Proofreader: somnium

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Old nightmare

The next morning, Kahel hurried to the Palace. It was to inform that Santella was going to attack the Sage’s village under the orders of the Hildebrunn Royal Family, and that he was going to Hildebrunn to help the Sage’s village.

In fact, if the noble family of Logos wanted to intervene in foreign affairs, especially if it was a work involving force mobilization, even if it was a Duke, this procedure could not be omitted. Is it reasonable to say that the Queen does not know her own nobles have participated in foreign wars?

However, in the Santella family, this process was clearly omitted and they were going to get things done. It wouldn’t be normal if they even talked about the appearance of monsters. They probably believe that everything else is being done in top secret.

Upon hearing this news, Fabian was, of course, angry.

“Duke Santella is revealing his true intentions. How can he be so arrogant… … !”

Keeping the use of force a secret was treason. When she thinks of the steps that the Santella family has shown so far, the suspicion grows stronger.

No matter how weak the power of the Queen, the Royal Family of Logos was Ardenia. It was also a dynasty that had lasted for 2,000 years. It may be because of the power of the primordial woman that she became queen, but it was not only because of her power that the dynasty was able to continue for a long time. It was because of the selection of the Queens.

In fact, it is not that the Queen’s power has weakened over the course of two thousand years. As if fluid, the strength of the power went up and down. However, the people and nobles continued to serve the Ardenian dynasty. The Queens led the kingdom to prosperity by properly coordinating the two Duchies, strong as beasts, and their policies were quite advanced and open-minded compared to other countries.

Even if the last few Queens have been a little indolent, Ardenia has never done much wrong. So the overthrow of this old dynasty will certainly have to face a huge backlash.


“I plan to head to Hildebrunn today. It seems that the Duke went directly to Santella. I don’t know what Liddell will do while I’m away.”

“I guess I should call Lady Santella to have her explain the situation. Well, I wonder if my words will work on that girl.”

“Your Majesty. You must not become weak. There is only one Queen of Logos, Her Majesty. No matter what the Santella do, Liddell Santella will not be queen.”

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Fabian smiled faintly at Kahel’s firm will.

“Yes. The Ardenian dynasty is not going to fall like this. Thank you, Duke.”

Fabian strengthened her mind that was weakening again and again as she foresaw her own disappearance.

When Kahel returned from the Palace, Luahalla was waiting in his parlor. It was because he sent someone while leaving for the Royal Palace.

“Seeing that you have been calling me in the morning, it doesn’t seem like a normal thing.”

Maybe it was because it was a sudden outing, so Luahalla, who was dressed a little more modest than usual, asked worriedly.

“It seems that the Crown Prince of Hildebrunn is trying to do something with the Santella family.”

“Yes? What are you talking about?”

“They’re going to attack the Sage’s village. I don’t know what they’ll do, but they said a horde of monsters will appear and it is going to annihilate the Sage’s village.”

“The Sage’s village? Oh my God…….”

He had no idea how stupid his brother was. Of course, the Tanel forest occupied by the wizards was worth it. Because it was owned by the Royal Family, it was like giving away the Royal Family’s property without any reward, and if it was recovered, it was a good income for Ragdrill.

But trying to fight with the wizards, that was a huge mistake. In fact, it was foolish to say that the wizards were of no help. Because of the medicine they created, the mortality rate of the people was greatly reduced. Still, Ragdrill had nothing in his hands, so he labeled the Sage’s village as ‘useless’.

“By the way, why is Santella getting involved in such a thing? Is there anything Ragdrill could use as bait for Santella?”

At that question, Kahel raised his finger and pointed at Luahalla.

“What do you think? They are trying to get you out of my side.”

Luahalla’s eyes widened, then smiled and nodded his head.

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“Lady Santella was patient for a long time.”

“Soon, Hildebrunn may issue a summons to Luahalla. Maybe they plan to purge your forces in Hildebrunn. Consider this a warning in advance.”

“It’s funny. It would be faster to find a force that supports him in Hildebrunn…… Anyway, I should apologize on behalf of my brother. It is impossible for me to raise my head as a member of the same Royal Family to have put Sir Kahel’s work on such a foolish thing.”

“It was like that at first, but now it’s different. I was determined to get paid well enough.”


“The representative from the Sage’s village was a very good wizard. To be honest…… I have been a little excited since last night because I want to finish my work quickly and get paid for it.”


Luahalla wanted Kahel to be careful with his word choices. Because the words ‘I’m excited’ that came out of the devilish Duke’s mouth were too provocative. But instead of putting the thought into words, Luahalla gulped down the potion of purification placed in front of him, barely holding onto his disorganized mind. Kahel looked at him with a look of incomprehension, though.

“Then, I will send a message to Hildebrunn. Of course, if Sir Kahel wins, it will be effective.”

“Let’s meet the expectations.”

Kahel discussed a few more things with Luahalla and prepared to depart for Hildebrunn. When the magic is released, the weapon is hardly needed, but in the beginning, a sword was needed to buy time for others to prepare their own magic. And in the family’s arsenal, there were several swords that were perfect for defeating monsters.

Normally, Arder would have brought it. But today, somehow, he wanted to take a look around the arsenal and decide. He didn’t even know if he needed an excuse to stay with Lena a little longer before he left.

“Lena. Have you ever been to the Luave arsenal?”

“Oh, not yet. If it’s the arsenal, you’re talking about the building near the training ground, right?”

“That’s where the knights keep their weapons. There is a room in which weapons are stored that can only be used by the Luave family. Would you like to go there?”

“Huh? Can I go?”

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“There is nothing that can’t be done.”

Kahel headed to the arsenal, calling one more servant to carry the weapon he had chosen. Although it was an arsenal, it was a place that could be called a treasure trove.

“Wow…… !”

As expected by Kahel, Lena couldn’t help but marvel at the twinkling weapons and holy relics all around her. Even if she wasn’t interested in weapons or jewels, the Luave’s family’s treasury wouldn’t be surprising. Kahel watched Lena alone, who was curious about this and that, and then looked carefully at the swords hanging side by side on one of the walls, trying to figure out which one would be better. For him to cut out monsters, he probably would need a sword with magic stones in it, but he was a little worried because the black sword he had most used was a sword without magic stones.

‘Still, the one with the magic stone would be better.’

Kahel picked up a sword with three magic stones stuck in the handle and an ancient word with a powerful killing spell on the blade. And that was when he handed the sword to the servant who came with him and looked at the armor.

“Kah, Kahel…….”

A trembling voice came from behind him. At that moment, Kahel’s back shuddered and goosebumps rose.

“Gaasp, gaasp,…… I, I love you, I love you, my Master…….”

Lena’s eyes were wide open in front of her. Her astonished expression alone could tell him what was going on behind him. Kahel instinctively rolled his body and distanced himself from the servant standing behind him.

“Haaahhh…… Kahel…… Kahel…….”

The servant with empty eyes shed an incomprehensible smile and approached Kahel one step at a time. Of course, the tip of the sword he was holding was towards Kahel.

“I…… love you…… so much, haa, come here, Kahel…… my Kahel… … let’s die together. Then our love can last forever…….”

Kahel saw another old nightmare before his eyes. It was not possible to know exactly why the servant was possessed by the devilish power. He must have been in a bad condition today. Because this often happens, he has not yet had another servant or a maid by his side, but he has become so accustomed to Lena that he hasn’t been vigilant.

“Lena. Run away quickly. Lena…… ?”

Kahel focused on the servant in front of him and called for Lena. However, Lena was completely frozen by the servant’s increasingly grotesque expression.


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She heard Kahel yelling at her. Lena desperately tried to move her body. She knew for sure that she had to run out and call someone. But she couldn’t move her body at all.

‘You have not seen anyone possessed by the devilish curse, have you? That’s really……It’s terrible.’ Liddell’s voice echoed in her ears. She remembered how the Baron Fidelia couple had been enchanted, but the sudden encounter in her carefree daily life was a completely different feeling.

The man, who had been quiet and polite until he came here, was now drooling over his lips and smiling with a bewildered expression. And with his mouth he continued to mutter ‘Kahel, Kahel’, with strange voices.

‘That…… possessed by the devilish power…… !’

Her whole body was trembling. She was also gradually reacting to Kahel’s demonic nature, so she would become like that someday. Her limbs stiffened from the moment that thought took over her head.


“Lena! Wake up!”

“Ah…… Ah…….”

Kahel, who slowly stepped back, shook Lena’s shoulder, keeping an eye on the servant. It was then that Lena began to tremble as if released from the shackles. And the servant, who had lost his mind, looked at Lena’s shoulder that Kahel was holding with a stern gaze.

“Why are you touching a girl like that? I am more…… I’m much more…… I love you more!”

He raised his sword with both hands. It was clear in which direction the trajectory was going. Feeling an irrational monopoly towards Kahel, the servant would kill Lena first.

He seemed to have made up his mind.


Kahel pushed Lena towards the door while releasing his magic power, striking the sword-wielding servant’s hand. The servant, who had never practiced a sword, lost the sword even with a light blow, but his eyes were completely overturned due to the magic that Kahel used.

“Kahel! Kahel! Kahel! Kyaaaa!”

He made a strange noise and ran towards Kahel.

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