Qianhua stopped by his side and tried to talk to HanGe patiently, "HanGe, nothing is gonna happen between your sister and MoYunye. Why do you bother to sacrifise yourself for that?”

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"Huahua, I did try to pursue fairy YiXue for sister Ying. But you! You are the woman I laid my eyes on first! I am not letting anyone else take you!" HanGe roared. His voice was no longer soft and delicate like before but more virile and domineering like a warrior. He grabbed Qianhua’s wrist hard, and tried to take her towards the Heavenly border, "I am taking you out of here!"
LuoQianhua was surprised, but not able to get her wrist out. Just when they turned around at the hexagonal lotus pond, Qianhua glimpsed a deep blue gentian flower trembling right in the fresh soil!

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Qianhua thought the flowers died from their roots. However, without anyone’s notice, the flower unexpectedly revived. It was beautifully blooming!

Qianhua jumped up excitedly and tried her best to shake off HanGe’s hand to rush over to the flower. She kneeled down in front of the gentian flower and carefully stretched out her shaky hands. She gently touched the fresh petals with her fingertips, like she was touching a newborn. 
It wasn’t her illusion or a magic trick. It was a real living flower.

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"It’s alive? It's alive! HanGe, you see, my flower is back to life! I made it... I bloomed it!" Qianhua was so thrilled that she kept screaming at HanGe, which made him unpleased. "Yes, it bloomed before you came back. Unfortunately it didn’t die completely. I should’ve stumped harder!"

Regardless of his mumbling, Qianhua built up a small enchantment shell with her spiritual power to protect the gentian flower, in case it was too fragile to survive a breeze or bugs. She then stood up and ran toward YunQi Palace hurriedly, "I’m telling Heavenly King about it!"

Behind her, HanGe just got a heart broken.

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MoYunye stood silently in front of the blooming gentian flower.

Rain Goddess was on his side with a surprised face. She remained silent together with Heavenly King. She closed her eyes half way and tried to hide a trace of nervousness there.

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Eastern Star God, who happened to be summoned to the Heavenly earlier, was now also looking at the gentian flower beside MoYunye. He wasn’t shocked or feared like others. Instead, there was some bitterness in his smiling eyes, as if he had expected what he saw.

The audience also included the guardians of Royal Garden and some innocent fairies who had offered spiritual elements of flowers and trees to Qianhua before.

MoYunye wanted to find out the real contributions behind this living flower, so he brought everyone involved in Qianhua’s mission except the arrogant Earth God. Rain Goddess started her self-confession first, "I started it with some of my first-class rain and dew. But previously, when Heavenly King tried to grow flowers here with stronger power, I offered the MuHua droplets and dew I had conserved for a thousand years. We used the mud under the Bodhi tree from the Western Buddha and your three hundred years of spiritual power for that plant. We still failed. This time, Earth God and the Royal Garden fairies, as well as I just offered Qianhua some small favors, which were nothing compared with the spiritual supports you had. Although we helped Qianhua, we are not really responsible for the flower's blossom. Please trust us!”

MoYunye believed and agreed with what HuangfuYaruo just said. When he tilted his head and looked at Eastern Star God, his eyes turned extra harsh and cold, "Eastern Star, what you think about this?"

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