Their Plans

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The knight standing next to Sid, laughed bitterly at the delicate voice calling for Sid, then grabbed a handful of Sid’s hair, and raised her head.

“Your Miss is calling you, Sid.”

And thanks to the lamp he held so close, Lena could clearly see Sid’s messed up face. That face with nosebleeds, swollen eyelids, and even lips…….

Lena forgot her fear at the sight and screamed.

“What did you do to Sid!”

“This damn bitch!”

Mrs. Marvin approached Lena, raising her hand to do the same to her. However, Lena lifted her head and opened her eyes horribly.

“Where are you hitting? Viscount Delroins seems to like my face very much.”

At that sound, Mrs. Marvin’s hand stopped. She seemed to regret losing the chance to hit Lena, but she didn’t do anything reckless.

“Hoho. That’s right. The Miss is soon to become the Viscountess Delroins, so how could a lowly person like me touch you? When the day comes, the master will take appropriate measures with you.”

The eyes of Mrs. Marvin, who spoke those words, shone eerily in the dark.

* * *

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And the next morning, Lena knelt before Baron and Baroness Fidelia and Elliot. Lena’s attempts to escape made the Baron couple angry, and Elliott raised her voice saying that Lena should be whipped right away.

But Lena, driven to a dead end, did not intend to lower her head any longer. She had to protect Sid, and it was the Baron Fidelia couple who wanted her to marry Viscount Delroins.


“First, I’m going to hit the stable keeper’s daughter until her back bursts!”

It was the moment when Elliot was screaming as if she was going to give an order at any moment.

“Just touch Sid, and we will see if I get married obediently?”

Lena, who had never rebelled against them, threatened with a gloomy voice and raised her eyes. Even if she fell over and broken by Elliot’s mischief, even if she was unfairly beaten instead of Elliot, even if she was bullied by the maid chief and other maids, Lena never uttered a single complaint.

It was the Baroness who first burst into anger at the sight.

“You…… You…… ! What an ungrateful thing to say!”

“I don’t know what kind of grace you’ve given me to make me be ungrateful.”

For the first time in her life, poison flashed in Lena’s purple eyes.

In the unimaginable situation, the Baroness’ voice quivered with anger, and Elliot stiffened with her mouth open. Baron Fidelia, who was sitting, couldn’t hold his anger and jumped up, revealing his anger.

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“What? What did you say now?”

“Isn’t that right? I didn’t play and eat here for free, and I was paid less than others and did the most difficult work, but what kind of grace have I received? It’s not my fault that I was born as the Baron’s illegitimate daughter, and I’ve never benefited from that. Yet, after being so hard on me, now you are trying to sell me instead of Miss Elliot. Where is the grace? If it’s such a good place, marry off Miss Elliot.”

“This…… Really crazy…….”

“No, I’m perfectly fine. But if you touch Sid or Uncle Theo, I’m going to go really crazy. Then, this marriage will not go the way you want it to.”

The Baron’s clenched fists trembled. He was angry, but it was clear what Lena believed in and what she would do. She had already been introduced to Viscount Delroins as the daughter, and he would have to hand Lena over to him in order to reap the benefits. As the Baron, Baroness, and Elliott were grinding their teeth, Lena even smiled and threatened them.

“If I become unfit for marriage, or if I tell the Viscount that this marriage is a scam, will the Baron not be in a lot of trouble? Then, yes, there might be a situation where Miss Elliot would become Viscountess Delroins.”


At those words, Elliot quickly became contemplative. She made fun of Lena yesterday, saying, ‘You’re going to marry that old pig,’ and if Lena exposes everything to that idiot, she might be the one who should marry the old pig.

“Mo, mother…….”

Elliot looked at the Baroness with eyes full of anger and fear. The Baroness wanted to tell Lena that she should be grateful. The wedding was only a month away, and she was upset that she couldn’t beat Lena, but she couldn’t help it.

“I will not ask about Sid’s punishment. Instead, if you can’t play the role of Lena Fidelia properly after the wedding, then neither Sid nor Theo will be safe.”

Lena clenched her teeth and nodded her head. And from that day, an armed knight stood in front of Lena’s room.

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* * *

While Lena was preparing for the wedding that was against her own will, Viscount Delroins was busy with other things along with Baron Fidelia and Baron Jenkins.

He was so outraged that the Duke of Luave, who had left him in this state, had created and spread all kinds of scandals about him, and a messenger from Viscounty Horace handed him a letter with a very surprising offer. He wanted to join hands with Viscount Delroins and strike the Duke of Luave.

[-… … Here’s my plan. First of all, after blowing up the bloodstone mine, one of the main properties of the Duke of Luave, and damaging the Duchy, the Duke of Luave will then reveal his face at the nobles meeting and take advantage of the frenzy to recruit some nobles to the black faction for the recovery. By protecting Her Majesty the Queen and Logos from the demon Kahel Luave, let us become ‘Guardians of the Kingdom’. I hope you make your decision.]

The eloquent appeal of the letter raised Viscount Delroin’s self-esteem, who was depressed because of the embarrassment.

‘Yes! It’s because of his absurd power that people join hands with the Duchy of Luave! We must save the Kingdom of Logos from that gigolo!’

Viscount Delroins indeed presumably considered himself the ‘guardian of the kingdom’ chosen for that ‘success’.

If it had been just that one letter, Viscount Delroins would not have been so high in the air. However, Viscount Horace, who sent the letter, belonged to Lewain County, who was a servant of the Duchy of Santella.

What kind of family is the Duchy of Santella? Aren’t they the dazzling incarnations of angels who are the exact opposite of the Duchy of Luave, who is the descendant of the devil? In particular, Lady Riddell Santella was Viscount Delroins’ madonna. Viscount Delroins firmly believed that those angels would not turn a blind eye to their subjects like the Duke of Luave.

When he showed interest, Viscount Horace constantly informed Viscount Delroins of the situation in Ardennes, and asked Viscount Delroins to finance their work. It was a very convenient method for him, as he only had to pay the money without having to go and meet the Duke of Luave in person.

If things went well, even if it was just a corner, he could occupy a seat at the nobility council. There was no such outrageous proposal to get kicked out because of a scandal. The nobles of Kerouac, aware of his movement, approached Viscount Delroins to establish a connection. If Viscount Delroins becomes a member of the nobility council, those who have connections with him will also have a chance to advance into central politics.

Thanks to the fact that Viscount Delroins was expelled from Ardennes, and was still living in Kerouac. To the extent of making a shameless request to marry the Baron’s daughter if the Baron wanted to be in his good grace.

“I got another call from Viscount Horace. Sooner or later, we’re going to detonate a bomb disguised as a spontaneous explosion in the bloodstone mines of Luave. If that happens, the Duke of Luave will lose his family’s biggest source of revenue. That will be the cause of the downfall of that damn Duke.”

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Baron Jenkins, who was standing next to him, asked cautiously as Viscount Delroins pretended to be serious and puffed out a thick cigarette smoke.

“Are you sure it’s all right? Even if you blow up the Luave mines, where will his power go? Bloodstone is not the only source of income for the Duke.”

It was a reasonable objection. The Santella and Luave families were the ones who could never betray the queen, and they were families that could not be punished even more because of their long history of loyalty. No, in fact, it was no exaggeration to say that the kingdom itself was run by those two families.

Even recently, it was a little worrying to even dare to resist the Luave family’s situation, as their dominance in industry had grown. Nevertheless, the little nobles of Kerouac held Viscount Delroins’ hands because of the assumption that he was related to Viscount Horace, and further, Count Lewain or Duke of Santella.

“Tsk tsk. Because everyone is so frightened, that young guy is arrogant! What does a twenty-three-year-old Duke know? The former Duke of Luave is also a problem. Had he been clearly aware of his situation, he would not have thought of giving an early succession of the Dukeship to that snotty kid. What’s wrong with being a little sick … Anyway, in the end, the Duke of Luave is the problem!”

Viscount Delroins quickly braced with excitement. He hated the Duke of Luave for not showing his nose at all when Viscount Delroins asked for help breaking up the duel with the Earl of Cadbury. He lay flat in front of the door of the audience room and begged so much…….

But his recollection was interrupted by Baron Fidelia’s words.

“You are right. Moreover, considering what Viscount Horace suffered because of the Duke of Luave…….”

“Isn’t it obvious? The daughter he raised so dearly was possessed by that demon and committed suicide. What parent in the world can leave that fiend alone?”

Considering Viscount Horace, Viscount Delroins’ wrath was nothing. Because Viscount Horace lost his daughter.

Viscount Horace’s daughter, Miliana Horace, was an ordinary noble lady. She didn’t have any exceptional sides, but she didn’t fall short on anything, and she was a gentle and kind girl who obeyed her parents. She was really ordinary.

The tragedy may have happened because she was ordinary like all the rest. The 18-year-old girl, just like everyone else, was curious about what kind of person Kahel Luave was.

At the New Year’s celebration that Kahel attends, she defies her parents’ advice to never give a glance to the Duke of Luave, and boldly approaches the seats of the head of the houses where Kahel Luave was located.

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