On her way to YunQi Palace, Qianhua used all her power to get rid of the plum blossom seal from her forehead and exposed her real face frankly. Her intention seemed to have some unexplainable dirty trick. There were few wandering immortals along the path before Qianhua arrived at the palace gate. As she approaching, She saw maid fairy LingXi standing at the gate. Qianhua figured she might be waiting for someone and planned to sneak over and surprise her for fun.

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"You... Who are you?”

LingXi was surprised but not in the way Qianhua expected. Qianhua had imagined that she would shout "Flower Goddess LuoQian" and fled inside to inform MoYunye. However, LingXi clearly did not recognize Qianhua’s face and was simply surprised by the impulsive stranger.

"I am the gardener fairy of Bloomy Garden, LuoQianhua. You’ve sent snow lotus cakes to me, don't you remember?" Qianhua smiled and felt pleased about the self-introduction with her real appearance.

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LingXi frowned. She remembered, but just didn’t believe it. "Fairy, please don't fool me. Please tell me your true identity, so I can inform Heavenly King."

Qianhua stroked her forehead and said in a flat voice, "Please just go tell him that the daughter of Eastern Star God, LuoQianhua, has come to visit!"

LuoQianhua and LuoQian were two names with a small difference.

Although LingXi was still confused, she turned around and went inside to pass the message.

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Qianhua waited at the gate quietly. She could’ve just taken out the dragon scale to walk straight in; but she preferred to use her shocking face to make an astonishing entrance.
While waiting, she saw Moon Goddess came towards YunQi Palace.

She was the reason that LingXi waited at the gate earlier. MoYunye had noticed LingXi to send away Moon Goddess with some excuse. He had to take her accusation since he refused her daughter harshly; but currently he was too tired to deal with the futile argument.

Moon Goddess was running over with a flaming temper. She was about to burst the door open but suddenly stopped moving when she recognized a familiar face from a past life. She was so shocked that she teetered and almost fell on Qianhua’s blue tutu dress. 

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“Grandma Moon Goddess didn’t need to bow to me. Qianhua can’t take it.” Qianhua tried to be polite yet with sarcastic tone.

Moon Goddess found the name recognizable, but not as the face. She stood still and looked at Qianhua up and down carefully. What happened a thousand years ago carved Flower Goddess’ face in her mind; no way she would’ve mixed it up with someone else’s face. She was confused about the person in front of her whose face was exactly the same with the one from her memory.

Who dare to pretend as Flower Goddess around Heavenly King?

"Where does this bold fairy come from? How dare you disguise with Flower Goddess’ face to seduce Heavenly King?" The first thing Moon Goddess thought about was the threat to her daughter’s future marriage.

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Qianhua sneered and stared at Moon Goddess with apathy eyes. She tried to look proud and elegant without answering the questions. She actually looked like Flower Goddess LuoQian instead of an inexperienced hedgehog.
"In the name of Moon Goddess, I command you to change back to your original appearance!" The old woman seemed to be irritated.

Qianhua continued to ignore her and went ahead to enjoy the flowers and plants outside YunQi Palace. In the warm breeze, the flowers swayed delightfully.

"Are you not listening to me?" Moon Goddess took a couple steps towards the fearless fairy. The moon shined on her. The goddess’ shadow covered Qianhua’s whole body.

Qianhua stepped back and murmured, "I was born this way. If you don't believe me, let’s wait for Heavenly King!"

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