Genius Artist - Replacement of the White Moonlight for the Rich CEO

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“What did you say?”

Although their side profiles appeared similar, their voices sounded completely different.

The four words were as cold as frost, instantly bringing Lu Shijin back to reality.

“Sorry, Mr. Huo.” Lu Shijin hurriedly sat up and touched his face awkwardly. Looking out the window, he saw that they were already at his apartment, “Thank you for bringing me home, I’ll go now.”


Huo Lian had indicated for the driver to get off beforehand, so he was alone with Lu Shijin in the car.

“Is there something else?” Lu Shijin said wearily, “Whatever it is, can you say it next time? I’m really tired from today.”

Huo Lian spoke lightly, “What are you going to do in the future?”

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“I don’t know.” Lu Shijin buried his face in his hands and said in a muffled voice, “What can I do? Even if Huo Qi lied to me, he’s a noble young master while I’m just an ordinary student. He played with me like a pet bird, what can I even do?”

“Huo Qi is in the wrong. He was unfair to you. As his uncle, I’ll apologize in his stead. If you need any compensation, you can tell me.”

Lu Shijin raised his head to look at him, his gaze mocking. “Do you rich people think that money can make up everything?” He punched the back of the seat in front of him, venting sorrowfully, “Can money ease the backlash of my feelings for the last three years? Return to me back those three wasted years? Make all those disgusting things disappear from my life?”

Huo Lian continued to sit there, motionless as he silently listened to Lu Shijin rant.

It was quiet in the car, the silence only being interrupted by Lu Shijin’s heavy breathing, as though some suppressive pain caused him to be out of breath.

After a long time, Lu Shijin finally broke the silence with his hoarse voice. “Sorry Mr. Huo, this matter has nothing to do with you. I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.”

“It’s fine.” Huo Lian waited for his emotions to stabilize before looking at him.

This boy’s appearance was really similar to Ruan Siheng’s, but Lu Shijin’s features were more radiant, even a bit feminine. If he changed his style, he might be even better than Ruan Siheng.

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“Do you hate Huo Qi?” Huo Lian suddenly asked.

Lu Shijin’s voice trembled. “I don’t know.”

Huo Lian wasn’t surprised by his answer and continued to ask, “Then do you still love him?”

Lu Shijin furrowed his eyebrows, stiffly shaking his head. “I don’t know either.”

Huo Lian had heard the words “I don’t know” from Lu Shijin countless times today, but he wasn’t angry. On the contrary, he was glad.

He liked people who had no opinions.

“Now that I think about it, it’s all because I was too dumb and naive.” Lu Shijin slowly said, “I’ve been together with Huo Qi for three years, but he has never said anything about liking or loving me, it was all my wishful thinking. He told me that he didn’t want other people to know about our relationship to protect me and I naively believed him. He raised me like a bird in a cage, teasing me if his mood was good and ignoring me if it was bad . . . How could I have been so dumb . . .”

“There’s nothing wrong with love.” Huo Lian said in a low voice, “Huo Qi made a rash decision. You look too similar to Ruan Siheng, so he might have mistaken you for him.”

“I am Lu Shijin! Not someone else’s substitute!” Lu Shijin cried out.

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“It’s good that you think this way.” Huo Lian patted his shoulder, “Too many things have happened today. You need to rest. Go home and have a good rest. If you have any thoughts in the future, you can come find me. I’ll help you, okay?”

Lu Shijin shrunk his shoulders. “Why would you help me? You’re Huo Qi’s uncle, so you’ll definitely stand on his side.”

Huo Lian kindly hooked up his lips. “Although I’m his uncle, I can’t accept what he’s doing. As his elder, I have the responsibility of helping him correct his mistakes. Rest assured, I won’t be biased.”

Lu Shijin stared vigilantly at Huo Lian, distrust showing in his gaze.

“I’m leaving. Goodbye.”

Lu Shijin didn’t mention compensation, nor did he spill his plans for the future. He simply got out of the car.

Huo Lian’s car quickly left, disappearing into the night.

Once the car left, all the sadness on Lu Shijin’s face immediately disappeared.

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If someone had seen him, they would definitely wonder if this boy had learned to swap faces.

Back in the apartment, Lu Shijin went straight to the sofa and stretched.

“After acting all day, I’m tired to death.”

711 asked puzzledly. “Host, Huo Lian just extended an olive branch to you, why didn’t you accept?”

Lu Shijin responded with a question, “Do you know what’s most important if you want to capture the best prey?”


“Wrong,” said Lu Shijin, “It’s patience. Huo Lian is an old fox. How could it be so easy for him to completely put down his guard against me? If I answered quickly today, directly saying that I want revenge, it would definitely have aroused his suspicions. Don’t forget, I’m silly and sweet, how could I have any intention of revenge.”

711 suddenly came to a realization. “I see.”

“I need to take my time and not hurry. Only by using a long line will the big fish be caught.”

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