Chapter 10 I don’t want to be ugly

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Early the next morning, Qianhua excitedly got up and put on a rosy dress she prepared for special occasions. But right after she put the plum petals on her forehead, her pretty oval face suddenly expanded into a round baby face!
Not just that. Her big shining eyes shrunk into a couple of pea-shape cracks; her delicate nose collapsed into a mini potato pie; and her pink lips got bleached. A previous beautiful woman now turned into a wreck!

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And the worst part was that Qianhua could not get rid of the petals anymore.

HanYing noticed the change of her face and screamed furiously, "Who is this ugly woman? Why are you possessing Qianhua?!”

Qianhua felt helpless and rushed out to her godfather. She cried hard, "Why, Dad, why? Why do you have to seal my appearance?"

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"Sometimes it is not a good thing to be too outstanding in the world. Qianhua, just let the petals protect you for today." Eastern Star God pleasingly looked at his daughter’s face which had been disguised completely with his spell. He smiled bitterly and turned around to summon a piece of cloud. He pulled Qianhua up onto the cloud and rode it straight towards the Heavenly with her. 

HanYing was still in shock when she realized to turn into a thorn and stick to Qianhua’s waist. She signed with emotion: Eastern Star God was really a concerning father. He was willing to sacrifice his daughter’s appearance for something might even not happen. Well, without the stunning Qianhua,it would be undoubtedly easier for her to stand out.

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On the day of the king's birthday, the entire Heavenly realm appeared to be in the carnival mood. All lanterns were lit, and fairies were singing and dancing everywhere. It seemed like the whole realm was celebrating.

Qianhua supposed that the strict rules of the Heavenly must have suppressed the gods and fairies for a long time. Once the ban was lifted, there would be excessive indulgence. The fairies that barely laughed loud now were swaying through palaces holding glass of wine; the gods that usually dressed up decent now were half naked and playing drinking games. In Qianhua’s eyes, they were a group of drunk hypocrites.
Obviously, this was an hour after the grand banquet started. An hour before the party, Eastern Star God, Qianhua and spike-like HanYing were just arriving the Heavenly like most of the other guests. 

At that time, everyone looked serious and well dressed. Neverthless, after people waiting for a while, the king still didn’t show up. So people had no birthday guy to send prepared presents or even birthday wishes to. Tables were all set with good wine and dainty dishes. Yet no one could start the feast. Everyone was having a hard time waiting.

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They waited till sundown. When the twilight reddened the hall, Barefoot God furiously left the table; and Love God was about to doze off. Then the Lord LaoZi had to stand up to represent the Heavenly King and said, "All gods and fairies, now please feel free to start."

"What happened?! Is the king not coming? "

Qianhua got pricked hard on the side of the waist. It must come from the ungrateful thorn.

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