Chapter 9 The Ghost Princess

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Of course, Qianhua just posed a tough question. HanGe smirked at the side and answered for him, "WuYi was a snake."

Huh! He turned out to be a snake. Qianhua figured that a snake wasn’t much greater than a hedgehog! Then she looked up at WuYi, but with some sympathy at this time.

Just as HanGe supposed earlier, WuYi was there for the wine. This time, he took three bottles, which respectively made from magnolia blossom, peony honey, and water lily.

Before WuYi took off, he looked at Qianhua again with intense confusion.

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HanGe complained about that for a while, "Hmm! I’m just trading three bottles of wine for his king’s four weapons from the Demon artifact collection. How dare he take advantage of my Huahua? It's not for free, I should’ve charged him!"
Qianhua heard that on the side, softly stroked her forehead and said, "I am not yours. If he is interested in me, anything you earned from him should be mine!"

"Huahua you are mean! I was going to take your suggestion, but now I need some more time to think about it!" HanGe was trying to threaten this proud woman. 

"You should watch out for the venom that still inside your body, unless you prefer to have a pair of spotted hands." Qianhua threatened him back immediately.
Thus, the next day before the sunset, the Ghost King used a large sedan chare carried by eight ghosts to send Qianhua and HanYing out of the Ghost realm.

Upon leaving, the brother and sister held their hands together and burst into tears as if they would be apart forever. YanSi, HunMu, and HuanLanSha were also weeping beside them, which made Qianhua very uncomfortable inside the sedan. 

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The Ghost princess, HanYing, was just an unpleasant woman.

YanSi was right. The princess had an attractive face just like her brother. However, because she had never met a stunning woman who could be more eye-catching than herself before, she seemed pretty envy and jealous every time she caught sight of Qianhua. Plus, she always showed bit condescension towards Qianhua:

“She is just a lucky hedgehog after all. I am the princess of the Ghost realm. I don’t believe that the Heavenly King would pick someone with spikes!”
At the same time, Luo Qianhua was thinking: 

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“She is a spoiled ghost after all. Her essential element is just a trace of hazy soul. How could that be compared with my solid spikes? If the Heavenly King would fall for her, he must be blind.”

Qianhua didn’t mean to strive for the Heavenly king’s favor, but she couldn’t help to join the competition due to a woman’s natural desire. It also led to Qianhua’s biggest regression on the Heavenly king’s birthday two days later. 

On the eve of the king’s birthday, Qianhua and HanYing discussed about the plan. They agreed that HanYing would transfigure into a thorn and hid in Qianhua’s arms. HanYing would stay quiet to avoid unnecessary troubles, until the right time for her to leave and start looking for the king. Right before HanYing gave her promise, the Eastern Star God docked at the door of Qianhua’s room.

Qianhua hurried to hide the ghost woman. She put on a smiling face and answered the door, "What’s up, Dad?"

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"When you dress up tomorrow morning, rub these ornament petals on your forehead." Eastern Star God never interfered Qianhua’s daily life before, but this time he handed over a red plum and asked her to wear such a tacky decoration in front of the crowds tomorrow. Qianhua felt awkward.

"Dad, Can’t you find a prettier one for me?"

"I picked this one carefully. I thought this plum blossom would match you perfectly."
"But I…"

"If you don't like it, you could stay home tomorrow."

Qianhua was surprised by his threat. She had to accept the flower and carefully placed it on her dresser. She could expect a lousy make-up for herself when she wakes up in the morning. But there was one thing she didn’t expect at that time…

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