Merciful disposition

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Within two weeks after Kahel ordered the trial, Viscount Horace and Viscount Delroins were seated in the courtroom of Regina Palace, where the queen resided. And Kahel, who usually sent a representative to such a place, made an unusually direct visit to the Regina Palace.

In the trials of the Kingdom of Logos, seven judges made decisions instead of the noble elders who were elected once every five years, and even the Duchys could not deny their judgments. However, since the judges were also nobles, they could not help but be influenced by the two Duchies. So, the outcome of each trial was different depending on who gets the last vote among the seven.

However, the Santella family did not interfere in this trial. Not only was it caused by Viscount Horace’s personal resentment, but Viscount Horace’s actions were also clearly against the law. There was nothing he could have said even if he has ten mouths, as he arbitrarily tried to blow up the Duchy’s private property and even attempted assassination.

However, Viscount Horace criticized Kahel by bringing up the story of Miliana, which had nothing to do with the incident. He cursed Kahel bloodily, as if all he wanted to do was accuse him in the face.

But that could not affect the outcome of the trial. At the trial, Viscount Horace was ordered to pay a compensation of 70 million luans and Viscount Delroins was fined 2 million luans in damages. However, Kahel was not interested in the outcome of Viscount Delroins’ trial in the first place. He personally came to visit Viscount Delroins alone. He was imprisoned in a makeshift prison to punish the Viscount.
“This is an abuse of power! This trial is invalid! The whole nation should know that you are the devil!”

Viscount Delroins struggled inside the temporary prison. After all, he was in the palace where the authority of the queen was reaching, so he knew that Kahel could not harm him. But even so, Kahel seemed too indifferent. No, Kahel seemed to be smiling a little.

Only after realizing it did Viscount Delroins’ voice gradually diminished. Kahel, who was still silent, finally opened his mouth.

“Did no one advise you against making the Duke of Luave your enemy?”

“Don’t, don’t be ridiculous, you’re too young! A demon like you will surely be punished someday!”

“If you believed I was a real devil, you shouldn’t have thought of taunting me.”

And after a while, Kahel finished his personal visit and came out. Although Viscount Delroins looked a little dazed, he wasn’t hurt or threatened anywhere. The 5 minutes alone was too short for Kahel to harm the Viscount. So the guards guarding the temporary prison did not pay much attention.

* * *

“We have arrested the nobles of Kerouac who were attached to Viscount Delroins.”

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Gerard told Kahel, who returned from the trial. This time, it was time to punish the rats who dared to oppose the Luave family while being country peasants. Kahel immediately accompanied Gerard and his knights to the tower to the east of the mansion, sometimes used as a prison.


“How many?”

“There was only one person except Baron Jenkins who knew about the mine bombing plan. He said he was Baron Fidelia. His family includes a wife and one daughter. Other than that, the rest are really small fries, so the Duke’s hands will only get dirty if you touch them.”

“Then you’ll take care of that mess. Let Baron Jenkins be rewarded for his work.”

Kahel gave generously to Baron Jenkins for reporting Viscount Delroins’ every move to the Luaves, and then entered the tower to meet the foolish Baron Fidelia and his poor family, who will also die at the same time because of the foolish head of the family.

They were just greedy for foolish things, so unlike Viscount Delroins, Kahel thought of beheading them. Gerard also agreed that this method was more merciful.

The tower was quite high, but it was actually about three stories high, which consisted only of stairs, except for the upper floors. Among them, the third floor, which exists for ‘merciful disposition’, was very bright for a prison, with light pouring in through the high ceiling and multiple windows on the walls, and there were ten prison cells blocked by iron bars along the circular wall inside.

The prison cell looked similar to that of other prisons at first glance, but it was a little different in that there was a square hole in the middle of the iron bars and a canal was dug like a waterway in front of the bars. And inside each cell, Baron Fidelia’s men were locked up one by one, and the Baron was screaming loudly.

“The Fidelia family is a Barony family from Kerouac that has been passed down for 7 generations! I am that nobility! Even the Duke can’t keep us locked up like this!”

“If you were still a Baron.”

Following the sound of the iron door opening, a smooth and captivating voice resonated inside the tower.

“The Duchies of Logos has the right to dispose of the nobles and commoners from Barony and below in any matter that caused direct damage or is involved in the desecration of the Guardian family. And at today’s trial your Barony title was stripped.”

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Convinced that the main character who spoke the voice was the Duke of Luave himself, Baron Fidelia sat close to his cell and pleaded fervently for his innocence.

“Your Excellency Duke! You’re wrong! This is all because of Viscount Delroins! I was compelled to obey Viscount Delroins’ menace! Please have pity on me!”

“Hmm. I feel sorry for you.”

Baron Fidelia was relieved by the voice that didn’t sound particularly angry, and began to beg more pathetically. But when Kahel’s figure was fully exposed under the light, his noisy chatter stopped. So did the Baroness who cried and wept with him. They had never seen such a beautiful person in their life. The figure was not thin and pretty, but it was a beauty that looked like a solid and magnificently completed male deity statue.


“So, I am trying to be merciful to you and your family. Probably, it wouldn’t be painful to die.”


“Everyone out.”

Except for Baron Fidelia, who rolled his eyes anxiously, Kahel ordered Gerard and the knights who had been escorting him to go out. They, too, knew that if Kahel had decided the criminals to be executed here, they should not be near this place until the execution was over.

When the sound of the knights’ footsteps faded away and could no longer be heard, Kahel took off Calia from his neck and placed it on the table next to him. Then he naturally released the power he had always suppressed.

His devilish powers were amplified when magical powers were mixed in, so he brainwashed Viscount Delroins, saying, ‘If you love Kahel Luave, prove it by death.’ Viscount Delroins will commit suicide by any means within today.

The punishment for Barony Fidelia people was similar, but he was more considerate and let them die in a more ecstatic state than Viscount Delroins. Viscount Delroins will eventually commit suicide while still feeling the horror and pain of death, but the people of Barony Fidelia could at least die in ecstasy.

It hasn’t even been a minute since he let the devilish power out, but the sound of panting has already been heard from inside the cells.

“Duke! Please, just once…… just once, please allow me to touch you!”

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“Aahh…… ! Duke…… ! Hold me! I love you! Aahh! Please!”

Here, those possessed by Kahel’s demonic powers, as if in ecstasy, scrambled their arms out of the cell, earnestly wishing to reach him. Even when he said he would decapitate them with a sword, everyone was overjoyed at the thought that they could connect with him even through objects.

The people of Barony Fidelia were no different. It was a bit of a pain to watch them twisted their body, but Kahel thought, ‘Let’s be merciful’, and pulled a sword from his waist.

Then he ordered Baron Fidelia, who was drooling with the front of his pants inflated like a rutted dog, to stick his head out through the square gap between the bars. Of course, Baron Fidelia was delighted to see Kahel with his sword drawn out, and he stuck out his head through the gap.

“Why the hell would you even do that? Do you think the Ardennes nobles would even accept you, a country noble?”

“Hi…… Hihiik! Still, Kahel…… I could have met you…… Aahh! My Kahel…….”

Baron Fidelia, who had already begun to reveal his madness of being completely possessed by the devilish power, had no reason left to properly judge the current situation.


As he had promised to be merciful, Kahel, who had done his final goodbyes properly, mercilessly struck him on the neck. It was death without even a screaming, only making a popping sound as the neck was separated from the body. Blood began to trickle down the waterway in front of the cage, but the Baroness, who caught Kahel’s gaze, shook her hips, as if she couldn’t even see the wretched face of her dead husband.

“Next one, the Madam?”

“Yes! Yes! It’s me! Aahh…… Duke……!”

“Stick your head out.”

The Baroness, who had stuck out her head with a supremely blushing look, also stuck out her tongue as if she wanted to lick something, and Kahel’s sword slashed through the Baroness’ head at once.

Finally it was the turn for their daughter, who had just become an adult. But when the two people who were crying out their love disappeared, sobbing began to be heard inside the silent tower.

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Unlike the Baron and his wife, who sat holding their cage and shouting their love for Kahel, their daughter was sitting crouching in the innermost corner of the cell, trembling and weeping. Her pale blue complexion looked like a woman driven to the extreme of fear.

“Why are you doing that?”

“Huuk…… Uhk…… Please, please save me…… please save me… … .”

It was a surprise. Because her reply meant she was looking at the situation with reason.

“What’s your name?”

“Huuuuuu…… El…… Elli…… ot.”

“Well, Elliot. I’m a little busy, but won’t you come over here quietly?”

“Please save me! Uhuuuk, uuuuuk…….”

With nowhere to retreat, she was pushing her body against the wall. In that face of hers, he couldn’t find any ecstasy of being possessed by his devilish power. With her tear-soaked face clinging to her disheveled hair, and rubbing her slender palms together, she was begging for dear life.

“How the hell did this happen?”

Our two leads finally met!

Revision note:

an earlier version of this chapter misworded that Viscount Delroins & Horace was ‘awarded’ damages, we updated it to ‘fined’ and ‘awarded to pay’ to avoid confusion

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