is not entirely a bad thing. By the way, will my shooting skills break through to level 3 when I leave here with Old K's head?"

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