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Xia Meiren wasn't going to be fooled by his statement, so the best way to deal with him is by ignoring him.

They entered the car and were driven back to Little Melon's school.

"Are you free tomorrow?" He asked as he looked at her.

"I guess so, why do you ask?"

He rested his back against the seat. "I want you to attend the Charity gala with me tomorrow night."

She blinked a few times as she turned to look at him, "Charity gala?"


"Okay... will we be bringing Xiao Gua?"

"No. He needs to sleep early for his class the following day, he will be too tired if we bring him."

"I see. Then, I will let him know about this." Even if she wants to bring him, Lu Yifeng was right. Little Melon is going to school now, she can't allow him to accompany her and let him stay late.

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When they arrived at the school gate and went out the car, everyone was looking their way. They entered the school and saw Little Melon waiting by the school building's entrance.

Little Melon was happily chatting with his new friends and there were a couple of them, including little girls who would smile with a blush on their cheeks when they got noticed by Little Melon.

When he saw his parents, Little Melon waved goodbye to them and went rushing to his parents. "Momma! Dada!"

Xia Meiren bend down and caught Little Melon in her arms. "You look like you had a fun day."

"Yes! Mello made a lot of friends!" He grinned happily.

Xia Meiren scooped him up, "I'm so happy for you." She smiled back at him.

"Look dada! Mello has three stars on both hands!" He proudly showed his hands with red stars on it.

Lu Yifeng patted his head, a small smile on his lips. "Good job."

The other kids that was waiting for their parents and the parents of the other children couldn't help but take a glance at the beautiful family of three.

"Mello's mama and papa looks good too."

"His papa looks like Mello."

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"I wish my papa and mama looks pretty like them."

Going out of the school grounds and entering the car, Little Melon keeps on telling his parents what happened in his first day of school. He even mentioned all his new friends' name to them.

Lu Yifeng and Xia Meiren were listening patiently to him and would sometimes insert side comments.

It wasn't long before they arrived in their place.

"Welcome back, master, madam, young master." Mo Jing greeted with a smile. "The dinner will be ready in any minute now."

"Thank you, auntie Mo Jing." Little Melon smiled at her before he entered the house with his parents.

Xia Meiren accompanied Little Melon to his room and helped him in changing his clothes. It was just then that her phone vibrated, she received a message from her WeChat.

[Hey. It's me, Feng Ning. I will be going back to China on Wednesday. I just want to let you know.]

Xia Meiren's face brighten up when she reads his message so she instantly gave him a reply, [I'm free on Wednesday. I can pick you up if you want.]

Feng Ning: [Really? That would be great. I can't wait to see you, Xiao Mei.]

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A faint blush appeared on her cheeks. Feng Ning was her first love and she can't help but smile every time it was about him. [Me too.]

She kept her phone after that. When she turned her head, she met Little Melon's judging gaze. He was wearing a cute panda onesie, "Why is momma smiling at her phone?"

Xia Meiren couldn't help but feel guilty with the way Little Melon was looking at her. She was already married to his father and yet, she has feelings for another man. She stood up. "I was just looking at your photos. Lets go, baby."

Seeing his mother's nose twitched, Little Melon knows that Xia Meiren was lying. "Liars go to hell, momma."

"I'm not-

They were interrupted by a knock. When the door opened, Lu Yifeng was standing there in his plain T-shirt and simple pants.

"Time for dinner."

"Y-yes. Lets go, baby." Xia Meiren held Little Melon's hand and went out of his room.

Little Melon was pouting the whole way, he doesn't like it when his mother is lying to him.

Lu Yifeng noticed that Little Melon wasn't in a good mood that's why he couldn't help asking, "What happened?"

"Momma is lying to Mello." Little Melon puffed out his chubby cheeks.

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Xia Meiren inwardly panicked. "I'm not!"

Lu Yifeng saw how her nose twitched that's why he was able to know that she was. He learned this because of his previous life.

Reaching the dining room, Lu Yifeng carried Little Melon and placed him on his usual seat before he sat beside him. "Why do you think your mother's lying?"

"Momma's smiling on her phone. Momma said she's looking at Mello's photos but she's lying."

Xia Meiren couldn't help but wonder how Little Melon was able to found out that she was lying.

Ever since the day where Lu Yifeng told Little Melon about the truth about being his father, Little Melon started to become observant of his mother.

Lu Yifeng turned to Xia Meiren and this made her nervous. She wasn't cheating or anything, right? So... she doesn't really have to hide it from them, but... Little Melon doesn't like her conversing with other men and... Lu Yifeng might discover that the man she'll be meeting is actually the man she loves.

She knows it wasn't right because she's now a married woman, but she was forced in this marriage and the man she really loves is her childhood friend. For him, she was willing to divorce Lu Yifeng but she knows that was impossible. She doesn't want to give her son a broken family.

Was she not allowed to experience love and happiness from the man she loves? Xia Meiren can only sacrifice everything and let go of her old love.

"Nothing, it was just a message from a friend. I will go pick him up from the airport on Wednesday."

"Him?" Lu Yifeng and Little Melon asked in the same time.

Xia Meiren wanted to cry, how can this father and son duo be like this to her?

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