The Devoted Second Male Lead Decided to Favor Someone Else Chapter 10.2

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Genius Artist - Replacement of the White Moonlight for the Rich CEO

Lu Shijin pulled out his phone, preparing to order some takeout for dinner. He didn’t expect to receive a phone call from Huo Qi’s.

“Husband~” Lu Shijin instantly changed his mood and entered character, pretending to be surprised by a phone call from his beloved, “You finally remembered to call me! I thought you forgot about me and didn’t want me anymore!”

“How could that be?” Huo Qi endured the nausea he felt from interacting with Lu Shijin and inquired about his well being. “You’re on winter break, right? Did you return to your hometown for New Year’s?”

“I am, but sadly, I wasn’t able to get a ticket to go back. I have to stay here to pass New Year’s. Husband, are you done with your work? I really miss you. I have to spend New Year’s all alone, when can you accompany me?”

“My family has a lot of rules about the New Year’s, so I might not be able to leave. But I came back from a business trip today and happen to have time. How about I send a car to pick you up?”

Huo Qi uncharacteristically personally called Lu Shijin today, and his tone was surprisingly patient and gentle.

When unusual things happen, there must be a demon behind it. Lu Shijin had long guessed the reason Huo Qi was calling him over.

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Lu Shijin pretended to happily agree with Huo Qi’s request, but gritted his teeth once he hung up.

“Convenience store, do you have any music skills?”

“. . .Yes.”

Lu Shijin sneered, “Then play me《Ai Qing Mai Mai*》, it will be tonight’s BGM.”

*爱情买卖 is a song about love by Mu Rong Xiao Xiao.

Huo Qi still sent secretary Hao to pick him up. When Lu Shijin got in, he met the gaze of secretary Hao, who had opened the door for him, and keenly discovered that his gaze seemed to be different from before.

Last time at the school gate, secretary Hao had some disdain and contempt hidden within his false respect, but this time, he had a bit more friendliness.

As expected, not long after the car started, secretary Hao began chatting with Lu Shijin.

Lu Shijin felt like there was something off. Before, secretary Hao looked down on Lu Shijin, a mere substitute, always cherishing his words like gold when it came to talking with him, so why was he so chatty today?

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Even when they arrived at Huo Qi’s apartment, secretary Hao kindly got off to open the door for Lu Shijin, telling him that if he had anything, he could call him as he lived closeby.

“Something’s off.” Lu Shijin pondered as he took the elevator up.

“How come?”

“Secretary Hao is acting weird, he’s being too enthusiastic towards me. There’s also what he said at the end, telling me to call him if there’s anything, as though he knows there will be something.”

“Maybe Huo Qi told him to do it?”

Lu Shijin snorted. “Which time wasn’t on Huo Qi’s orders? Huo Qi doesn’t care about Lu Shijin, so he naturally wouldn’t care about the attitude his underlings bear toward his little substitute. Secretary Hao appears to believe that something will happen today between Huo Qi and I, and the only possibility is— he already knows.”

“You mean?”

“He seems to be Huo Qi’s person on the surface, but the real master behind him might be someone else. Of course, this is only guesswork, I don’t have any proof. However, there’s no hurry. A fox will always show its tail someday.”

Lu Shijin arrived in front of Huo Qi’s door but didn’t ring the doorbell. Instead, he entered the password according to his memory, but it displayed “Wrong Password”.

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Heh, the white moonlight returned, so he even changed his password. This was clearly guarding against him like he was a thief.

Lu Shijin rang the doorbell and Huo Qi soon opened the door for him.

Huo Qi was wearing a set of gray loungewear, but the loose clothing didn’t conceal the man’s strong figure.

Lu Shijin pretended that nothing was wrong when he entered, immediately pouncing on Huo Qi and hanging from his neck like a koala.

“Husband, I’ve missed you so much, did you miss me?”

Huo Qi stared at the top of Lu Shijin’s head and frowned, showing that he didn’t like physical interaction with Lu Shijin.

But he endured his dislike and didn’t push Lu Shijin away, because tonight, he had something important to discuss with him.

Huo Qi apathetically said yes, then patted Lu Shijin’s shoulder, gently saying, “Okay, come down first, we can talk inside. Don’t stand at the door.”

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“Oh right husband, why did you change the door password?” Lu Shijin let go and unhappily pouted, “If I miss you in the future, can I not come to see you? What are you doing? Preventing me from doing surprise inspections? You couldn’t have hid someone at home, right?”

“Of course not, I have a habit of regularly changing passwords. I’ll just tell you the new password.”

Lu Shijin nodded, “Okay, what’s the new password?”

Huo Qi paused before saying, “930928.”

Lu Shijin thought for a moment, propping his chin up with his hand, then stared at Huo Qi with suspicion. “These numbers sound like someone’s birthday, but not yours or mine. So whose is it?”

Huo Qi’s eyes unnaturally flickered, “It’s the birthday of one of my previous dogs. It died when I was just over ten years old, and this is to commemorate it.”

“Oh, so that’s what it is.” As if relieved of his doubts, Lu Shijin became simpleminded and happy again, pushing Huo Qi inside, “Okay, I believe you. Let’s go in.”

Behind Huo Qi, Lu Shijin coldly smirked. What a scum man, thinking that he was easy to fool as the original host.

But since he was able to say that Ruan Siheng’s birthday belonged to a dead dog, it would appear that Huo Qi didn’t love Ruan Siheng as much as he thought he did.

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