Eastern Star God looked up and fixed his eyes on a corner of Bloomy Palace’s golden roof, as if he had seen a nestling phoenix from its nirvana. He started to talk in a flat tone, "Perhaps... Perhaps the time has come. After all, a thousand years have passed, so does Qian's hatred. It happened to be this LuoQianhua who caught the timing. If wasn’t her, there would be other fairies growing out a flower or two in this wasted land around this time.”

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He was smart not to let out anything. He gave all the credits to time and left his goddaughter out. If Qianhua heard that, she shall argue with him for a bit. Fortunately, she was currently arguing intensively with HanGe inside the hall…

MoYunye showed resistance to Eastern Star God’s reply. Apparently his hasty excuses were not what MoYunye needed. He couldn’t wait any longer to question out the truth. But Qianhua’s shrieks suddenly came from the Bloomy Hall.

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Previously MoYunye intended to leave Qianhua and HanGe inside the hall and out of his discussion with others. However MoYunye did not expect that HanGe would lose his mind when he failed to persuade Qianhua to escape the Heavenly. HanGe was not giving up his obsession of Qianhua. So this crazy ghost decided to kidnap the same spirit one more time. Again, Qianhua was too weak to fight Ghost King hand-to-hand. She had to scream towards the outside for help. Just as she expected, MoYunye was the first to rush inside. 
"HanGe, what are you doing?" MoYunye found that HanGe was trying to carry Qianhua on his shoulder. His rude moves must’ve hurt the weak woman on top, whose face was twisted like a cracked walnut. MoYunye turned so worried when he saw the tangled couple that he bluntly called the name of Ghost King.

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"Yunye, hurry, save me!" Qianhua was a tricky woman who knew how to make the man desire more to rescue his lover. But her words triggered the kidnapper at the same time. HanGe immediately casted a spell of Hell Flames towards the rescuer.

MoYunye held his palms together and pulled an enchantment to evade the attack. He quickly casted spells back at HanGe accurately and fiercely. He was no longer an elegant gentleman when he was confronted with a rival in love. There seemed to be a real silver dragon burning in anger inside the hall.

At the same time, Eastern Star God was supporting on the side for getting his goddaughter back safely. His counterattack was clean but merely violent. He needed to protect his daughter’s future marriage not interrupted; and also he tried to avoid hurting the emperor of another realm.

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HanGe refused to put Qianhua down, but at the same time had to fight with two high-level immortals. He was about to lose the battle and turned a bit frustrated. He finally dropped Qianhua when he was hit by one of MoYunye’s spell attacks. He staggered several steps back; and his handsome face looked miserable. He shouted irately before leaving the hall as a cloud of ghost vapor, "You two won’t end up well. I will definitely take Qianhua back!" He probably went back to the Ghost realm to plot a wedding robbery.
"Did you get hurt?" As soon as HanGe was gone, MoYunye pulled over Qianhua and asked urgently. His eyes were naturally showing his deep concern and affection. Eastern Star God was certainly pleased to see that.

LuoQianhua took the chance to hug his arm tightly and talked like a spoiled child, "You see, I am spiritually too weak to protect myself. How could the future Heavenly Queen be such a vulnerable spirit? You should teach me some magic spells so that I can at least defend attacks on my own!"

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Eastern Star God nodded on the side, "After you get married, I will give you a thousand years of spiritual power."

Before Qianhua jumped up with excitement, MoYunye responded sincerely, " You need to be in good condition for the spiritual power transmission or magic spell tutorials. So you shall take care of yourself before the wedding. Tomorrow is the big day. I promise you, I will guide you to be an immortal after tomorrow."

Qianhua smiled. Her face bloomed like a flower. At that moment, the whole Bloomy Garden seemed to be in the season of warm spring.

Of course she was happy. This little hedgehog was one night away to be a queen!

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