"I came for you! I have something to talk to you." Qianhua got straight up and stood right in front of smiling MoYunye with a serious look.

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"Couldn't grow flowers?" MoYunye glimpsed at her for a second and pointed out her trouble for her.

Qianhua had to nod hard, "This deal is not really fair for me, I suppose we can change it? There must something wrong with that garden, even... "
"Even the powerful Ghost King wasn’t able to maintain a fresh sunflower?" When Qianhua was hesitating about the expression, MoYunye spoke out her mind again and smiled slowly.

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Qianhua was speechless each time MoYunye read her too well. She pouted and said, "You knew no way I could complete the task, but you purposely offered such an attractive reward to make fun of me, right?"

MoYunye’s smile faded away. The lake in his eyes rippled peacefully, as if something was hidden in the water. He talked softly, "I was just wondering, maybe..." Maybe the familiar face from past life under that mask could make a miracle in the current life.
But no, she couldn’t!

LuoQianhua couldn’t grow any flowers here. MoYunye watched clearly in the past two days.

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"Maybe what? Maybe I am different? Do I really think I could be a marvel of gardening?” Qianhua asked urgently, "Now you find out that I failed. Is it very disappointing for you?"

Qianhua caught the disappointment in MoYunye’s eyes.
When he raised his eyes, he put on his typical gentleness and tittered, "Don’t worry, you may keep watch over the garden for me."

"So I have no chance to see the face of your cherished statue?"

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"You want to see it that much?" MoYunye heard the impatient request and paused from stepping towards the main Dining palace. He turned around to look at her.

Once again, Qianhua nodded hard. She tried to explain her sufferings, "Don't ask me why. Even I don't know why. I feel like something is scratching my heart, which drives me crazy. Please, just allow me take one look, okay?"

MoYunye frowned tenderly and the lake in his questioning eyes seemed to freeze up a thin layer of ice on top of the surface, "A fairy who can not grow flowers is not qualified to see her."

Qianhua was shocked and a little aggrieved. Although his tone was not harsh, she intended not to argue any more. She kept silent and looked down at her dress, trying to ignore the person in front of her.

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MoYunye was on his way to get something filling and tasty. But since he refused Qianhua’s entreaty, every step he took forward felt uncomfortable. He was somehow entangled with her gloomy look. He finally compromised to look back and tried to comfort her in his gentle voice, "If you pay more attention, perhaps you could find LuoQian’s face somewhere else in Bloomy Garden."

"Where in the garden?" Qianhua looked up quickly and seemed full of expectation.

Qianhua’s fast change surprised MoYunye. A small hedgehog from a distant island was easy to impress.

"Of course, I can't tell you." That was the last thing he said before leaving.

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