Qianhua stopped from shivering and tried to keep calm. She started smiling and talked back, "I may be nobody, but at least I have my own dignity not to rely on a descendant to get promoted."

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Qianhua really was a poisonous hedgehog never took offense silently. 
But she didn’t realize the fact that Moon Goddess was also a vengeful woman. Her eyes turned red and extremely sharp. She stared at Qianhua with the intention to kill. Qianhua suddenly felt herself being tightly wrapped by a suppressing force. Her ribs started to curl towards her heart; and her blood was flushing backwards in her veins. She felt so suffocated that she gradually fell to the ground. It seemed that she was about to turn back to her original form.

Obviously Moon Goddess was trying to strangle this rude spirit with a vicious spell. WangfuYaruo was frightened to see that and tried her best to hold back the goddess, but got shoved away by her single wave.

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Qianhua was too weak to struggle from the crushing spell. The only way for her to survive at the moment was to cast a separation spell. If she could leave a hedgehog body illusion to trick Moon Goddess, her spirit could escape and reincarnate in a safe place…

Before Qianhua prepared to apart her spirit out of her body, a golden light flashed over to protect her from the choking circle. The brightness surprised both the spirit and the goddess.

"Moon Goddess, please show some mercy." MoYunye spoke in a sincere but cold voice.

Moon Goddess had to stop her torture.

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Qianhua was saved. She was also lucky that she didn’t end up switching form under such strong spell power, which might affect her plum petals. Now the petals still securely sealed her impressive face.

"How could Heavenly King get such a mean spirit to work in the Heavenly?" Moon Goddess was still furious about the interrupted penalty and full of displeasure.

"So how does Goddess want to deal with her?" Heavenly King didn’t argue.
If Moon Goddess got too serious about a low level fairy being ungracious, it might make herself look stingy. Now since Heavenly King was trying to interfere, she might as well just do him a favor. She said, “I’ll forgive her this time. But if she dares to be rude again, don't blame me for being cruel."

Moon Goddess left the garden with anger.

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HuangfuYaruo was relieved on the side. She gently petted her chest and sighed, "Qianhua you’d better be nice to her. Those who offended Moon Goddess before usually didn’t end up well."
Qianhua smiled again with a funny face, "Unfortunately, I only be nice to those who are nice to me."

HuangfuYaruo frowned and looked at this naughty spirit with some sympathy.

MoYunye suddenly laughed out and asked, "So you are saying you would be very nice to me?"

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Qianhua turned around and looked at him. She smiled enchantingly with her average face, "Will you be nice to me?"
"How nice you want me to be?"

"At least, you should allow me to take a look at the woman you loved." Qianhua was panicked when MoYunye glared at her with his glittering eyes. She tried to dodge his sight and glimpsed the covered stone statue. So she answered without a second thought, which she regretted immediately.

She should’ve asked for some spiritual power…

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