Chapter 19 The Old Love Story

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As Qianhua expected, HuangfuYaruo did not deny. She asked, "Have you ever heard of the story of Heavenly King, Demon King and Flower Goddess?"

"I’ve heard that it was a well-known love affair. But I don't know exactly what happened."

"It started with love, but eventually ended with hatred."


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"Heavenly King and Flower Goddess were deeply in love back then and finally got engaged. But right before their wedding, a huge war started between the Heavenly and the Demon realms. The Heavenly was crushed. So the king had to send Flower Goddess as a hostage to the Demon realm. She must’ve suffered too much humiliation there before she jumped off the Spirit Extermination Stage. Her spirit vanished. And her soul was never in reincarnation."

"Why… Why did men lose their war but used women to be the prisoners?” Qianhua felt disgusted by the so-called fate. The decent image of MoYunye in her mind was also gone.
"I believe that Heavenly King had his own reason. But after a thousand years, some people do still not forgive him. Although I didn’t know his thoughts, but I could feel his helplessness at that time." HuangfuYaruo caressed the white gauze again sadly, "Poor LuoQian. No one knows where her soul fragments went."

"Demon… Demon King was so cruel! Why would an emperor be so hardhearted to abuse such a lovely woman hostage?!" Since no one had a clue of Heavenly King’s excuse, Qianhua started to pick on Demon King for his brutality.
"It was also controversial about when happened to LuoQian in the Demon realm. After her death, the Heavenly and the Demon realms called a truce for a thousand years."

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“Why didn't Heavenly King avenge his loss?”

"He wasn’t over LuoQian’s death. Sooner or later he will definitely fight back. I suppose he is waiting for the right time."

"It's been a thousand years. When would it be the right time?"

"The Demon realm now is too powerful to be underestimated."

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"Although I am not a warlike person, I still root for MoYunye to stage a comeback and conquer the Demon realm. An eye for an eye!"

Just when Qianhua began to raise her voice, an unpleasant wind blew into the garden.

" How dare you take such liberties!"

The new arrival was in a dark embroidered dress. It was Moon Goddess!
HuangfuYaruo bowed to Moon Goddess politely.

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The official immortal levels between the goddesses confused Qianhua. If the goddess of rain and cloud was below the goddess of moon, then maybe the god of sun was a significantly high level immortal. As the daughter of Eastern Star God, she perhaps got the chance to suspend the bowing manner.

Moon Goddess, however, was not pleased with the pride of Qianhua. She raised her eyebrows and mocked, "I can’t believe Heavenly King found such a small spirit to take over Bloomy Garden. I guess he’s finally over the past Flower Goddess. He’s ready to marry Yixue."

Qianhua shivered her shoulders a little and suddenly realized: If her daughter gets married to MoYunye, Moon Goddess would become Heavenly King’s mother in law! No wonder she acted like a patrician at the moment.

If not that war, LuoQian - the real daughter of Eastern Star God - would’ve been the queen.

**Originally from BadNovels. Check for the newest updates.**

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