Chapter 31 Visiting the Earth God

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HuangfuYaruo’s planting cheats fascinated Qianhua. She took Rain Goddess’ hand and asked, "Is it really gonna work? It would be great if it could work. I can go to the Bloomy Garden to collect more spiritual elements of flowers and trees by myself. Now you also gave me the best rain and dew. Only the mixed mud still needs to be found. Where can I find it?”

"You need to visit Earth God! But...that guy is a bit weird. He only meets visitors on sunrise time; and he shuts the door for cultivation for the rest of the day. Even Heavenly King's submission could be shut out of his palace if it is not at the right time. You should pick a good hour for your visit and remember to behave in your most modest manner.”
Rain Goddess finished her words and hurried taking off. She seemed to have prepared a long chat with Qianhua on her arrival. Perhaps the shocking scene of Qianhua and HanGe in the grass overwhelmed her; or maybe she was confused by something else. She cut their dialogue short and quickly turned around to leave Bloomy Garden. Her face was still pale at that time.

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Qianhua recalled HuangfuYaruo’s emotion change in her mind, but did not carefully speculate about it before she pulled HanGe out from behind the artistic rockery. She started complaining, "It was all your fault! You made the trouble and ruined my reputation. You also frightened Rain Goddess! And when it was your turn to take responsibility, you ran and hid behind the rockery! Are you even a man?!"
"Qianhua, you can question my personality, but not my masculinity!"

"Aren’t ghost all feminine?"


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"HanGe, seriously, could you wake me up early tomorrow morning and visit the Earth God with me?"

"It's no problem waking you up. As for the trip to that old Earth God, don’t count me in."


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"That old man is so hateful! He wears his arrogance on his forehead every day. I shall warn you one thing: never ask him what he really is. I believe that’s the greatest shame of his life."

"So what is he originally?"

"I have no idea. I asked him once by accident. And he jumped up furiously, like a firecracker. Since he walked around the Human realm all the year round, he told my father all the affairs and scandals that I had there in my teenage years. Then my father locked me up for three hundred years for punishment. I still remember those dark and horrible years. Even though my father has gone to no-one-knows-where, I really dare not see that old tattletale anymore.”
Thus, Qianhua went to sleep nervous and concerned that night. The next day at dawn, HanGe led her to the door of the Earth Palace.

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Earth God was really a weird immortal who never flattered Heavenly King like others. Maybe he only cared about his cultivation, by which he could leave behind his original form as far as possible. Although in Qianhua’s opinion, trying one’s best to get along with Heavenly King perhaps helped more in terms of immortal level upgrade in the Heavenly. Plus, the Earth Palace really should be repaired and redecorated properly. The current palace had soil gray rooftop and muddy walls. No wonder that other immortals would dislike him and force him to move his palace to the most remote corner of the realm.
"Hello? Is Grandpa Earth God in there?”

Qianhua walked on the gravel path, with sparse asparagus bamboo on both sides. The bird nests were half hanging on the branches. Qianhua couldn’t help thinking that her appearance here would count as the most scenic ornament.

She greeted loudly for a while, but got no response at all, not even from a single fairy boy. Only the front creaking bamboo door suddenly opened from the inside…

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