When Qianhua felt the meaning of a threat from MoYunye’s words, she kept silent. After all, it was his own business; she would be a fool to sacrifice her Heavenly career for her meddlesome. So she smiled at YiXue and changed the subject, "Anyhow, I’ve heard that Ghost King made a confession to you recently. How about you pick him instead? "

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This hedgehog was definitely a fence sitter.

As soon as YiXue heard about Qianhua’s suggestion, she widened her eyes and gritted her teeth. She couldn’t believe this fence sitter would fall on the other side so fast that she was left with no savior at the moment.

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But MoYunye seemed to be positive about Qiahua’s sloppy recommendation. He nodded his head solemnly on the side and asked YiXue, "This sounds like a good match. If you like, I can set you up with him right now. HanGe and his sister HanYing were insisting to unit their Ghost realm with my Heavenly realm by marriage.”

This king was definitely a fickle emperor. Last time he turned down HanYing with fairy YiXue as an excuse. Now he was using HanYing’s brother to cut his potential relationship with fairy YiXue.

MoYunye’s words completely poked YiXue’s fantasy bubble. At that moment, Qianhua almost heard the cracking sound from the fairy’s broken heart.

Fairy YiXue felt so miserable that she could barely stay in YunQi Palace for any longer. She cast off Qianhua’s arm and staggered out of the hall. Although she must’ve taken a great deal of grief, before she turned around and rushed towards the back garden, she didn’t spare another teardrop.

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A while after she was gone, Qianhua shook her head in compassion and blamed herself, "I am really a bad woman!"

MoYunye said nothing and turned his face to the side behind her. He lifted his lips and smiled like a puppet. Since when had he become such a numb person was beyond him. He felt somehow relieved after he refused YiXue in front of the hedgehog spirit.
"You! You ruined my chance to be a matchmaker and made me a couple-breaker instead! In return, you need to go back to Bloomy Garden with me to see the classy gentian flowers I planted in person!” Qianhua didn't forget her visiting purpose. The sun was in full brightness; Qianhua never wanted MoYunye to miss the one and only opportunity to change her life fate.

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Certainly up till this moment, she still believed that her gentian flowers could survive.

Back at Bloomy Garden, in front of MoYunye and HanGe, Qianhua carefully pulled the gentian flowers out of the mixed mud and planted them onto the wasteland. For a second, there was no sign of petal-falling at all. LuoQianhua was pumped, "Look! My flowers are alive! They are so fresh and spirited!”

Before Qianhua could finish, the gorgeous blue petals started falling at the same time when the sunshine moved.

LuoQianhua shocked and shriveled. She rushed over and tried to save the fading flowers with all her spiritual power. MoYunye stopped her immediately, "Don't bother, they can’t make it! I have been planting flowers here for a thousand years and still got nothing.”

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Qianhua couldn’t take it! She could use up her 500-year spiritual power to save the gentian flowers. If she could succeed, she would then get Heavenly King’s 500-year spiritual power, which was still better than her current cultivation. Plus, she could also end up with the reward of seeing Flower Goddess’ face. Qianhua would never want to lose such a valuable bet!

Keeping that in mind, Qianhua reached forward more emphatically. MoYunye tightly locked her in his arms; HanGe was more impatient and lifted his foot to stamp on the dying flowers sharply. The petals were crushed into pieces, so was Qianhua’s hope.

HanGe blinked his charming eyes and smiled towards furious Qianhua, "Huahua, this land was dead a thousand years ago. Your depressing flowers were nourished temporarily from the mixed mud. No chance they could last long here!”    

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