Idol, You’re Acting OOC – Intimacy is Prohibited in the Group (13)

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After a busy night, the women left in high spirits as everyone except for Xu Yifan saw them out.

After seeing them off, they started tidying up the dining room and kitchen. Of course, they wouldn’t let Lu Shijin do it after he spent so long cooking for them, so Lu Shijin was told to go rest.

Lu Shijin was bored and seeing that Xu Yifan hadn’t returned to their room, he waited in front of the bathroom.

After a while, Xu Yifan came out. Lu Shijin leaned against the wall and whistled.

“Why did you take so long, Fan-ge?” Lu Shijin asked deliberately, “Were you using the toilet or shower?”

Xu Yifan expressionlessly said, “Shower.”

Lu Shijin continued joking, “With your left hand or right? Or . . . with both?”

“Is it any of your business?” Xu Yifan seemed to not be bothered by Lu Shijin and replied with a straight face.

“Of course it is.” Lu Shijin laughed, “It was my fault, how could it be none of my business? Fan-ge, we’re all men here, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. But we just danced a single dance, how did you get a reaction so easily?”

“It’s a normal biological reaction, have you never taken biology?”

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Lu Shijin touched his chin, “It’s our first day being a CP, and you’ve already reacted to me. What will we do in the future? I hope you won’t do this every time.”

“You’re thinking too much.” Xu Yifan strode past Lu Shijin and explained calmly, “When you’re abstinent for too long, you’ll even feel like a pig is beautiful. Don’t think of yourself too highly.”

How stubborn.

Lu Shijin smiled and whistled again, running up to Xu Yifan and continuing to make fun of him.

“Fan-ge, are you abstinent? I thought that someone as good looking as you would’ve had countless conquests. Have you ever done it with a real person? Do you like being on top or bottom? What kind of man do you like?”

Xu Yifan turned around and looked at him unhappily, “Why are you asking so much?”

“Why not? Everyone else is straight, only the two of us are bent, so let’s exchange our experience.” Lu Shijin laughed and hooked an arm around Xu Yifan’s shoulders. He stopped pretending to be some cute obedient kid and revealed his rogue-like nature. “Let me tell you, it’s better to bottom. After all, you just need to lie there and not waste any energy, while still being pretty satisfied. But for someone like you, it would be a shame not to top. It would be a waste of resources.”

Xu Yifan’s expression was very ugly and it took a long time for him to squeeze out, “. . . You seem to be very experienced.”

“Yup.” Lu Shijin said matter-of-factly, “Don’t look down on my age, I’ve already had two boyfriends. I love them a lot.”

Xu Yifan’s expression turned completely dark, sneering. “Really? If you love them so much, why did you break up?”

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“Who said we broke up?” Lu Shijin hooked up his lips, “We didn’t break up. They’re both great in bed, where would I find anyone better than them?”

Xu Yifan seemed to have choked, perhaps not expecting him to be so brazen.

Xu Yifan took a deep breath to calm down, “Didn’t break up? Then are you two-timing?”

Lu Shijin smiled cunningly. “Guess?”

“Be careful of getting STDs.” Xu Yifan snorted and turned to leave.

Lu Shijin laughed silently, Xu Yifan was more innocent than he expected if he couldn’t even take this.

However, he liked teasing the innocent kinds the most because their reactions were the most interesting.

After that day, Xu Yifan’s attitude towards Lu Shijin became a lot colder. He would only talk to him when required during filming, and would completely ignore him in private.

Xu Yifan ignored Lu Shijin, and Lu Shijin was too lazy to bother with him.

Either way, Tao Qinghong wasn’t a die-hard fan of Xu Yifan anymore. He was completely dedicated to the CP of Lu Shijin and Xu Yifan.

Tao Qinghong became a core figure in the “YiLu with You” CP fans as he edited CP videos, to the extent of forgetting to eat. He had become a famed editor on Weibo.

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711 reported Tao Qinghong’s weight everyday. In four days, he had already lost 5 pounds!

With this speed, he would have successfully lost enough weight in a couple months!

Although Lu Shijin didn’t understand why someone would be so obsessed with some fake CP, it would make Tao Qinghong lose weight and he could complete his task quicker, so he didn’t care.

He wanted to stop being in a CP with that Xu what’s-his-name!

Four days later, the week-long stream and show ended.

Although they had very little free time and most of their time was spent doing labor by request of the program team, living for a week in the countryside taught them a lot.

The most important thing was that after a week of living together, the originally fragile bond between the six strengthened and they got closer, seeming more like a group.

They went home with many new things.

With the week ending, their group became a lot more popular and got many jobs. It meant that they would each be very busy for a while.

But no one complained, because in the entertainment industry, the most popular ones were the most busy. No one would complain about having more screen time. They were only afraid of appearing too little and being forgotten by the fans.

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After returning, their company took advantage of their popularity and arranged for them to go on many variety shows and release more songs.

Lu Shijin planned on not doing anything, but he could only follow his teammates and go everywhere. He was so busy that it seemed like he didn’t get a moment to rest.

But although it was tiring, Lu Shijin realized the benefit of being an idol.

He received the love of the numerous fans who supported him.

Many fans would send him letters, telling him how great he was and how much they liked him.

One of Lu Shijin’s favorite activities was to go on his alt and look at all the posts praising him on Weibo. Although he knew that he wasn’t as great as they described him to be, who wouldn’t like hearing praises about themselves?

Of course, there were also some not so great times. Every idol would be subjected to attacks from anti-fans; Lu Shijin was no exception.

Anti-fans often attacked him on the Internet, mocking him for making such deep plans at such a young age. After all, he didn’t stand out at all during the show, but now, he used Xu Yifan’s popularity to gain it himself, the standard behavior of a white lotus. They acted very sympathetic towards Xu Yifan, who became a stepping stool for another to take advantage of.

Lu Shijin originally didn’t care about these comments, because he didn’t care what other people thought of him.

He was only angry that they’d insult his fans alongside him, saying that those fans were a water army bought by his company, to force his persona.

He could endure their insults to himself, but not to his fans.

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