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(A/N: I will change the name Xia Meiren to Xia Meilin. I just found out that 'Meiren' is actually used as a title for the Imperial palace concubine hahaha xD I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I'll be editing the Meiren to Meilin in the previous chapters. ︶︿︶)

Lu Yifeng can only comfort her by hugging her since he doesn't really know how to do it.

It wasn't long before Lu Yifeng was able to hear her even breathe. When he turned his head to look at her, he found her fast asleep.

She was leaning against his chest for support as she slept. Her face was red and her eyes were puffy, even so, he finds her beautiful. He gently wiped her wet face with his hand before he slowly and gently adjusted their positions into a comfortable one.

Xia Meilin snuggled against his warmth, finding contentment with it.

Lu Yifeng was hesitant if he should leave her there or not. He was worried that once she wakes up, she might get mad at him for being on the same bed as her. Despite this, he wanted to be by her side just like this. He longed to hug her like this and this was his chance to do it.

The smell of vanilla was so faint but Lu Yifeng was able to catch it because of his sharp smelling sense. This was the scent that he will never forget. Because of this, he decided to stay beside her for the night. If she'll get mad tomorrow morning, then he will just find a good excuse to give her.

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Early that morning, Lu Yifeng was awakened by a small movement that was trying to come in between him and Xia Meilin.

Little Melon was struggling to insert himself in the middle of his hugging parents.

Lu Yifeng squinted his eyes open and saw Little Melon trying to fit in between them. Lu Yifeng didn't want to let go of his wife so he did not loosened his hug on her. He will not allow his son to spoil his moment with his wife.

It was a good thing that Little Melon didn't saw his father open his eyes. Lu Yifeng closed his eyes and pretended to sleep so that Little Melon won't complain to him.

"Momma, dada, Mello wants a hug too." He didn't give up. He still tried going in between them, his stubbornness was definitely inherited from them.

Xia Meilin woke up because of Little Melon's continuous movements. "Xiao Gua..."

The small boy's face finally brightened up when he saw his mother wake up. "Momma, momma, move, Mello wants hug too."

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She blinked a few times before she realized the situation she was in, Lu Yifeng was hugging her close while Little Melon was trying to come in between.

Her heart started racing and her face started heating up with the situation she was in. She could feel the firmness of Lu Yifeng's hug and the warmth of his body beneath his clothes.

She started panicking because of this. She tried to move away from him but Lu Yifeng won't let go.

Little Melon couldn't tolerate it anymore, he patted his father's cheeks to wake him up. "Dada, wake up. Wake up."

Since Lu Yifeng was pretending that he was sleeping, he will not wake up with his son's call.

Little Melon puffed out his cheeks in an adorable manner. He faced his mother, "Momma, did you tire dada last night?"


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"Auntie Mo Jing said that momma and dada won't be able to sleep with Mello last night because you're making a baby brother or sister for Mello."

She was caught off guard with what he said. The redness in her face deepened. "W-What?!"

"Although Mello doesn't know how momma and dada makes baby but auntie Mo Jing said that it needs lot of energy. Mello's excited to have a baby sister!" He grinned happily and excitedly. He couldn't help but want a sibling after seeing some of his schoolmates with their siblings during lunch. "That's why Mello decided not to disturb momma and dada last night."

No wonder Little Melon didn't complain when he was told that he won't be sleeping with his parents!

Lu Yifeng was astonished after hearing his son's words. He should raise Mo Jing's pay.

He finally let go of Xia Meilin and when Little Melon was able to see this, he instantly jumped in between them. He snuggled against their warmth.

Xia Meilin sat up and was about to get out of the bed to escape but Little Melon stopped her by grabbing her shirt.

"Momma, don't go... Mello wants hug from momma and dada..." He said with an adorable pitiful face.

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He looked like a puppy asking for attention, especially with his big watery eyes and pouting lips.

Whenever Little Melon was using this card against her mother, Xia Meilin would always end up giving in.

Since she saw that it was still dark outside and the time was just four thirty in the morning, Xia Meilin couldn't think of an excuse against him. It was too early for him to prepare for school or have breakfast.

She sighed in defeat and lied down beside him. She hugged Little Melon against her, pulling him away from Lu Yifeng.

But that didn't stop Lu Yifeng from moving towards them and placing his long arm on top of them. He hugged them close, he knows that Xia Meilin will not be able to do anything about it as long as he continued to 'sleep'.

Xia Meilin wanted to pull his hand away from her waist but she knows that Little Melon will definitely complain against it since right now, he was really happy when he's being hugged by them.

"Momma, how long will Mello wait for baby sister? When will she come? Will she come next week? Mello's really excited!"

"..." She closed her eyes and pretended that she fell back to sleep. She will never answer that question!

"Momma?" Little Melon raised his head to look at her but he found her eyes close. He patted her cheek to wake her up. "Momma."

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