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When Xia Meiren entered Li Bingbing's room, she went to sit down on her bed and took the psp that was there.

Despite being a neet, Li Bingbing was a clean freak and a perfectionist. She is Xia Meiren's best friend since high school.

Li Bingbing is a genius woman. She would always be on top of the class during high school and college while Xia Meiren came second after her. Even with all of the achievements she gained, Li Bingbing decided to be a shut in, that's why right now, she would always lock herself in her place without caring about the outside world.

Li Bingbing went and faced her computer. She started playing an online game and her fingers were so fast that it became blurry. "I am actually surprised that you got married to that shameful man."

Xia Meiren was playing some game in her psp. "Hn. I had no choice. I did it for my family and my son."

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Even if they rarely see each others, Li Bingbing and Xia Meiren were always in touch with each other. Of course Xia Meiren's situation didn't escape Li Bingbing's ears.

If Li Bingbing attended the high school reunion that happened four years ago, she would have probably saved Xia Meiren from her sad fate. But things didn't went that way. Li Bingbing went to her province to attend a relative's burial.

"What should I do, Bingbing? Should I give him a chance?" The reason why she visited Li Bingbing was to release some stream from all her stress and besides, it's been so long since they last hangout like this.

Li Bingbing and Xia Meiren became friends when they met each other in an online game. After learning that they were classmates, they would always hangout together.

The reason why Xia Meiren was always so sleepy the following day was because she would always stay late at night, playing games or having a movie marathon with her bestfriend.

"Dumb*ss! If I wanted to support 4 talentless douchebags I could have just bought a Nickelback album!" Li Bingbing roared.

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Xia Meiren frowned as she looked at her bestfriend. "Are you even listening to me?"

"Yeah, yeah. I am. What did you said again?" Li Bingbing asked, her attention on the computer screen.

Xia Meiren grabbed a pillow and throw it towards Li Bingbing, hitting her on the head. "Head shot."


"Oops. My hand slipped." Xia Meiren sneered before she placed the psp aside.

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She groaned. "Yeah, right."

"Anyway, should I give him a chance?" Xia Meiren asked again while staring at the screen.

"You know, I'm actually amazed by how Lu Yifeng admitted his sins. You see, the words that most criminals will always say when they're caught are 'it's not me' or 'I don't know what you're talking about'... Wow! This guy feeds so much he's a f*cking charity case!"

Li Bingbing squinted her eyes when she leaned her face towards the screen. "Looks like someone let Grandpa on the computer again!"

Xia Meiren couldn't help but sigh. She went out of the bed and walked towards her to watch her play instead. "You know, you've been saying something good earlier but you spoiled it."

"Look how slow this guy's reaction time is. Why don't he just disconnect and let the AI take over already?" She huffs. "Anyway, as I was saying earlier, they would always deny their mistakes despite the evidence that are shown against them but in this man, he admitted his sins. If it was me, if I can see that he's really sincere with his apology, I will give him a chance. Well... this is just my thoughts, you still have the last say in it."

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Xia Meiren lowered her head after what Li Bingbing said. Lu Yifeng looked like he really was genuine and was really regretting... But she will make her final decision after talking things out with him.

"After this game, lets go out and shop! You need to get out of this place sometimes." Xia Meiren walked towards the cabinet and opened it.

"Sure, as long as it's your treat. Go choose some clothes for me."

"Mm." She was looking through her clothes. Since Li Bingbing was a hacker and a game blogger, she earns money without taking a step out of her place.

Soon after Li Bingbing won the game, she stretched out her arms. "See where there's only one set of footprints? That's when I was carrying you all, bastards!"

Xia Meiren was so glad that she didn't bring Little Melon with her. Li Bingbing would definitely be a bad influence for her son.

"Here. Now go take a bath." She handed her a set of clean clothes.

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