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After finally calming down, Lu Yifeng ordered Mo Jing to accompany Little Melon in his room and make sure that he falls asleep.

Xia Meilin locked herself in her room. She never expected that Lu Yifeng will try to force her. He was too scary, this was the first time she saw him like this.

She went in the bathroom to take a shower but seeing the hickey on her neck from the mirror made her remember what just happened. It made her body shiver when she remembered that he tried to force her... She hugged her body close. It made her remember the fear she felt four years ago. She was trying, trying to forget about it because she was able to get the truth from Lu Yifeng but what he did cannot be changed. The fear and pain she felt, it was there.

She tried giving him a chance, to start anew, to be his friend. She may forgive him but her body will never forget what happened back then.

Taking a shower was able to calm her mind and think things through. She went out and wore her pajamas before she lied down on her bed. She closed her eyes and because of the saltiness and heaviness in it, she instantly fell asleep.

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In the middle of the night, Lu Yifeng visited her room. Since he has a key to her room, he was able to enter it.

He sat by the bedside and watched her sleep. He gently stroked her hair. He stared at her for a while before he whispered, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lose control..."

Seeing the tear stained on the side of her eyes made his heart ache. He ruined it all. Starting from now on, he will have to start again. He knows that she will be afraid of him, after all, he showed his fangs to her.

He stayed there for a while, watching her sleep before he decided to go back to his room, but the moment he stood up, he heard her soft voice.


He turned to her, surprised that she mentioned his name in her sleep.

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But instead of seeing a sleeping Xia Meilin, he saw her looking at him. She sat down and pulled the blanket to cover her her legs. She was a light sleeper whenever she falls asleep with her mind, busy in thinking of something. The moment he entered her room, she woke up.

She was afraid when she started thinking of the things he can possibly do to her when he entered her room but what she never expected him to do is to apologize.

"It's my fault too... I... I shouldn't have said those things. I know that you have feelings for me and yet... I ignored that fact and used those words against you." She hugged her knees.

After she calmed dowm, she started thinking things through. She thought back about what happened and realized that it was also her fault.

Lu Yifeng lowered his head, the words she said earlier were the one that made him lose it. He was too scared to lose her since he knows about her feelings for Feng Ning. He cannot tolerate it whenever he sees her trying to stand for him.

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"I do have the right to love anyone I choose to love... but I am a married woman now. Even if I was forced to this marriage, the fact that I am married is something that will never change... But I love him, Yifeng." She looked at him, "Even so, I will not make him the reason to divorce you. I will continue to be your wife because of our son. My love for Xiao Gua is greater than my love for Feng Ning. I will not break this family, the family Xiao Gua loves, I will not break it because of him."

Her words were like daggers, stabbing his chest. She will only stay with him because of their. She doesn't love him one bit, he wasn't going to be the reason on why she will stay, this broke his heart into pieces.

"I already told you that I want to take things slow. We already decided to start anew. I want us to start as friends so that I will be able to get to know you better." She faced him, "I may not love you, I may not return the feelings you have for me right now but... I will not close my heart to you. If I fall for you, then I will accept it. If I don't, then... I can only treat you as my friend... But please... please don't force me into anything... I just need time, Yifeng. I need time to move on... so please give it to me. Don't force me."

Tears started forming on the side of her eyes. "Don't force me into anything... just like earlier... Don't make me hate you again. That night... it was a nightmare for me, it haunted me every time I try to forget it. I don't want that to happen again... please don't break the trust that I finally have for you."

Lu Yifeng stared at her with a heavy heart. Seeing her cry made him feel like something was tearing his heart apart.

He was the reason behind this all. He was the one who brought this pain to her. He wanted to comfort her and to remove the pain he inflicted in her that's why he went and hugged her close, "Okay, okay... I promise not to force you into the things that you don't want to do. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Meiren..."

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She shrank in his arms as she cried hard. She still feared him but she was trying, trying to her best to be brave since she knows Lu Yifeng was a kind person. He stopped just in time when he heard her cry, she noticed the fear in his eyes when he realized what he did, she clearly saw that earlier.

Xia Meilin was the kind of person who was willing to listen. She was someone who was willing to try and understand a situation, that's why she forgave him after he told her the truth. She was not the kind of woman who will make a quick assumption on things. She may not be able to think right when her mind was in a mess but as long as she was able to calm her mind down, she will start to analyze things.

Even if she fears him, she still believes that Lu Yifeng was a good person. After staying with him for almost a month, she knows this. He has always treated her well and because of this, she didn't choose to be blind about it. She knows that Lu Yifeng was an understanding man so as long as she tells him her thoughts in a nice way, as long as she explained things to him, she knows that it will be able to reach him and that he will be able to understand.

This was the kind of Lu Yifeng that she was able to get to know during her stay with him that's why she didn't tried to use the incident that happened earlier to judge him all at once.

Lu Yifeng is kind and a good person, he will not do things without a reason. He loves her and she ignored it that's why he got mad earlier. But in the end, even if she pushed him at his limits, he apologized to her. He's an understanding man and he listens to her as long as she will tell him the truth and explain it nicely to him. This was the image she has about Lu Yifeng, so how will she be able to continue to get mad and hate him?

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