Lunch Break without Shimizu-san 3

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“Hey, is anyone here?”

During the lunch break, I had come to the back of the gym, known for being a place where not many people come.

“You came as promised.”

I look in the direction of the voice and see a tall guy standing there. His appearance seems to be somewhat appealing to girls. 

I looked at his face, but I did not recognize him at all. 

From his demeanor, he was probably in my grade or an upperclassman. For some reason, the man smiles confidently. 

“What promise? You put this in there.”

I showed him the note paper I brought. It was the one I found in my shoe locker this morning.  

The note roughly stated that I should come to the back of the gym during lunch break today. 

Finding it put me in a terrible mood since morning.

“You brought it all the way here. If you read it, you should understand my purpose, right?”

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“Then, will you go out with me?”

Just as I expected. I let out a sigh in my mind. I was supposed to have changed since becoming a high school student to avoid situations like this.

“I have something I want to ask.”

“What is it? “

“Why did you confess to me? “

“Because I wanted to be in a relationship with you.”

The guy answers with an expression, ‘Why are you asking such an obvious question?’.

“So, why did you want to be in a relationship with me?”

“Well… I thought you looked good with black hair.”

Another one likes this. It seems that even in high school, guys who approach me are only interested in my appearance.

“So what’s your answer?”

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“I refuse.”


The man looks as if he can’t believe it. The faint smile he had on his face disappeared.

“I won’t accept a confession from someone I don’t even know. If you fall in love based solely on appearance, find someone who looks like me.”

In my heart, I add, [Except for my sister Ai.] 

“You don’t have to be so angry. Let’s calm down.”

“I may not be in a good mood, but I am calm. I told you I refused.”

“If you’re calm, then listen. It’s true that we don’t know much about each other yet, but it’s never too late to get to know each other even after we start dating, right?”

“No, it’s normal to get to know each other, gradually develop feelings, confess, and then start dating. The order before dating is reversed.”


The guy snorts. Unlike the way he laughed before, this time it looks like he’s mocking me. 

“What’s so funny?”

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“No, you’re more innocent than I thought.”


“I know you don’t like me right now, but you might like me later, right? Date me. I won’t make you feel bad.” 

He’s quite persistent. And it feels like he’s used to saying things like this. He might have approached other girls in the same way as this time. I feel like I’ve caught the attention of a troublesome guy.

“My feelings won’t change. Even if we date, I could never like you, and I definitely won’t date you in the first place.”

“Hmm. I’m at a loss. Then how about starting as friends? “

“Forget it. I refuse to be friends with someone who has such obvious ulterior motives. If that’s the end of it, I’m going back.” 

The man trembles and shivers. The confidence he had earlier has completely disappeared from his face.

“That’s how you want to play, huh?”

The man is getting furious, and it seems to be getting really dangerous. 

First of all, this gymnasium is rarely visited by people. I haven’t told anyone that I’ll be here, so no one knows I’m here. 

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That means no one can help me no matter what happens here.

“So that’s it is. Your mask has come off.”

I’m acting composed, but I can’t think of any plans to overcome the situation. 

I might be able to resist a little because I exercise on a regular basis, but even so, the difference in physique between men and women will not be reversed. 

The man is slowly closing the distance to me. I closed my eyes as I got lost in my thoughts, thinking that it was over.

“Wait! “

When the man and I turn our heads toward the voice, Hondō, who shouldn’t be here, is standing there.

“…You’re saving me again?”

I speak softly, almost inaudibly.

“Hey, who are you?”

” …haa….haaah…Excuse me, can you wait a moment?”

Where was his bravado earlier? For some reason, Hondō was already out of breath.

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