Chapter 26 Ghost King and Fairy Yixue (II)

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Qianhua wasn’t expecting HanGe start the lesson the second he explained what the spell was and use his student as his demonstration. Now she lost her control over the whole body and saw her own arms and legs waving crazy in the air. She looked like a lunatic who was trying to dance in the spotlight.

"Stop... Stop... Stop right now...!" She tried threatening, pleading, and grieving, almost everything she could express to HanGe to make him stop the magic joke.
"Have you learned it yet?" HanGe continued to laugh at her. When he was playing tricks on her, he was also passing down the spell trickeries on her.

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"Yes... I have learned!" Qianhua was clenching her fists.

"Then are you willing to help me get Yixue back to the Ghost realm for captivity?"

"Cap... Captivity?”

"Well, I'm not really into her. So naturally, I’m not giving her your Ghost Queen position."

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"Well... I don't mind at all. I don’t need it. Feel free to just give it to her. "
"No, you can’t. You have to mind. You have to be jealous!"

"Fine. I do mind. I am jealous. Please, please let go of me!"

HanGe smiled from satisfaction and stopped the spell. Qianhua suddenly felt a new warm wave flooded her entire body and all her limbs were light and soft. If not her own spiritual power was much weaker than Ghost King’s, she would definitely use her freshly learned skill to force him to dance some frightful moves.

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A sparrow velvet coat was the first lousy gift suggestion from Qianhua.

But it seemed to be a good idea to HanGe. Qianhua pretended to be sinsere and continued to sell her proposal, "You see, Yixue is the daughter of Moon Goddess. No doubt she would be the future Moon Goddess who always works during the nighttime and guards the moon palace by herself. It would be freezing and isolated there. If she has a lovely and warm coat at that time, she must appreciate it deeply in her heart." 
"But where can I find such a precious cashmere coat?"

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"That’s easy. I have one!" What was more dazzling was that Qianhua surprisingly pulled out a gorgeous velvet gown from her wide sleeve. "Godfather once gave me a gown when I lived in Eastern Mountain, but I preserved it since it was too heavy and bulky to wear daily. I’ve seen fairy Yixue; and she was slightly taller than me. So I’ll just do you a favor this time, which you shall keep in mind in the future if you have a chance to return the favor."
"Of course! Anything Huahua needs at some point, I’ll do it for you!" HanGe was bursting with joy and didn’t overthink about Qianhua’s potential trap. When he heard that Yixue was resting in the Moon Palace, he grabbed the gown and rushed over. The ghost then was gone for more than two hours…

Qianhua figured that he would not return soon. She imagined the scene where HanGe was challenged in Moon Palace. Qianhua happily rambled over to MoYunye’s sleeping palace.
"Such a good weather. You are not growing flowers, but visiting my palace instead?" In about 15 minutes, MoYunye was slowly pacing out of YunQi Palace. As Qianhua expected earlier, he usually came out for food around this hour. 

Qianhua probably was the only fairy who dared to hang out casually outside of YunQi Palace and play with the flowers and plants. It’s all because of the shiny dragon scale in her hand. 

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