The Dawn Trail in the World of American Comics

Chapter 9: The Two or Three Things About Mas

Mason's acceptance of crossing worlds was much higher than that of ordinary people.

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Because he himself had crossed over.

Although it was a soul crossing, it did not affect the young man's sensitive emotions about "crossing". When Mason stepped through the "door to the world" opened by Old K, there was even an indescribable longing in his mind.

Perhaps he could step out and return to the plain but real days three days ago, and continue to happily carry out his plan of traveling around the world.

That was the first thing he wanted to accomplish after his thirties.

But of course, such a good thing would not happen in a ghost place full of zombies.

"Bang, bang, bang"

The rhythmic gunfire echoed in the ruined waiting hall of the station, mixed with the chaotic howls of a group of zombies and the continuous sound of explosions.

The lightweight sniper rifle, which was not outstanding in appearance but unique in its interior, was held in Mason's hand with a great texture, and each time he pulled the trigger at a distance of nearly three hundred meters, the scene of a zombie's head bursting made the onlooker Kite Man feel much safer.

He looked at the dumb young man in amazement.

The simple-looking hunting rifle didn't even have a sight, and at a distance of 300 meters, a moving zombie was almost a black spot in a normal person's vision.

A quick look at will leave you more fulfilled.

But this young man hit twenty shots in a row!

"It must be super shooting skills!"

Kite Man held the gun assembled by the engineering team for "friendly support" to Mason, and secretly thought to himself:

"Hey, I thought he was a good teammate who could share the spoils, but I didn't expect him to be a hidden master."

This moment of inexplicable loss made Kite Man almost shed tears, and then he was kicked hard by Mason.

The young man pointed to another direction.

Although the zombie tide caused by Bombshell Girl came from the front, there was no decent defense in this station that had been blown to ruins, and sporadic zombies were also approaching this area from behind.

"Oh, I see! Watch me!"

Kite Man immediately understood after being kicked, and took a few steps back to sense the wind direction in this area, and then pressed the switch on his chest.

With a swish, a huge diamond-shaped kite popped out of his backpack, and the lifting force brought by the wind direction made this guy jump into the air in cheers.

He manipulated his kite like a kite artist, making himself agilely fly and spin in this complex terrain.

The pistol in his hand also kept firing, knocking down the zombies approaching the platform 9 and 3/4.

Of course, aim for the head!

This is the first rule for dealing with zombies.

During the interval of changing magazines, Mason took a look at the green flying man who was flying in the air. Kite Man was almost at the bottom of the Gotham third-line villains, and it was more appropriate to say that he was a comedian than a villain.

His story was actually quite tragic.

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But this guy's personality was always optimistic and didn't have many bad thoughts. As a Gotham villain, he actually rented a terrible apartment and shared the rent with a roommate.

That's why Mason chose Kite Man as his temporary partner."A villain who is willing to pay rent on time and bear the same life troubles as ordinary people, no matter how bad he is, he can't be that bad.

As for the Bombshell and the Dizzy Count, Mason is also familiar with their stories. In short, these two bastards belong to the "traditional villains" who enjoy VIP treatment even in hell.

If they mix in Gotham, they are definitely "frequent visitors to Arkham".

"One more minute!"

When Mason's sniper kill streak reached 77, Old K, who had been busy deciphering the barrier, threw a bottle of black liquid towards the pillar without looking back and said, "That's enough. Let them in! How many times have I said that teammates need to be united!"


Mason sneered and lowered the muzzle of his gun, releasing flying bombs that swept through the 300-meter-long howling zombie crowd with two explosions.

This wave of support came just in time.

The Bombshell and the Dizzy Count, who had been constantly bombing and causing exhaustion while surrounded by zombies, suddenly saw the possibility of a breakthrough.

They both rushed out of the encirclement with a roar, pushing and shoving to get through the narrow gap in front of them.

The Dizzy Count even threw his ability onto the Bombshell, causing her to stumble and fall to the ground while running, and then he himself crouched and crawled into the collapsed floor's passage.


The Bombshell cursed in a foreign accent with a dirty face. If she wasn't busy running away, she would have blown up this bastard into meat paste to vent her anger.

But her situation wasn't that bad. Mason's sudden support ensured that as long as a large number of zombies surrounded her, a burst of bullets would fly over to buy her time.

Therefore, after rolling and crawling dizzyingly, the Bombshell successfully crawled into the escape passage.

She was also smart enough to grab a brick next to her and throw it towards the passage behind her when she rushed over. The thing exploded when the Bombshell injected energy into it and hit the gap in the passage.

The entire obstacle collapsed, completely blocking the zombies' path forward.

"Behind you! Behind you! Run!"

The Kite Man, who was controlling the kite to fly over, waved his hands in the air and shouted at the relieved Bombshell. She turned her head and saw a strange red figure quickly crawling up the wall of the ruins.

She hissed, twisted her arms and legs like a mutant spider, and fell from the sky.

The twisted and curved double arms, like sickles, almost blew the Bombshell's head off. The once lovely angelic face now looked like a demon, scaring the Bombshell to scream and roll down the slope.

The Kite Man kept firing in the air, but he couldn't hit the extremely erratic zombie.

But Old K had also lifted the barrier at this time. He whistled and waved to his teammates, then rushed into the pillar in front of him first.

It was somewhat strange to see a living person disappear in front of a white pillar, but the Bombshell and the Dizzy Count, who had escaped from death, didn't care about that.

Seeing the way out, these two guys scrambled to rush in. The Kite Man controlled the kite to descend and looked at Mason, who was still standing in place, shouting, "Mason, come on!""Run! It's hard to hit..."


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As the targeting reticle locked on, the young man pulled the trigger.

The bullet fired from the barrel triggered double damage, causing the left leg of the red-clothed little zombie girl who was flying towards him to explode.

He glanced at the Kite Man.

The latter shrugged awkwardly and said, "Looks like you can handle it, buddy. I'll go ahead."

He also passed through the stone pillars, leaving Mason alone on the platform facing the mutated zombie still howling and rushing towards him with a broken leg.

She looked like she was only seven or eight years old, the most carefree time of a child's life.

Her once withered blond hair must have been very charming, and this little one was also the "little treasure" in the mouth of a pair of parents, bringing happiness to others in a happy family.

But this catastrophe changed everything overnight.

It presented beautiful things in front of Mason, and then ruthlessly tore them apart, just like the face in front of him that was severely decayed and twisted, no longer innocent but only desolate.


As he backed the shotgun, he drew out the double-barreled shotgun, loaded the bullets, and lifted the muzzle. Mason looked at the twisted figure rushing towards him with a compassionate look.

He whispered, "The nightmare is over, little cutie. Go home, your parents have been waiting for you for a long time."


The mutated zombie leaped forward, and its mutated tongue full of thorns stabbed towards Mason like a snake, and the guilty trigger was also pulled at this moment.

The merciless flames pushed the bullets forward with a roar, completely submerging another soul tortured by nightmares.

At the moment when the young man turned around without hesitation, rushing into the white stone pillar behind him, he was full of disgust for this zombie country.

Compared to here, even Gotham City, which was known for its "simple folk customs," looked so sunny.

As Mason merged into the stone pillar of September Three-Quarter Platform, a prompt appeared in front of him:

"Successfully completed an outstanding special mutant creature shooting, shooting skill proficiency increased by X20, currently Lv2. Unlocked combat talent: Quick draw.

Unlocked character trait [Cold-blooded Gunman: Proficiency doubles when executing headshots]."

Before the young man could figure out what this talent meant, at the moment he rushed into the magic platform, he heard a loud explosion and Old K's stern rebuke:

"What the hell are you guys doing? Push me up!"


Mason realized something was wrong when he heard this. There was also a battle here? And it could make Old K, who was usually hypocritical and pretending to be cool, so angry.

It seems that his "teammates" were performing poorly.


Just as he was thinking, a scream rang out in front of him.

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The young man moved lightly to dodge, and then Kite Man was thrown over, spinning.

The poor guy's tough kite behind him was in tatters, with fierce claw marks and blood stains remaining on it, almost tearing him to pieces on the spot.

Mason raised his gun and looked up at the empty magic platform in front of him, seeing Old K and the other two fighting a huge monster.

It was a terrifying figure.

It was about three meters tall, like a half-giant.It was wearing a black mole skin coat stained with blood and the stench of death, covered in bullet holes and burn marks, with traces of knife cuts and magical attacks.

Its twisted and bloated body after turning into a zombie made it look like a moving mountain of flesh, surrounded by green poisonous gas that made Bombshell and Count Vertigo, who were forced to confront it, turn green in the face.

Old K took out his crossbow from behind and held it with both hands, shooting from a safe distance.

The arrows that flew out were wrapped in strange flashes, and when they hit their target, they would trigger a dazzling lightning, a sinister cold ice, or an explosive fire. With this type of magical attack, he had already blown apart the zombie giant's arm.

The face of the zombie giant, with its giant bloodline, was covered with torn and rotten skin, and its eyes were as pale as hell creatures. Its teeth protruded, and one could even vaguely see the abnormal canine teeth that had grown.

Most importantly, this guy's forehead had been crushed by Old K, and in its stinky and staggering crawl, one could even see the withered and crimson brain pulp.

It roared in retaliation.

Every time its big paw slammed down, the entire platform would shake, and it was clearly being held back by Count Vertigo's ability, making it very unsteady and even prone to falling when walking and attacking.

Its hair, which was as messy as a dwarf's, and its long beard were also covered with pieces of flesh that had been blown off by Bombshell's explosions.

It looked very messy and very pitiful.

But Mason still recognized this guy's true identity at the first moment.


The young man exclaimed in his heart.

This good-tempered big guy had actually turned into a zombie, and had become a more dangerous mutant zombie than the red-clothed girl on the external platform.

Upon recognizing him, Mason's heart sank.

This world-class zombie disaster had nothing to do with the magical world!

Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain why Rubeus Hagrid, a righteous wizard and senior member of the Phoenix Society, and a former member of the protagonist group, would be infected by the virus.

It seemed that the wizards were also victims of this disaster, and their situation was no better than that of the outside world, which had already become a wasteland.

"Mason! Did I save you just so you could stand there and watch the show?"

Old K's shout was now filled with anger as he yelled, "My magic arrows are not for use here! Use your damn bullets to kill this tough guy! He's still healing even after turning into a zombie. These wizards' self-modification is really devilish!"

Mason grabbed the explosive hunting rifle behind him and took a deep breath, kneeling with the gun.

The free-floating crosshairs in his field of vision kept jumping, finally locking onto Hagrid's exposed but obviously healing withered forehead. He then fired six shots in a row, hitting every single shot.

The double damage triggered twice successfully blew Hagrid's big forehead open.

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After the latter fell to the ground, Mason threw out several flying bombs, blowing flesh and blood everywhere. Only then did he step forward, pulling out the double-barreled pistol at his waist and firing two shots at the bloody head.

The power of the engineering gunpowder in the single-headed bullets was quite impressive at this distance.

"Successfully completed an outstanding special mutant creature shooting and headshot execution. Shooting skill proficiency increased by X20."

After the prompt for the latter's complete death lit up, the young man finally breathed a sigh of relief.In the silence, Mason expressionlessly opened the chamber of his hand cannon, inserted a thumb-sized bullet, and then bent down to retrieve a giant hunting knife with a rough appearance from the corpse of the zombie Hagrid.

Just as Mason was about to take off Hagrid's black mole rat leather coat, the people next to him finally understood what he was doing.

"Hey! We all killed this monster together! The spoils should be shared by everyone!"

Explosion Girl stood up, supported her abdomen, and her face, which was full of embarrassment and dirt, was full of dissatisfaction. She still remembered how Mason had used her as bait for the zombies and leisurely practiced shooting.

She screamed, "We have contributed more than you, and you are not qualified to take so much!"

As she spoke, she walked towards the huge corpse, seemingly intending to join the loot grabbing process. However, with a bang, a bullet flew accurately at Explosion Girl's feet.

The flying debris stopped her in her tracks.

Mason continued to collect the spoils without even looking back. The black double-barreled hand cannon in his left hand was very rough but full of deterrence, and the black gun barrel was still emitting smoke while the ejected shells bounced at his feet.

The meaning of this action was obvious.

Old K, who was watching on the side while recovering his magic arrows, glanced at the conflict between the "new team members" for a few seconds, and then seemed to have seen nothing and did not intend to intervene.

The tense situation made Explosion Girl even more angry.

Her hands began to wrap around the boiling energy, and Count Dizziness, who was also dizzy, stood up and quietly moved to Explosion Girl's side, throwing her a look that said, "Although I tricked you just now, those little things don't matter. Now we are a team."

As for Kite Man, the poor guy was almost slapped to death by the zombie Hagrid.

He was now limping over, although he was obviously very scared, he still trembled and stood on Mason's side.

He figured it out.

Only Old K and Mason were the real big shots in this team.

Explosion Girl and Count Dizziness were just cannon fodder, rubbish reservists who didn't accomplish much. In the Joker's gang, idiots who couldn't see the situation like you would be fed to Batman by the boss!


Mason coldly glanced at Explosion Girl and Count Dizziness, waved his hand and threw the nauseating black mole rat leather coat to Kite Man, inserted the giant hunting knife with a rough style into his waist, threw the keys into his backpack, and then poured a small can of fuel on the corpse of the zombie Hagrid. He backed up a few steps, fired a bullet, and ignited it.

The flames rose and burned.

The 2v2 confrontation seemed to be ignited as well.

Until a few seconds later, Old K coughed and said, "The train will arrive in an hour. Do you want to fight now and divide the victory, or wait for the train to arrive and fight in the carriage? I'm not urging you, but if you really want to fight, I advise you to hurry up."Translation:

I understand why this magic academy has been discovered for so long but no one has come to explore it. The danger here is higher than some weak B-level worlds.

So, everyone, as the team leader, I have a suggestion.

Why don't we take a break and rest for a while? We can deal with internal conflicts later."

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