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Lu Yifeng's eyes became cold and Little Melon started pouting cutely again.

She sighed. "He's just a friend. Come on, lets just eat already."

The two boys before her continued on looking at her which made her feel uneasy.

"Momma, no no to other men, momma promised." Little Melon crossed his arms. "Only dada."

Lu Yifeng nodded in agreement. Little Melon really is his son, there's no doubt about it now.

"Yes, yes." She could only sigh in defeat. "Now can we please just have our dinner peacefully?"

"I want to talk with you after this." Lu Yifeng said before he started eating.

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"Mello wants to talk to momma too but Mello will allow dada to talk to momma first." Little Melon followed his father's actions by picking up his chopsticks.

The two of them started eating in sync and Xia Meiren couldn't help but be amazed by them.

After eating their dinner, Little Melon was brought to his playroom by Mo Jing while Xia Meiren and Lu Yifeng went to the office.

As soon as they entered the office, Lu Yifeng asked, "Who is he?"

"Feng Ning, my childhood friend." She answered without any hesitation.

Lu Yifeng's eyes darkened. It was because of that man that Xia Meiren tried leaving him a couple of times in his previous life. It was because of him that Xia Meiren couldn't love him. He knows it very well that Feng Ning was her first love and the man that she will always love.

He was her childhood friend and she loved him for so many years. He was the reason why Xia Meiren refused to date other men. She stayed single and waited for him to come back. If the incident between Lu Yifeng and Xia Meiren didn't happen, she could have dated and married Feng Ning instead.

After finally learning about his hideout in his past life, Lu Yifeng can only order his brother to kill him. He was full of jealousy this man. Lu Yifeng envied Feng Ning because of Xia Meiren's continuous love and affection for him for so many years.

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He clenched his fists and tried containing the anger that wells up in his chest. He never liked that man. "You are not allowed to meet him on Wednesday."

Lu Yifeng was afraid, afraid that the moment she meets Feng Ning, she will be stolen by that man.

She furrowed her brows, "I'm just going to pick him up. It's been so long since I last saw my childhood friend anyway!"

The air in the room dropped and Xia Meiren felt a chill run down her spines.

"If I say no, it's a no. That's final."

This time, Xia Meiren was able to see the part where most people described him, cold and aloof. He's a scary person that one should not try to cross.

"You don't have the right to decide for me!" She will not back off. She will not be weak in front of him anymore. She will not allow him to do whatever he wants. She has the right to make her own decisions. She will not allow him to threaten her again.

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Seeing that Xia Meiren was standing up for that man, it made Lu Yifeng mad like crazy.

He took a step closer to her as he looked at her with a menacing glare. "You will listen to me. You are only allowed to be with me."

Xia Meiren wanted to hide but her dignity and pride will not allow her to do so. She stayed still on her ground as she looked at him straight in the eyes. "Listen to you? Be with you? You cannot control me, Lu Yifeng. I have the right to do whatever I want! I never wanted this marriage in the first place! You're the one who threatened me to marry you! I have the right to love whoever I want!"

He grabbed her chin and squeezes it tight which made her flinch because of the pain. "You're mine, do you understand? Mine!"

"I'm not yours!" She growled. "I am not an object that-

She was cut off when he kissed her lips hard. Xia Meiren tried to push him away but he was too strong for her. This time, fear filled her whole body. "N... No!"

She was cornered against the door and her wrists were pinned against it.

Xia Meiren could feel the tip of his tongue intruding her mouth. She tried struggling again but he won't budge. It was until he ripped off her shirt and moved his kisses on her neck. Biting and marking her before he moved his kisses on her chest.

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She bursts out in tears, she cried and begged, "Please... Lu Yifeng... please don't do this..."

Hearing her broken voice, this made him snap out and pull away. He saw her wet face and eyes full of fear. Her body was shivering as she covered her chest.

"M... Meiren..." He tried reaching out to her but she shrank back in fear.

He clenched his fists and turned away. He lost control... he lost control of himself...

"GET OUT!" He shouted in anger. He doesn't want her to be in the same room as him or else he will completely lose it.

This made her more scared of him. This time, she hurriedly went out of his room and run to her room, crying.

He walked and kicked his table in anger before he covered his face with his hands. Just like that, he lost control. He told himself that he will not make the same mistake and not force her or make her cry but this time... he wasn't able to control his temper.

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