Idol, You’re Acting OOC – Intimacy is Prohibited in the Group (14)

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Lu Shijin couldn’t help but start arguing with the anti-fans on his alt, but he underestimated how well they could argue, their rude words making him foam with rage.

Lu Shijin could only respond to them in the most basic of ways, but would end up getting reported by them, resulting in being banned from Weibo for a month. It angered Lu Shijin so much that he decided to stay away from Weibo.

But because Tao Qinghong would always send him new videos to watch, Lu Shijin had to use Weibo to show his support for a friend.

After he watched it, he would habitually check the comments.

Fortunately, Tao Qinghong was very aware of the comments on his post and would immediately report and delete any comments from anti-fans. That’s why the comments that were left were relatively okay.

As Lu Shijin was scrolling down, he noticed a comment that stood out in the harmonious comment section.

Ordinary Life: [There’s no love for Xu Yifan in Lu Shijin’s eyes. He’s probably some heartless person.]

And there were a lot of replies.

Did You Come Out Of Hiding Today: [@Ordinary Life if you can’t see anything, does that mean that there actually isn’t anything? It’s not like Jinjin’s looking at you, do you think you’re Xu Yifan or something?]

ylynszd: [@Ordinary Life it’s none of your business, toxic people like you should leave]

Chasing Idols With Buddha: [If you don’t like it, then don’t look. Don’t hurt yourself and leave them alone, okay?]

Lu Shijin didn’t think that this “Ordinary Life” was an anti-fan, because he was right, he didn’t have any love when he looked at Xu Yifan; he probably didn’t even like him.

So, this was possibly the only reasonable fan who could see through the relationship between him and Xu Yifan.

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Lu Shijin was a bit curious about this person and checked his Weibo account.

It was clearly an alt, having single digits for both followers and following. It was perhaps something Weibo suggested, but the only edit account he followed was Tao Qinghong.

Looking at postings, there were no original posts, only reposts and likes.

And the contents were very interesting.

He would repost a video of Lu Shijin’s live dancing, and would then like an anti-fan’s post.

It was very confusing. He seemed like a very moody person, loving someone to death at one moment, then hating them just as much after a second.

Lu Shijin was very interested in the thought process of this person who didn’t seem to be a fan or anti-fan, and used his alt to message him.

lululu: [Hey dear~ are you Lu Shijin’s anti-fan?]

Lu Shijin had recently learned a lot of slang from Weibo and took this opportunity to use it.

Ordinary Life replied quickly with a [?]

lululu: [Dear, I think your comment is really correct! Lu Shijin and Xu Yifan don’t seem like a CP at all! It’s all Lu Shijin trying to stick to him, these types of white lotuses are the worst!]

Ordinary Life: [You’re wrong, I’m not an anti-fan.]


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lululu: [???]

Ordinary Life: [Also, it’s not Lu Shijin’s fault, other people are just slandering him.]

lululu: [If you’re not an anti-fan, then why did you like an anti-fan’s post?]

Ordinary Life: [My hand slipped.]

lululu: [Then are you Lu Shijin’s fan or Xu Yifan’s? Or . . . a CP fan?]

Ordinary Life: [Probably CP fan.]

lululu: [??? Why would you say that they don’t seem like a CP if you’re a CP fan?]

Ordinary Life: [I only said that Lu Shijin doesn’t hold any love toward Xu Yifan, not that they don’t seem like a CP.]

lululu: [. . . Then how did you see that he has no love?]

Ordinary Life: [Just a feeling.]

Lu Shijin was stunned. It was the first time he met such a rational CP fan.

Before Lu Shijin could respond, Ordinary Life sent another message.

Ordinary Life: [Lu Shijin’s promiscuous, Xu Yifan’s dedicated.]

Lu Shijin was shocked upone seeing someone call him promiscuous. He was clearly extremely dedicated, okay? To save his body for his prince, he completely ignored all the handsome men in the entertainment industry. Despite doing all that, there were still people who thought of him as promiscuous?

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lululu: [How did you see that Lu Shijin’s promiscuous?]

After Lu Shijin sent that message, Ordinary Life stopped responding, like he logged off.

Lu Shijin, who was unable to get an answer, was very upset. He followed Ordinary Life and decided to chat with him properly the next chance he got.

He had to get rid of the impression that he was promiscuous!

It was wrong, so very wrong!

Their new song had the same name as their group, “STORM”.

Their company wanted them to take the entertainment industry by a storm, leading trend after trend.

The night before their song was released, the men were staying late in their practice room.

As they were packing up in preparation to head back to their rooms, Lu Shijin suggested that they go to the hot spring together.

They were going to have a conference for the release of their new song, and everyone was pretty nervous. Their agent was afraid that they’d be too nervous tomorrow and have a negative effect on the song’s release, so it wouldn’t be a bad idea to relax in a hot spring, so the agent agreed.

Of course, there were no natural hot springs in the city, only man-made ones.

They went to a very fancy hot spring place. Since it was near midnight, there wouldn’t be many people there, and they wouldn’t have to worry about someone recognizing them.

Lu Shijin had an ulterior motive in suggesting to go to the hot springs. He wanted to use this chance to properly see if He Yang’s shoulder had tooth marks.

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But honestly, even disregarding the fact that He Yang was straight, Lu Shijin didn’t feel anything toward him.

So he had already prepared for both scenarios.

If He Yang wasn’t, then it would be the best. He wouldn’t have to worry about anything.

If he was, then he’d have to keep him under a tight leash, unless he wanted to wear a green hat.

Then, he would finish the task as soon as possible to go to the next world.

Maybe in the next world, he would feel something.

They needed to change into bathrobes before they could go into the water. Lu Shijin anxiously followed them into the changing room, angling his head to stare at He Yang’s back.

They each got their cubby to change in and Lu Shijin quickly squeezed to the one beside He Yang. as he changed, he watched He Yang change.

Jacket off . . . t-shirt off. . . almost there . . . My heart’s beating so fast, so nervous! Is it him or not?!

The last layer! Shoulder! Let me see! Just one look!

He Yang was taller than Lu Shijin by half a head, so Lu Shijin could only see his shoulder clearly if he stood on tiptoes.

Just as he was trying to do that, opening his eyes wide to see, a body suddenly went between him and He Yang, blocking his view.


Lu Shijin looked up and saw that it was Xu Yifan again!

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