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When Little Melon saw that she was not waking up, he pouted and faced his back to her. He hugged his father instead.

Since Little Melon became quiet, Xia Meilin opened her eyes to see if he has fallen asleep. Although, she wasn't able to know since he's facing his back to her.

Little Melon was not sleeping, he was wide awake. He could not stop thinking of having a baby sister.

Xia Meilin turned and looked at Lu Yifeng's 'sleeping' face. She recalled what happened last night. She'll try her best not to make things hard for them since both of them are trying to get along with each other. As long as he will not cross the boundaries she has set for the both of them, then she will not make any problems for him.

While she continued staring at him, Lu Yifeng finally opened his eyes and stared back at her.

She was surprised when she saw him wake up, she instantly turned away in embarrassment.

A miniscule smile appeared on his lips. He was really glad that he isn't going to start all over again in making her trust him. He will make sure that this time, he will not allow his anger to control him anymore.

"I will... prepare breakfast for us." She whispered before she held his hand and removed it from her waist.

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He did not stop her. He quietly watched her get out of the bed.

Little Melon has fallen fast asleep while snuggling to his father.

She looked at them and smiled a bit. "Just stay with him for a while... wake him up once it's quarter to six."


She turned away and took her clothes from the cabinet before she went and used the bathroom in her room. After taking a bath, she wore her clothes inside before she went out of the bathroom.

She went towards the vanity table and sat on the chair. She took the hair blower from one of the drawers. She was about to dry her hair when she suddenly noticed Lu Yifeng through the mirror.

He was sitting on the bed and was staring at her. She couldn't help but feel her cheeks burning when she saw him looking at her with his eyes like eagle.

Lu Yifeng went out of the bed and walked towards her. He grabbed the hair blower from her hand. "Let me do it."

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She nodded a bit. "You already have it, I can't say no with that, can I?"

He chuckled lightly. "Mm."

He started drying her hair while brushing it. Her dark brown hair was soft and smooth like a fine silk. He could smell the faint smell of vanilla from it.

"The shampoo you use, is it a vanilla scented shampoo?" He asked as he looked at her through the mirror.

Her eyes were closed and she was enjoying the feeling of having her hair dry by him. "Yes. I love the scent of vanilla that's why most of the products I choose to buy has this scent."

"How long have you been using those?"

"Since high school." She smiled. She opened her eyes and looked at him from the mirror. "Do you want to try using these products?"

He raised an eyebrow and smiled, "I don't think that scent will suit me."

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She giggled softly, "Yeah, it's too girly for you."

After drying her hair, he placed the blower on the table.

"Thank you."

"Mm." He went back to the bed and sat beside Little Melon's sleeping figure. He started stroking his hair.

Xia Meilin applied two sprays of her perfume on her pulse points before she stood up. "I'll let the maid call the two of you once its time for breakfast."


She left the room and went to the kitchen to start preparing their breakfast.

Xia Meilin can only make simple dishes. Her specialty was baking desserts, not cooking, that's why she has to ask for the assistance of the chef.

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"You really should leave everything to me, madam." The chef was a senior. His white hair was long and was tied into a low ponytail.

Chen Xian, has been working for the Lu family for almost half of his age. He was transferred to Beijing place to assist his master in this place by preparing healthy food for him anf the family. He was the oldest servant inside the villa.

"Just allow me just this once, grandpa Xian." Xia Meilin smiled.

Chen Xian sighed. She was his boss so he can't really say no to her, right? That's why he decided to fully assist her in cooking.

By the time they were done preparing food for everyone, Lu Yifeng went down the stairs with Little Melon in his arms.

Little Melon was already dressed up and his hair was neatly combed. Lu Yifeng was carrying his bag on his shoulder before he gave it to the maid.

Xia Meilin couldn't help but wonder as she looked at them. She was supposed to be the one who will help Little Melon in preparing for school but from the looks of it, Lu Yifeng already did that for her.

Lu Yifeng put his son down on the chair that has a pillow on it before he sat on his usual seat.

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