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The dinner went well between the two families because of Little Melon's bright personality.

Seeing that her grandparents and Lu Yifeng's mother was getting along with each other, Xia Meiren can only sigh inwardly.

She really thought that Jing Yue was going to be a bitch mother since she was Lu Yifeng's mother but who would have thought that her expectations were wrong.

Being brought up properly by her parents, Jing Yue was not like those spoiled, rich people who would flaunt their powers toward others that are lower than them. Jing Yue was actually a good and reasonable person. If others treated her well, then she will treat them well. If others try tried to bring any harm to her and her family, they will have to experience Jing Yue's wrath.

Xia Meiren excused herself and went to the restroom. Soon after, when she went out, she saw Lu Yifeng waiting for her.

She looked at him with a blank look on her face. "What?"

"My mother will be staying at our place for a few days. You will need to move in my room." Lu Yifeng said while he was leaning against the wall.

Xia Meiren's face turned pale. She was going to sleep in one room with him?!

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"No. There are other guest rooms in the house, she can sleep there." She crossed her arms as she looked at him with a frown.

"Do you want her to think that we're not in good terms? It may be written in the contract that we're not going to sleep in one room but it's also in the contract that we should act like a couple when we're in front of others, right?"

Xia Meiren narrowed her eyes at him. How dare he use the contract she made against her?!!

Lu Yifeng couldn't help but inwardly smile with the reaction she was making. He can see how she was trying to figure something out against him. "My mother came all the way from Guangzhou, she wanted to stay with us for a couple of days. Xiao Gua doesn't seems to mind it."

'That's because he has no hard feelings towards you!' This is what she wanted to shout to him but she can only keep it to herself. Is there no way out of this?

"I'm following our contract. You'll just be staying in my room for a couple of days."

Xia Meiren wanted to cry. That contract was to distance herself from him but why are things going in the wrong way?

"F-Fine..." She sighed in defeat. "The contract also mentioned that you are not allowed to touch me without my permission. Just make sure you will keep your word."

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The side of his lips finally curled up. "I always do."

He offered his hand to her. "Lets go back."

She looked at the hand he offered. Did he want her to hold it? Not a chance!

Xia Meiren ignored him and walked pass him as she headed back.

Lu Yifeng sighed. If it was the past him, he would have forced her to hold his hand, maybe he would even force her into a kiss before they go back but since he has his temper on check, that was not going to happen.

He was not going to ruin this second chance.


"Goodbye, grandma, grandpa. Take care on your way back home, okay?" Xia Meiren said after she hugged her grandparents.

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"Don't forget to visit us sometimes." Xia Jiamu gently patted her head. "Bring Xiao Gua too."

"Of course." She chuckled.

Ji Ruo turned to Lu Yifeng and gave him a warning gaze. "Make sure that you treat her well." She turned to her granddaughter. "Call me if he gave you a problem."

'He already did, grandma.' Xia Meiren wanted to say but she can only smile at Ji Ruo. "Yes, grandma."

"Don't worry, Madam Xia, my son is a responsible boy. He won't give Meiren any problem." Jing Yue said with a smile. "Right, Gua'er?"

Little Melon nodded a few times before he grinned. "Don't worry, grandma, grandpa, Mello will be your eyes! Dada is always good to Mello and momma."

The two elders couldn't help but chuckle with what Little Melon said, "Yes, yes. Xiao Gua will be our eyes."

After bidding goodbye to the two Xia elders, Lu Yifeng went home.

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When they arrived, Jing Yue was brought to the guest room.

After changing into their sleeping attire, Xia Meiren and Little Melon went to Lu Yifeng's room. Little Melon wanted to sleep with his parents and since he was going to be with her, Xia Meiren was a bit of relieved.

Little Melon was so tired that the moment he laid down on the bed, he instantly fell asleep.

Although unlike Little Melon, Xia Meiren couldn't fall asleep with Lu Yifeng in the room.

This didn't escape Lu Yifeng's eyes, he noticed the uneasiness in her.

He went out of the bed and pulled up the blanket for them before he walked away from the bed. "I remember that I have to take care of something in my office."

When he left, Xia Meiren heaved out a sigh in relief. The nervousness and uneasiness she felt disappeared and this time, she was able to sleep in peace.

Meanwhile, Lu Yifeng was in his home office. He was staring at his laptop. In the screen, Xia Meiren and Little Melon's sleeping figures were seen.

He stared at it for a while before he closed his laptop. He took some files and started reading them.

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