Chapter 9.2

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Genius Artist - Replacement of the White Moonlight for the Rich CEO

However, Lu Shijin has someone else to talk to, “Convenience store, how was my acting just now?”

“It was perfect! Out of this world, good as gold!”

“Likewise to your sucking up skills.”

“But Huo Lian is taking you to Huo Qi right now. What if you bump into Ruan Siheng and he learns of your existence in advance? What would we do then?”

“He won’t. Huo Lian won’t let me appear in front of Huo Qi yet.”

711 didn’t understand, “Why?”

“Because they haven’t gotten to the point of attacking each other in public yet.”

“Right, listening to Huo Lian’s tone before, he seemed to care a lot about his relationship with Huo Qi.”

“Heh.” Lu Shijin scoffed, “If he really cared about their relationship, he wouldn’t even bother with me. He wouldn’t need to call me over and say all this. He only did this because he was testing me.”

711 was even more confused. “Why does he need to do that?”

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Lu Shijin tirelessly explained to the foolish system. “He first told me the relation between Huo Qi and Ruan Siheng to make me doubtful. However, he kept his stance as a bystander during this, appearing just to be a good uncle worried about his nephew. It wouldn’t make anyone think that he has other intentions. Bringing me to see Huo Qi seems like he wants me to see the truth. However, if after I see that mistress and my love for Huo Qi turns to hate, he can use me to deal with Huo Qi. This is his real goal.”

Huo Lian thought he had all of them in the palm of his hands, but he forgot an old saying.

If you step on enough toes, one day you will trip.

It all depended on whose plans were better and who was the better actor.

The car drove for a while and stopped at the gate to a gallery downtown.

Lu Shijin pretended to not know anything and asked, “Why did we stop?”

“Didn’t you want to see Huo Qi?” Huo Lian pretended that it didn’t concern him and tapped on his tablet, “Just wait here.”

As expected, Huo Qi and Ruan Siheng came out of the building after a short time.

The two talked and laughed the whole way. Ruan Siheng even leaned against Huo Qi’s shoulder from time to time. They looked very intimate.

Huo Qi rarely smiled when he was with Lu Shijin, so he had thought that that was just his personality.

But, seeing the happy smile on Huo Qi’s face, Lu Shijin finally understood that some people didn’t smile because they thought you didn't deserve to see it.

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Lu Shijin pressed his forehead against the car window, as though wanting to see clearer because he couldn’t believe what was before his eyes.

Huo Lian languidly said, “Do you see? Have you given up?”

Huo Qi and Ruan Siheng were walking further and further away. Lu Shijin yanked on the car door handle, wanting to run after them and ask for an explanation.

But Huo Lian seemed to have expected this and instructed the driver to lock the doors in advance.

“Let me go!” Lu Shijin turned around. His eyes were reddened, akin to an angry yet despairing beast.

“Let you go to do what? Go after Huo Qi?” Huo Lian calmly put his laptop on the seat, “See you act out some legal wife and concubine scene in public? Would my Huo family have any face left?”

Lu Shijin tightly clenched his fists, restraining his emotions which were on the brink of collapse, “They’re just shopping together, it doesn’t necessarily mean anything. Let me off, I promise I won’t stir up trouble.”

Huo Lian scoffed, saying, “As you said, Huo Qi has dated you for three years. Then why would he have time to go shopping with someone else while avoiding you? You’ve already seen them firsthand, do you still want to continue deceiving yourself and others?”

Lu Shijin clenched his jaw, “Didn’t you not believe that I’m Huo Qi’s boyfriend?”

“I did have my doubts,” Huo Qi smirked, “But after seeing the person with Huo Qi, I believed you.”

“Huh?” Lu Shijin asked.

Huo Lian calmly pointed to the tablet screen, “Take a look for yourself.”

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Lu Shijin looked down at the screen. There was a picture of a man. When he saw the face of the person, his pupils dilated.

“Don’t you think he seems familiar?” Huo Lian’s thin lips moved, each word stabbing Lu Shijin’s heart like knives, “He’s Huo Qi’s first love, the person you just saw.”

Lu Shijin bowed his head, his nails digging into his palm as the movement of his chest grew more and more intense.

“Huo Qi.” Huo Lian turned to stare at Lu Shijin, emphasizing each word, “He treated you as nothing more than Ruan Siheng’s substitute.”

Large teardrops started falling from Lu Shijin’s eyes.

Huo Lian couldn’t remember the last time someone had cried before front of him, so he was a bit startled when he saw Lu Shijin’s tears.

The boy cried silently in the small space. He was clearly heartbroken, yet continued to bite his lips to prevent any sound from escaping.

Seeing how miserable Lu Shijin was, Huo Lian finally found some of his conscience and softened his tone, clumsily comforting Lu Shijin.

“It’s not your fault. If you want to cry, then just cry. It would make your heart feel better too.”

All of the strength in Lu Shijin’s body disappeared and he limply collapsed onto the seat, staring blankly at the back of his loved one.

Huo Lian told the driver to bring Lu Shijin back. On the way, Lu Shijin kept his head against the window and continued to silently cry until he lost consciousness.

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The car accidentally went over a bump, causing Lu Shijin’s body to sway and subconsciously lean onto Huo Lian.

Huo Lian originally wanted to push Lu Shijin away, but upon lowering his head and seeing the boy’s eyes swollen from crying and his eyelashes still restlessly trembling, he endured it.

Whatever, since I want to win him over, our relationship can’t be that cold.

Huo Lian convinced himself in that manner.

When they arrived at the destination and the car had completely stopped, Huo Lian tried to wake up Lu Shijin, who was leaning on his shoulder in deep sleep.

“Wake up.”

Lu Shijin’s tightly shut eyelids moved and he slowly opened his eyes.

Looking up, he saw the side of Huo Lian’s face.

That view was so similar to Huo Qi’s face that Lu Shijin’s unclear vision was even more bewildered.

In a daze, Lu Shijin thought that Huo Qi was in front of him.

Tears appeared on his eyelashes again and he spoke with a soft voice, with anger and resentment.


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