Chapter 33 Bloom the Gentian Flowers

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Qianhua was lost from Earth God’s complaints, "When did I speak out your secret?..." She suddenly paused and realized something. She opened her mouth widely and rounded her eyes; and her tongue was almost tied. She screamed and nearly broke her voice, "So... So it turned out that your real form is a hedgehog!"

Earth God was tears up and nodded painfully.

But after Qianhua recovered from her shock, she felt irritated, "So you are ashamed of... being a hedgehog your entire life?”

Earth God was still sluggish and stared at her with his empty eyes. He nodded again.

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"As a poisonous hedgehog who strictly follows her own principles, I sincerely pity you for your self-despise!" Qianhua threw her harsh words upon the sad god, and prepared to slam the door behind her.

Earth God’s secret sort of hurt her pride.

But just as she was about to step out of the ruins of Earth Palace, Earth God shouted at her with a quaking sound, "Unbelievable! You are a Hedgehog too?!"



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HanGe could never figure out how exactly Qianhua managed to bring back a pile of mixed mud from Earth God within ten minutes.

According to his original guess, she would have to beg at least three hours without feedbacks in Earth Palace. Thusly he could swoop in to play a hero when she miserably turned to him for help. Even he himself was not certain about his chance to get the precious mixed mud. How come such a hideous spirit is able to quickly win over the pickiest immortal in the Heavenly? In ten minutes, that annoying old man got so generous that he took out his treasure for a stranger… At present, LuoQianhua had been busy planting the seed.
"Huahua, how did you do that? Come on, stop your planting and tell me the story first!"

"Hmm, you dare to ask me for story? If it wasn’t you misled me of Earth God’s aged look, I would have had a blossom by now!" Qianhua complained about him in silence and expected him never to find out what happened: When Earth God learned the fact that there was another hedgehog living in the Heavenly, he was burst with joy. Earth God assumed that the hedgehog spirit was way more humble and then got himself over amused at someone else’s petty level. Driven by his cheerful mood, he tossed over a pile of fresh mixed mud to Qianhua as a goodbye gift.
"Well, Earth God is frankly a dozen thousand years older than me! He was already a Heavenly immortal when MoYunye’s grandfather was on the throne." HanGe didn’t care much about her complaints, “Was he fooling you today as a young gentleman again?" 

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"Not a gentleman, but a teenager!"

"Dear lord, why do people grow older but more shameless? He wasn’t that over when I last saw him a thousand years ago.”
Qianhua ignored the nagging ghost on the side and grew out a gentian flower bud in the middle of her palms.

"Why do you like such a boring type of flower but not something more pleasing?" In a long while, HanGe finally finished his resentment about Earth God and began to pick on Qianhua’s flower.

Qianhua seemed to be equally astonished, "I always grow flowers with inspiration from my heart instead of a figurative idea in my mind. But it’s my first time to grow out a gentian flower."

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"Change one, change one. I don’t like its melancholy. It makes me uncomfortable!" HanGe kept criticizing next to Qianhua and at the same time reached out for the flower bud. Qianhua hurriedly raised her arms to block him for the struggling new life, "It is almost blooming. As long as it could be bloomed and transplanted smoothly, I would close the deal with Heavenly King. Not only I get to see the Flower Goddess, I can also take his five hundred years spiritual power! Even if I grew out a dog tail flower, it would be fine by me!"

HanGe sighed and watched her use up all bottles of spiritual elements and dews. She grew out a pair of sapphire gentian flowers bloomed on the same stem. 
The flowers were extremely enchanting, but faintly sent out a trace of depressing sorrow, which made HanGe very agitated.

There was still an hour before dragons started the rain in the Heavenly. Qianhua started to get ready for the transplantation. She needed to carry out the delicate gentian flowers from the nourishing mixed mud and move to a deserted and cursed land. She doubted if the flowers could last till the arrival of Heavenly King. 

She’d better use this hour to get MoYunye over for the witness first. 

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