Qianhua took the chance and quickly slid through the opened bamboo door.

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The room was gloomy dark. Inside there were only a set of table and chairs, several teacups and a juvenile sitting cross-legged in the center. He stared at the guest fairy who was blankly checking around with his deep and sharp eyes.

"It's almost past my visiting hour. Now you have only eight minutes to make it clear what you're here for!" The young man had a clean and delicate face, however got an elder’s arrogance and lofty.

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Qianhua was totally surprised, "You... You are grandpa… Earth God…?” Actually, before the immortal started talking, she was ready to ask him if his master Earth God was at home.

"Grandpa Earth God?!" Earth God jumped up from the tea table to the room entrance where Qianhua was standing. Look closely, he appeared like a twelve or thirteen years old teenager. It was way off Qianhua’s imagination of an old man with high bright forehead and long silver hair. He spoke again with a resonant voice, "Do I... Do I look that old?"

"I... I think... that... " Qianhua felt helpless and her palms were sweaty. She now was complaining about HanGe in silence that he referred Earth God as a hateful old guy. She was slightly panicked when he turned out to have a young face. At the moment, she tried to cover her discourteousness, "No… Of course no… You look so young and vigorous for your age!"

It might still not be the perfect reply, but Qianhua was flurried when Earth God got pissed and impatiently pushed her towards the door.

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"Earth God, please… please pardon me!" Qianhua cried and switched to her softest tone.
"My daily opening hours are over. You should go!" Earth God didn’t even look at her.

"If you really kick me out and refuse to hear me out, I will spread the rumor about your original form! I’ll let everyone in the Heavenly know what you really is!" Qianhua finally thought of the master card.

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Earth God hurriedly held the doorknob and shut the door securely. Qianhua guessed that he might want to shut her body into halves at the same time. Earth God whispered in a very tense voice, "You know my real form?!"
Qianhua pouted and raised her eyebrows up high. She surely had no clue about Earth God’s real form. But in order to get mixed mud, she had to bluff about her spiritual cultivation and predictive talents, "As a hedgehog..."

Right after Qianhua finished those words, with a loud bang, the Earth Palace collapsed.

Qianhua was shocked. Had this palace been out of maintenance for decades?

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"Don't worry. The Earth Palace was just an illusion of my mental state. If my heart is broken, it will vanish itself." After a long while, Earth God started to talk again but with an obviously lower tone. His perky and fledgling eyes unexpectedly revealed a trace of helplessness, bitterness and hatred.
"Why are you so heartbroken?" Qianhua was so confused that her spikes were about to come out of her body.

Earth God, on the other hand, seemed to have suffered a great deal. He was crushed by Qianhua’s unfinished sentence; and his arrogance vanished in an instant. He started sobbing quietly and mumbled bitterly, "I have been cultivating diligently the whole time to rise from my previous poverty. After 50,000 years of training and torment, I am finally a top tier immortal in the Heavenly. No one would know and make fun of my original form any more. But today, you little fairy… you pointed out my secret! Shame! Such a great shame…”

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