Chapter 7 Take the Ghost Sister

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This man was getting overconfident again. Qianhua licked her lips and smirked, "Would you like me to bring two bottles back for my godfather?"

"I heard that the Eastern Star God does not drink." HanGe caught her lying.

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Qianhua stopped smiling and asked, "How did you know?"

HanGe laughed, "HanYing and I have been observing you two for a while. If not, how could I be so confident to let her pretend to be you to get into the Heavenly?" 
The HanYing he just mentioned must be the name of his sister. Qianhua cursed this ghost princess silently but still gave a big smile to him, "So, I am the one that gets used. You and your sister should really make up to me. If your sister really gets the chance to be the Heavenly queen, how about giving me the whole wine cellar as a reward?"

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HanGe lightly bit his lips and stroked his forehead a few times. He seemed embarrassed, "Although I am a winemaking expert, but I am not into the liquor myself. This cellar is set for the Demon King. King NanLiyue is a big drinker. He drinks almost everyday. And he’s been getting more addicted to the wine in this millennium. If I exchange him with a high-grade wine for a favor, he always takes it. The cellar of wine is my diplomacy with the Demon realm. Therefore, you can take away anything in this ghost hall, except for my cellar. Beauty, you see, this bottle of peach blossom wine is already a painful trade for me!"

Qianhua was pleased when he talked tenderly and called her beauty. So she poured him a glass of the flower wine and handed it over towards HanGe’s ruby lips, “The venom from my spikes can only be dissolved in alcohol. You have to take the drinks and let the painful detoxification last three full days to get rid of the red dots on your hands. You only have to suffer three days, isn’t it great?”

HanGe was flattered by her moves, but soon got disappointed when he heard her words. One could sense some resentment from his tone, "Three full days! Huahua… How could you?"

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Qianhua looked at him and said softly, "Actually, it is not that difficult for your sister to sneak into the Heavenly without kidnapping me. She can just take a sense of my spiritual aura and turn into one of my spikes. I could take her through the South Gate and after that she would be free to walk around. This way I get to keep my reputation and you don’t have to disguise from the gods and the king."

"You don’t mind having a ghost attached to your body?" HanGe was shocked and he asked, "The spirits in the process of cultivation always have a big taboo; they need to stay away from the ghosts’ scent. Such an unfair insult to us ghosts! For decades, spirits run thousands of miles away from us. This ridiculous rumor has bothered my realm for nearly a hundred years. We lost lots of wandering souls; and even the ghosts’ scent has been seriously reduced. My ghost realm is almost halfway to the extinction!”
HanGe went on with a long complaining speech, and tried to cover the strong scent from the Ghost realm at the same time. Qianhua figured, he could be counted as a caring king of his realm.

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"Heng!" Qianhua sneered and rolled her eyes, "You have lied and trapped me here, for who-knows-how-long. I thought I would tend to cultivate into a ghost, let alone get some ghost scent. If your sister be attached to me for just a while, does it matter?" As long as she could get herself up to the Heavenly and away from the ghosts, Qianhua felt that a little sacrifice wasn’t a big deal."

One thing that Qianhua didn’t predict at that time: in a few years, she would accidentally cultivate into a miserable form between a god and a demon, which might be caused by the ghost princess’ scent.

The hateful scent!

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