"I’ve told you that you don’t need to do these! Why are you still so obsessed? "

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Just when Qianhua swayed into the back garden of YunQi Palace, she heard MoYunye’s offended voice through the door. Inside the hall, she saw fairy YiXue sitting on the floor and plenty of fancy sweet cakes were scattered around her.

The couple is fighting?

Qianhua felt hesitated about the timing of her visit. However MoYunye raised his eyes at that moment and happened to see her pacing back and forth in the hallway. 

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"Qianhua is looking for me?" The past minute MoYunye was hard on his fiancé, the next minute he was asking his visitor in a soft and caring tone. His wise eyes were still showing the royal prestige; and the elegant manner made his handsome smile more intoxicating.

"Mmm, I... I am not..." When YiXue looked up at Qianhua, her eyes were full of grievance and a slice of blame. So Qianhua felt awkward about her intention to take MoYunye away with her.

"Qianhua, please wait." MoYunye called back Qianhua when she was trying to flee off like a caught thief.
Qianhua stroked her forehead helplessly and figured in mind that the next time she ventured into Heavenly King's palace she should’ve made friends with his maid fairies for an early notice of the host-guest condition at the time.

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"Is there anything I can do for you?" Qianhua sighed to herself and faked an embarrassing smile.

"Please walk fairy YiXue out for me." MoYunye spoke gently.
At that time, Qianhua had slowly stepped to the side of YiXue and leaned down to pull the weak woman up from the freezing jade floor tiles. MoYunye’s words surprised her. She subconsciously clasped her fingers and accidentally pinched the fairy’s arm.

YiXue groaned in a very low voice, which made Qianhua guiltier. "Sorry, I didn’t mean to..."

YiXue touched Qianhua’s hand back with her cold fingers and silently shook her head, indicating that she didn’t mind at all. But Qianhua clearly saw a couple teardrops running inside her deep eyes.

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Did she pinch this innocent fairy that hard? Qianhua sighed. Qianhua knew that the king she loved might’ve hurt the fairy more.

Such a lovely woman got humiliated by an insensitive emperor, even in front of a visitor. Qianhua felt sorry for fairy YiXue. So she supported YiXue with her arms and spoke coldly to MoYunye sarcastically, "People say you have wronged Flower Goddess before! Why are you still so obsessed about repeating the same mistake?"

She was copying his tone when she bumped into his complaints towards YiXue earlier.
YiXue was thankful but more embarrassed.

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MoYunye was emotionless when he heard that. The spring in his eyes was still clear and gently rippling. He said, "Because I’ve wronged her once, I want to make up."

"You want to make up by hurting people?"
"I do not want to hurt people, so I refuse." MoYunye lowered his eyelids and stared at the scattered cakes on the floor, as if he was looking at YiXue’s broken heart.

Qianhua was in a daze and almost asked out loud if he ever loved his fiancé. Fortunately, the impulsive words stuck in her throat. She said, "You will end up as a couple till death apart you. Why hurt each other now? Why can’t you leave out the drama and try respect each other just like what people do in the Human realm?”

Although MoYunye was obviously annoyed, he softly replied, "Take care of Bloomy Garden, and walk away from things that don’t concern you."

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