Lunch Break without Shimizu-san 2

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“You pure-pure maiden! What are you doing, missing out on such an opportunity?”

“Who’s the ‘pure-pure maiden (pyuapyua otome)’?”

But it’s true that I feel like I couldn’t make the most of the unexpected chance I got.

Feeling a bit down, Ai, perhaps sensing this, put her hand on my shoulder. 

“Well, I said some harsh things, but asking for opinions on clothes, getting closer during the photo shoot, suggesting sharing an umbrella. Kei, you did well compared to your usual attitude.”

“Why are you suddenly saying that?”

“I’m the type who encourages others with praise, you know.”

“I’ve never heard that before.”

I haven’t had many opportunities to be taught by Ai, so I didn’t know.

“That’s right. Well, just like before, Kei, do your best at your own pace.”


“Now, let’s hear more about sharing the umbrella! “

“What is it? “

Love’s eyes were sparkling with curiosity.

* * *


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On Monday, I arrived at school at the same time as usual and let out a small yawn. 

After that, I explained in detail to Ai the series of events of walking home with Hondō and sharing an umbrella.

By the time the explanation was over, the clock had already struck twelve. That’s why I was slightly sleep-deprived compared to usual.

I fought against drowsiness as I opened my shoe locker.

“Geez…. “

I unintentionally let out a voice. There was something other than my shoes inside.

    * * *

“Hey, Daiki. Are you awake?”

“Huh? Yeah, I’m fine.”

During the lunch break, while I was lost in thought, Toshiya approached me with a Bentō. 

“What are you thinking about?”

“I was just thinking about the last holiday.”

“Did something happen on the holiday?”

Saying this, Toshiya sat down in an empty seat next to me.

“When I went to the shopping mall, I happened to meet Shimizu-san.”

“Shimizu-san? “

“Yeah, her older sister was also there.”

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“Shimizu-san’s sister, you mean Shimizu Ai-san? “

“Toshiya, do you know Ai-san? “

“Of course, I know at least the vice president of our student council. Besides, Ai-san is quite famous for being Shimizu-san’s sister and being cute, you know?”

So that’s how it was. It seemed like I was the only one who didn’t know about Ai-san.

“So what happened when you met them?”

“Ai-san invited me to go shopping with Shimizu-san and her.”

“That’s an interesting turn of events. Did Daiki already know Ai-san?”

“No, I met her for the first time then. Ai-san knew me, though.”

Perhaps Shimizu-san told her about me beforehand.  

“I see. Still, it’s surprising that Ai-san would invite someone she just met to go shopping.”

“I was surprised too.”

I was indeed surprised at how quickly Ai-san was able to shorten the distance between us. 

“So what did you go shopping for?”

“They were shopping for clothes.”

“And did Daiki help them pick out clothes?”

“I didn’t help much, to be honest. I just gave my opinions while they tried on clothes.”

They asked for my opinion, but I don’t remember giving any useful ones.

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“Isn’t that what helping people choose clothes is all about? “

“Is that so?”

“I can’t say for sure since I haven’t had much experience helping girls choose clothes. What happened after that?”

“We played at the game center. After that, Ai-san had some business to attend to, so we split up. Shimizu-san and I walked together to the station.”

To put it simply, that’s what happened.

“Oh, I see. Then what did Daiki think about that holiday? “

“At that time, I was bothered by the words Ai-san said to me…”

[Why are you on Kei’s side?]

For some reason, that question still hadn’t left my mind.

While thinking about that, the back door of the classroom swung open forcefully.

“Kei! “

Startled, I looked in the direction of the voice coming from the back of the classroom, and there stood Ai-san with an anxious expression.

“Toshiya, I’ll be right back.”

“Yeah? Uh, be careful.”

Feeling that something was off, I hurried over to Ai-san. 

“What’s wrong, Ai-san?”

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“Daiki-kun! I’m glad you’re here. Straight to the point, is Kei not here?”

“No, she’s not. Shimizu-san went somewhere right at the beginning of lunch break…”

“I knew it… “

Ai-san had a look of frustration on her face.

“What happened to Shimizu-san?”

“I told you before at the family restaurant that some people were interested in Kei. That girl hadn’t been around since lunchtime, and according to her friend, she said she had something to do. That’s why I had a bad feeling and came to check, and as expected, Kei wasn’t here. I guess I was a step too late…”

“Does that mean Shimizu-san was summoned by someone?”

“That’s right. If she’s not here, I can’t stay here either. I have to find Kei.”

 Ai-san has that serious look on her face I’ve seen before. 

“Wait a moment. I’ll look for her too.”

“No, I don’t want to trouble you, Daiki-kun.”

“It’s fine. I’m also worried about Shimizu-san. Please let me help.”

I stare at Ai-san seriously. After a few seconds of eye contact, Ai-san seems to give in and sighs, which is unusual.

“Daiki-kun is more stubborn than I thought. Fine. But don’t push yourself too hard.”


“Oh, by the way. If you find her, let me know so I can get in touch with her. There’s another childhood friend of mine who’s also looking for him, so let’s create a group and communicate there if anything happens.”

Ai-san and I exchanged contact information and started running in different directions.

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