Chapter 8 WuYi, the Demon Butler

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HanGe carefully checked his hands again, and began to think about Qianhua’s suggestion to temporarily turn his sister into a hedgehog spike.

Qianhua chuckled at the side, but actually worried a lot deep down:

If her venom’s trick was used on an ordinary ghost, it surely was easy to get him to suffer the pain for three full days. When it comes to the powerful ghost king, Qianhua was afraid that the wounds could be only last for a few more hours. She was trying to use the wine to make up a story, and her bluffing seemed to work. But if HanGe continued to consider longer, Qianhua’s trick would definitely be caught.

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Just keep calm. You can’t rush him to decide! Just wait and smile… Qianhua talked to herself in mind. But her smiling face turned stiffer when time went by. 

At that moment, someone reported, “Here comes the Demon Butler, WuYi!”

"Who is the WuYi?" Before that person came into the hall, Qianhua asked HanGe.

"WuYi is the chief assistant of the Demon King. He must have learned from the king to be chill and quiet; and he talks little, like an iceman. I suppose he is coming for the wine tonight, because only he knows the preference of the Demon King. The Demon King changes his taste so often that barely anyone in the demon realm can get used to it. Some day he wants rose wine, the next day it could be Jasmine honey wine. But WuYi knows best.”

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"I don't like alcoholic, especially an indecisive alcoholic."

"A lot of women who hate to drink had the original thoughts just like you. But after they met the Demon King, they all got drunk and forgot about their dislikes."

"How so?"

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"They fell in love with him! In this world, I have to admit that the Demon King is the only guy who could be more handsome than me! The Heavenly King is also good looking, but just not as charming as me!"
Qianhua derisively watched the narcissistic ghost in front of her, and then looked up at WuYi who was stepping into the hall.

WuYi was wearing a cardinal outfit and held a spotted snake whip. He entered with a cold face and seemed indifferent about people in the hall. But he stopped walking when he noticed Qianhua who was sitting next to HanGe. His eyes slightly widened in shock. He slowly opened his mouth to take some extra air. He couldn’t stop staring at her, yet still said nothing.
HanGe felt it awkward. He had never seen icy WuYi looked so lost. He immediately put his arm around Qianhua, as if someone else got interested in his prey. He talked in an offended voice, “Hello? Aren’t you coming for some wine? Why are you staring at my Huahua?"

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"Hua… Hua…" WuYi was confused, "May I ask who the girl is?" He was too curious to hold the question. He also checked Qianhua’s spiritual scent, but it was not clear.

"I used to be a hedgehog on the island of the East Sea. But then Eastern Star God found me and took me as his daughter. I have been cultivating for five hundred years. I am a spirit now, but will soon become a fairy. Does the Demon Butler have any questions for me?" Qianhua answered honestly.

"So you are a… hedgehog?" WuYi’s tone sounded mystical. It sounded like she should be more than a pitiful hedgehog. Qianhua was irritated, "Yes! I am just a poisonous hedgehog that stings the bullies! What are you?"

Light in WuYi’s eyes was gone. He went back to his previous unconcerned status. He seemed disappointed and ignored Qianhua’s question.

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