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Mixed feelings

But Kahel lightly dodged him and then struck him hard on the nape of the neck, stunning him. Meanwhile, Lena ran out and cried out to the knight and Arder.

Arder, who jumped up in haste, saw what had happened and saw the servant lying on the floor with foam in his mouth and Kahel with a complicated expression on his face. It was the first time since he succeeded the Duchy that anyone had attempted to kill Kahel due to his devilish powers.

“Are you okay, Your Excellency?”

“I’m okay. Take that person and tie his limbs before he wakes up. Don’t forget to gag him.”

Kahel picked up the sword that had fallen on the floor and passed Arder and the knight indifferently. The only thing he cares about now is Lena. Unsurprisingly, Lena’s complexion standing outside the door was pale.


As Kahel approached her to comfort her, Lena faltered and stepped back from him. Lena’s shoulders were shaking slightly.


This appearance, he never wanted to show Lena. He should have been more careful, but he had become so used to the routine where Lena treated him like normal, that he mistakenly thought that he had truly become a normal human being. Instead of moving closer to Lena, Kahel turned back to the office. He felt the worst.

Lena, slowly freed from the shock, rubbed her sweaty palms against the hem of her skirt. The knights of the family came out carrying the servant, and Arder, who was following him, found Lena and opened his mouth to say something.

Lena took a few more deep breaths on the spot, then she chewed on each of the things she had to do today. When Lena needed to calm down her mind, that was her main method. Concentrating on the things she needs to do right now would calm her mind.

‘I have to pack the bags. Shirt, underwear, gloves…….’

As she walked down the hallway, repeating the items to fill in the small bag, one by one, her trembling body got better and better. However, the sight she had witnessed was not forgotten.

‘Am I changing to be like that person? So am I going to try to kill His Excellency?’

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It was terrible. She was afraid of herself. But the person who must have been more shocked than her was now was Kahel. She thought she acted strangely in front of him, but she didn’t know what to do or how to fix it. There wasn’t much else to do other than just do what she had to do.

Lena went into Kahel’s dressing room and packed his things. There wasn’t much to pack. She thought for a long time about what to say when she went to Kahel. Lena grabbed the luggage and she took a deep breath before heading to Kahel’s office.

“Your Excellency. I have packed all the things you need to take.”

Kahel was sitting on the window sill, looking out the window. Even at Lena’s voice, he didn’t even move. Lena hesitated, then opened her mouth carefully.

“Your Excellency. I’m sorry, are you all…… right…….”

It was like a crawling voice. Her voice seemed to tremble a little. Lena chewed her lips as she pondered how she could comfort Kahel. She hated herself for not being able to speak.


“Yes, yes!”

Kahel, who called Lena, was silent for a while. He too was choosing the words to say to Lena. But what he had to say, he didn’t know if Lena wouldn’t avoid him. He will probably never know.

The garden he looked down on was bright green with the leaves sprouting green thanks to the arrival of spring. It was a scene with a sense of distance from himself, who had to be covered in the black blood of monsters soon. He thought that didn’t suit him, he always wanted to enjoy his leisure time in that refreshing color.

“Come closer.”

It was a low, soft voice. Lena, who had been procrastinating in embarrassment, hesitated and walked over to Kahel’s side.


It seemed close enough, but Lena barely moved a little, not understanding what it meant to come closer.


“Mo, more?”

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Lena’s eyes fluttered as if an earthquake had occurred. Eventually, Kahel reached out and grabbed Lena’s wrist, pulling her gently by his side. Lena stood right in front of Kahel with her face dyed bright red.

“Am I scary?”

“What? No, no, no!”

“It’s okay to be honest.”


“You would be reluctant. Even if you are not affected, you will feel dirty.”

“No, no. I never thought of that.”

“Because of this curse, I have been very sensitive to human presence since childhood. And I’m noticing that your attitude has changed since Terra Luave.”

Lena’s shoulders twitched at those words. Even though he felt it all, Kahel continued.

“Besides, you must have been shocked by what happened earlier. It’s only natural that you hate me. I’m not blaming you for that. Rather, I am sorry. But even though I know you’re afraid, I can’t keep you away from me.”

Lena still looked at Kahel with bewildered eyes. There, it seemed vivid at first glance, so Kahel’s heart was broken. Even though he looked so frightening, he couldn’t let Lena go. It was clear that he was a selfish and cruel human being.

“Instead…… I’ll try to reduce the number of calls as much as possible. After this, you don’t need to eat or drink tea with me. Just let the other maid do things like tidying up my room or making my bed. You don’t need to attend my clothing. Just you..…Don’t leave me.”

Kahel raised Lena’s hand and kissed the back of her white hand. He couldn’t help but plead for mercy, thinking in his head that he shouldn’t do this, that Lena would be embarrassed, and that she might run away.

“Your, Your Excellency…… !”

Again, he heard Lena’s bewildered voice and her hand stiffened. Kahel smiled bitterly and let go of Lena’s hand.

He felt like a fool for thinking about his future with her, even for a brief moment in Terra Luave. He can’t keep a loved one by his side. He was born with such a curse. He thought that he would never feel such a trembling in his heart in his entire life, so maybe he should be thankful for this situation.

“I’m not like that…… !”

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“It’s not really like that…….”

Lena hesitated, contemplating whether she should tell the truth or not. If she lets Kahel misunderstand her or she says she seems to be reacting to Kahel’s devilish power, it will deepen his self-loathing and human distrust. But if she kept her mouth shut like this, she could at least stay with Kahel. It occurred to her in an instant that she wanted to deceive Kahel. But…….

‘If you find out that I lied to you like this, you will definitely feel betrayed. Maybe I will not be forgiven.’

Her Master was obviously a generous and kind person, but he was also stricter and more determined than anyone else. Lena squeezed her eyes shut and knelt down on the floor. As she tried to tell the truth, her whole body trembled.

“I’m sorry, Your Excellency…… The fact is…… I guess I’m affe…….”

“You can go.”

Kahel interrupted Lena.


“I didn’t mean to bring this up to hurt you.”

Kahel struggled to raise the corners of his lips. He didn’t ever want to see Lena afraid of him again, but he was also forcing Lena by taking advantage of his position. Now, for Lena, it was impossible to say, ‘I don’t want to be next to you.’ In the end, he decided to be hypocritical in trying to get Lena to say, ‘I’m fine.’

“It seems like I keep doing things that make you feel sorry for. Don’t worry about what I said earlier. After I visit Hildebrunn, I will inform Arder about your treatment. I promise you that you will do as little as possible that will make you uncomfortable.”

Lena looked up blankly at Kahel, who had completely misunderstood her own will. She was going to have to correct it, she had to make it clear that he was not disgusting. But it was her that was disgusting yet nothing came out of her mouth as if her mouth was frozen.

Kahel unintentionally reached his hand to get Lena up, then paused and pulled it back. Lena could tell what he was thinking. It was clear that he thought she would hate to even touch his hand.

“Your Excellency…….”

“I must leave for Hildebrunn. Then…… I will go.”

Kahel turned away from Lena, who was still on the floor, staring blankly at him. His heart, which had been shaken by something warm like the spring breeze, cooled again. Had he not known at all, he would have been fine, but the fragile feelings he had realized at least a little writhed in pain. But he didn’t want to bother Lena anymore. Fearing that she would run away forever, he decided to kill his heart at this point.

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Kahel opened the door to his office and walked out. The heavy door clicked and closed again with a small sound. Lena was left alone in the office, as if everything had stopped.

‘I…… I was such a bad person…… I deceived His Excellency to protect my one heart…….’

It was a deception. In fact, she wanted to explain as straight as she could, it was because she seemed to be reacting to His Excellency’s devilish power. But she didn’t. Because of her desire for someone she couldn’t reach, she made him feel disgusted with himself. Her breath was choked by the guilt that weighed heavily on her body.

But behind that guilt, a little joy arose. She could still be with Kahel a little longer, that she was fortunate that it was not found out, and that the joy she had gained from deceiving Kahel shone a little. That she couldn’t be so disgusting.

‘Sorry…… I’m sorry…… But I want to be with you a little longer.’

Tears streamed down her fists that were clenching her skirt tightly.

* * *

On the evening that Kahel and Dashar left for Hildebrunn, Liddell, who was called by the Queen, went to Regina Palace. She was surprised by the sudden call, but Liddell’s attitude was relaxed. The Queen couldn’t put any sanction on her, even if the Queen noticed something anyway. That was the present-day Ardenian dynasty. An incompetent and weak-minded person who was nothing compared to the two Duchies, and who, of course, should be under Liddell.

“Liddell Santella, greets Your Majesty the Queen.”

Even with that thought, her greetings are so polite that there is no fault in any place.

“Sit down, Lady Santella.”

Fabian’s voice was hard. Fabian didn’t say anything with the cup of fragrant tea placed on the table between them. Eventually, Liddell, who got bored of sitting down, opened her mouth first.

“I don’t know if I’m not dressed enough for the urgent call to enter the Palace, Your Majesty.”

Liddell’s attire was perfect, as always. So, it was an indirect question on why the Queen called her so hastily yet didn’t say anything. Fabian’s fierce gaze turned to Liddell.

“Lady. I was actually going to call Duke Santella, but he doesn’t seem to be in the capital.”

“My father is out of the country for a while for family affairs.”

“You mean in Hildebrunn?”

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