"How come you suddenly came back?" Eastern Star God was surprised about Qianhua’s hasty arrival and tense face. He started to overthink about Heavenly King kicking his goddaughter out of the South Gate ruthlessly. His past memories waved back to his head. He felt his responsibility as a father and his numb eyes started to be filled with pity and love.

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Qianhua shook her head lightly, and asked him nervously, "Dad, is it possible that two people in the world are born with exactly the same face?"
Eastern Star God was shocked. Did she finally…? Or perhaps she found out something in the Heavenly? He replied with a panicky voice he had never used before, "Only the same person but from different lifetimes could have the same appearance, otherwise... impossible. Goddess Nvwa had never molded people with exactly the same figure since she started creating people.”

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"Not even possible for close relatives, sisters, or mothers and daughters?"

With Eastern Star God’s confirmation, Qianhua finally had to ask out the question that puzzled her for almost 500 years, "Dad, why would you take me as your daughter back at that time? Plenty of spirits were lonely and suffering in the world, why me?”

Her godfather’s eyes twinkled. He glared at Qianhua’s sincere face and frowned before looking away. He sighed and answered, "You looked a lot like my daughter, LuoQian."

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Such a remarkable surprise!
In the hexagonal lotus pond inside Bloomy Garden, when the sun shined on the water at its peak hour, LuoQianhua witnessed with her own eyes that the peaceful water could reflect everything without their covers. She had seen two identical faces there - a frightened woman and a cold statue!

So Qianhua believed what her godfather just said. She indeed looked like the past Flower Goddess LuoQian. That also explained precisely: why MoYunye would keep her in the Heavenly after their first meet and pushed her to make a miracle at the dead land; and why HuangfuYaruo would be so shocked and almost lose her mind when she saw Qianhua’s real face. 

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The fact sounded ridiculously improbable, yet still was the truth.

"Dad, do you think I am somehow related to Flower Goddess LuoQian?" Qianhua continued to inquire with her trembling voice. As a parentless hedgehog, she only had vague memories with missing puzzles. She had never expected herself be involved in such a complicated love and hatred story.

Eastern Star God turned around and stared at her, but didn’t say anything in a while, "Qianhua, sometimes, you need to find out the answers by yourself."
Qianhua pouted when she heard that, "Dad, you’ve been my godfather for half a century. Why are you still hiding the answers to me?"

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Eastern Star God must have thought more than a hundred times about telling her everything. But every time he knew clearly that the complex story must be unveiled by those who experienced the story themselves. Qianhua needed to complete her memory to understand all the pain and bitterness in the story, even if she had to repeat the history again. 
LuoQianhua didn’t get what she wanted from her godfather before running back to the Heavenly. The second she stepped down from her riding cloud, she suddenly remembered what MoYunye had told her about finding LuoQian’s face somewhere else in Bloomy Garden the day when she failed the planting mission the first time.

A lot of sleepless nights, Qianhua almost turned over the whole Bloomy Garden but walked back to sleep with nothing. She had cursed MoYunye a few times for tricking her again. Now she thought back, maybe he was referring to the reflection in the lotus pond…

She stopped on the way to Bloomy Garden and turned around for YunQi Palace.

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