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Lu Yifeng's eyes became heavy as time went by. It was already 2:30 in the morning when he decided that it is time to get some rest.

He stood up and was about to leave but his phone started ringing, it was from an unknown number.

Lu Yifeng answered the call and placed the phone against his ear.

"Brother!" Lu Xian Yu's voice was heard from the other line.

Lu Yifeng sighed. Since he called, he knows that Lu Xian Yu was going to ask him for something. "What is it?"

He can hear loud music from the background, was he clubbing again?

"Can I borrow Zhao Long Ji from you?" Lu Xian Yu asked.

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Zhao Long Ji was the captain of Lu Yifeng's guards. He was one of the best fighters Lu Yifeng trained.

"Huhu, don't be like that, brother. I just need some help with something and Zhao Long Ji is the best card I have." Lu Xian Yu pleaded.

Lu Yifeng massage the bridge of his nose. "Who is it again? Who did you challenged?"

Lu Xian Yu was so troublesome as ever. It's about time that Lu Yifeng give his brother a good beating once he comes home.

"I didn't challenge anyone! That old fart Dong Mingyu challenged me! I promise I will return Zhao Long Ji with no scratches in his body."

"No. Mother is here, you should go home." Lu Yifeng was done. If Lu Xian Yu went on with this kind of lifestyle, it will be hard for him to get out of it.

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"What?! Mother is there?!" Lu Xian Yu started panicking. "Why didn't you called me?!! Did she asked for me?"

"Yes. She's looking for you. She said that if you won't come home by this week, she'll block all your cards." He lied.

"Shit! Are you serious?!"

Family was the most important thing for Lu Xian Yu and it is followed by money. Since he was a troublesome son, Jing Yue has her ways to make him behave.


Lu Xian Yu cried because of what his brother said. Lu Yifeng was threatening him by using their mother. The only people Lu Xian Yu feared was Jing Yue and Lu Yifeng.

Although if it was Lu Yifeng, Lu Xian Yu can still runaway from him and escape his brother's wrath but if it's his beloved mother, even if he wants to runaway, Lu Xian Yu won't do that since he is a mother's boy, there's no way he will disobey his beloved mother.

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If only his father was still alive to pacify his mother. *cries*

Now that he was being summoned by his mother, Lu Xian Yu has no choice but to abandon everything and fly to the place wherever his mother is.

Lu Xian Yu was an easy going man whenever it comes to his family. He was a flirt whenever it comes to women but under that facade, he was a ruthless assassin. His job was so dangerous but he finds it thrilling. Many international politicians and other big shots would always try to hire him but Lu Xian Yu was a picky person. He will only choose if the mission was dangerous and thrilling enough for him.

The reason why Lu Xian Yu won't fight for the family business was because he finds it boring. He knows that Lu Yifeng can handle it well.

"Hmp! Tell mother that I will be going home by Friday. So can you send Zhao Long Ji here?" Lu Xian Yu was still trying to convince his brother.

"Bring him back alive and well." Lu Yifeng ended the call after he said that.

He sent a message to Zhao Long Ji after, giving him an address and ordering him to assist his brother.

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When Zhao Long Ji received the message, he cried. 'Boss, how can you send me to assist that rascal? Don't you need me anymore?'

Lu Yifeng placed the file he was holding on the table before he went back to his room.

His footsteps were quiet as he walked towards the bed. He sat by the bedside and quietly stared at Xia Meiren's sleeping face.

She looked like an angel and Lu Yifeng couldn't help but smile as he reached out and gently stroked her hair. Since Xia Meiren was asleep, she finds his gentle stroke comfortable.

If she was awake, she will definitely jump away from him like a scared cat.

It made him recall the time where she will look at him with eyes full of fear. Thinking of that time, he never wants to see her look that way at him ever again.

Her cold and blank eyes were something that always angered him before. Whenever he remembers the time where she looked at him with those lifeless eyes, his chest would tighten. He couldn't believe that he was such a monster back then.

Even if he loves Xia Meiren so much, he finally realized that what he did in his previous lifetime was something unforgivable.

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