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It wasn't long before Dong Hua received a message from Xia Meiren that they'll be going out soon. He finished the sandwich that he ordered in the cafe before he went back to the apartment to pick them.

Li Bingbing was wearing a long sleeved crop top shirt and a high waist denim jeans short. Her hair was tied into a messy ponytail with a few loose strands on the side of her face. With her bloody red lipstick, she was giving a sexy and wild vibe to everyone who saw her.

Dong Hua couldn't understand how Xia Meiren ended up being friends with a wild girl like Li Bingbing. He can definitely see that they were the exact opposite!

No matter what Xia Meiren wear, it was always sophisticated. Just by seeing her, they couldn't help but admire her for being classy and elegant. Every move she makes was graceful. She was a well-mannered woman.

Although, he has to admit that Li Bingbing was a beauty even if she was wearing glasses.

Li Bingbing's eyes were sharp, she noticed the way Dong Hua was looking at her. "What, old man? Are you blown away by my beauty?"

Dong Hua can feel his vein was about to pop in his head as she keeps calling him an old man. He doesn't look like one, okay?!

Xia Meiren cleared her throat before she patted Li Bingbing's shoulder. "Bingbing, behave yourself."

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Li Bingbing pouted and hugged Xia Meiren by her arm. "He started it."

Dong Hua's brow twitched in annoyance. He decided to ignore her instead since it would only be a waste of saliva if he argued with a childish woman.

Dong Hua turned and went to open the car's door for them. The two women entered the car and they started heading to Li Bingbing's favorite restaurant to have their lunch there.

Li Bingbing's favorite restaurant was actually one of the finest dining in Beijing. The restaurant was called S.T.A.Y. It has a style of dining popular in France, the Communal table and the Pastry Library.

Upon arriving, the Li Bingbing and Xia Meiren went out of the car. As they were about to enter the restaurant, they suddenly bumped unto Bai Xui Ying and her friend who was just about to leave the restaurant.

Bai Xui Ying looked at them in disdain, especially when she saw Xia Meiren.

"What's a slut like you doing in a classy joint like this?" Bai Xui Ying's friend, Gu Mai Ya said with a sneer as she looked at them with disgust. Just like Bai Xui Ying, Gu Mai Ya came from an elite family.

Li Bingbing raised a brow and crossed her arms as she looked at them. "Oh, are you pertaining to yourself? Wow, it's really good to know that you know yourself well. Well then, please drag your asses out of here."

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Gu Mai Ya's face became red in anger as she glared at Li Bingbing, "You bitch-

"I'm glad you know. Then that means you must also know that I only have one alpha male behind me." Li Bingbing smirked as she looked at them with cold eyes.

Gu Mai Ya raised her hand and was about to slap Li Bingbing but she was stopped by Bai Xui Ying. "Mai Ya, lets not waste our time with these scums. They are not even worthy of our attention."

"But Xui Ying, you can't just let them go this easily. Xia Meiren is the one who stole Lu Yifeng from you. I bet she used her body to do so."

When it came with wealth and other things, the Bai family comes second after the Lu family, that's why Bai Xiu Ying was the best candidate for Lu Yifeng because of her background.

Bai Xiu Ying would always regard herself as a high person, especially when she came from a family that is second to the Lu family that's why she was a prideful person.

"Do you want to know how I made Mr. Lu bend his knees for me? I don't really have to tire myself by using my body to get him." Xia Meiren snickered. "You see, I just have to walk in front of him just to make him fall head over heels for me."

Xia Meiren held Li Bingbing's arm, "Lets go, Bingbing. Lets not waste our time with an abandoned bride."

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They entered the restaurant and left Bai Xui Ying and Gu Mai Ya there.

Bai Xui Ying clenched her fists tight as she gritted her teeth. She believes that Lu Yifeng was just blinded by Xia Meiren.

She will not let this go so easily! She will make sure to bring Xia Meiren down and make her disappear. Once she did, she knows that Lu Yifeng's eyes will be opened. He will finally realize his feelings for her.


"Meimei, from now on, you should be careful. Bai Xui Ying is not a simple woman." Li Bingbing said in a serious manner. "I know that you have Lu Yifeng's protection around you but never let your guard down whenever it comes to Bai Xui Ying. You'll be surprised to see her turn into a monster."

"I know." She sighed. "Don't worry. Since I have offended her, I know that she won't sit still and do nothing. That kind of girl would always have something going on in their crazy minds."

Li Bingbing chuckled. "You read too much books about these things, don't you?"

"Guilty." Xia Meiren smiled. She took the menu and started choosing what to order.

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While choosing, Xia Meiren's phone rang. She took her phone out of her bag and looked at who was calling her. It was a call from Lu Yifeng.

Xia Meiren was hesitating. She doesn't know why he was calling her. This was actually the first time he called her.

Seeing the expression on Xia Meiren's face, Li Bingbing can already guess who was calling her. "Well? Are you going to answer it or should I answer it for you? Oh wait, let me answer it for you instead."

She quickly grabbed her phone and answered the call. She put it on speakers.

"Hi there, darling~"


Lu Bingbing and the man from the other line said these words at the same time.


Xia Meiren furrowed her brows when she heard the man's lively voice. Sister-in-law?

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