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"Dada!" Little Melon went and hugged his leg. "Mello saw you down the stage!"

Lu Yifeng patted his son's head, "You did well."

The Little Melon grinned happily when he got a praise from his father.

Their attention was caught when they heard someone clear their throat. The three of them looked towards the woman.

Jing Yue was looking at her son as if trying to remind him to introduce her.

Lu Yifeng didn't forget his mother, he actually wanted to show his mother how much his new family meant to him. "Oh yeah, Meiren, Xiao Gua, meet my mother, Jing Yue."

Xia Meiren turned to his mother and noticed the similar features between them. Lu Yifeng's mother looked young, it wasn't even obvious that she was actually his mother!

"It's nice to finally meet you, Madam Lu." Xia Meiren said with a polite smile on her lips. "My husband did tell me that you'll be meeting me today so... I prepared a small gift for you."

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She went and took a box from her bag before she handed it to Jing Yue.

Jing Yue looked at the box that Xia Meiren gave her before she accepted it with a small smile. "Thank you."

"You will love it." Lu Yifeng was smiling at his mother. Although he was just happy when Xia Meiren mentioned 'my husband' that's why he couldn't stop himself from smiling.

Seeing how her son was smiling with his eyes sparkling, Jing Yue couldn't help but sigh in defeat. He really loves that woman. She was actually hoping to convince him into a divorce but as a mother who has a soft spot for her son, she couldn't help but give Xia Meiren a chance and see what kind of woman she was.

She opened the box to see what was inside.

Inside was a jade bracelet. It was the finely polished jade with an emerald hue. Since Jing Yue is fond of jades, she can at once distinguish the quality of the jade just by looking at it. The jade bracelet that Xia Meiren gave her was one of a high quality jade. Jing Yue love jade not only because of its aesthetic beauty but also because of what it represents regarding social value.

Seeing the bracelet made her smile. "This is such a beautiful gift. Thank you."

Xia Meiren has already gained a good impression from Jing Yue the moment she saw her play the piano but now with this gift, she couldn't help but be pleased with Lu Yifeng's choice of woman. Although she still wasn't completely convince since Jing Yue thinks that Bai Xui Ying was still her girl of choice for her son.

Xia Meiren watched Jing Yue wear the jade bracelet and she was relieved that she liked it. The bracelet was expensive but with Xia Meiren's standing, it was affordable for her.

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"Mello has a gift too!" Little Melon went and took a cupcake box. Inside was a blueberry flavored cupcake.

He went and stood in front of Jing Yue and reached out the cupcake to her. "This is for Dada's momma."

Jing Yue's eyes softened. Little Melon definitely look like her son when Lu Yifeng was in the same age as him. The only difference is their personalities. Lu Yifeng was a quiet child while Little Melon was a child filled with energy.

She accepted the cupcake box before she patted his head. "Call me grandma."

"But dada's momma doesn't look like grandma." Little Mello pouted. "Dada's momma is Mello's momma!"

A soft chuckled was heard from Jing Yue. She couldn't help but love the small boy.

"Oh! But Mello has momma as my momma already..." Little Melon turned to Xia Meiren.

Jing Yue smiled, her face brightening up. "Then call me Mammy"

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Little Melon turned back to Jing Yue and tilted his head to the side in confusion, "Mami?"

Xia Meiren and Lu Yifeng eyed each other before they turned back to Jing Yue.

"I have made a reservation in Red Garden. We will have oue dinner there. Lets go." Lu Yifeng said before he looked at his assistant who was standing outside of the room. "Send all these gifts at home."

"Yes sir."


When they arrived in the restaurant and entered the room they reserved, Xia Jiamo and Ji Ruo was there.

Jing Yue wasn't surprised to see them since she was already told by Lu Yifeng that they will be having a family dinner after Xia Meiren's concert.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Senior Xia, Madam Xia." She gracefully greeted.

"The pleasure is all mine, Mrs. Lu. And please, no need for formalities since were now a family." Xia Jiamo said with a smile as he shook her hand.

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Jing Yue responded him with a stiff smile before she sat on her seat. Since her husband was long gone, Jing Yue is the Matriarch of the Lu family.

Lu Yifeng sat beside his mother on his other side, Xia Meiren was sitting.

Their meals were brought in by the waitress and waiters and was placed on their table. A soft music was played and an expensive wine was opened and poured on their glass. For the Little Melon, he was given an orange juice as his drink.

The room was quiet and only Little Melon was the one making the conversations, he was telling stories about what happened in the concert and he started telling them again about what happened in amusement park.

The tension between the Xia elders and Jing Yue disappeared because of Little Melon.

Ji Ruo turned to Jing Yue and smiled. After knowing Jing Yue, Ji Ruo saw that she was a strong and independent woman who knows how to respect elders.

"Here dear, have some of this." Ji Ruo smiled as she offered her some food.

Jing Yue smiled back at her, "Thank you, madam Xia."

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