Idol, You’re Acting OOC – Intimacy is Prohibited in the Group (21)

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Lu Shijin didn’t feel sleepy anymore and rolled from side to side on his bed.

“Good teammates? Good brothers?” He spoke to himself, “Like hell I want to be your good teammate, your good brother. You kissed me out of curiosity? Who would believe something as fake as that?”

“Can somebody tell me, What is love supposed to be? That makes me hold no fear in the face of death. With your absence, My existence is meaningless on earth.” 711 quoted a poem sentimentally.

“Ahhhhh, convenience store, I feel so bad, why do I feel so bad? Why does my heart feel so stuffed after hearing what Xu Yifan said?” Lu Shijin bit his quilt. “I feel like I just got dumped.”

“Think clearly, how could you break up if you weren’t dating in the first place?”

Lu Shijin thumped his chest as he lamented, “You don’t understand, some kinds of love end before they even begin.”

Lu Shijin stayed in bed until 3AM, but he still couldn’t sleep, so he decided to open his alt and browse Weibo to numb his brain.

Refreshing his feed, a notification popped up of “Ordinary Life” liking a “YiLu with You” video. The timing was a minute ago.

It was the logical CP fan that he spoke with last time. Surprisingly, he hadn’t slept yet, even at 3AM, but was instead looking at CP videos.

Since they were both awake, Lu Shijin decided to see if they could talk.

lululu: [Hey dear, have you still not slept?]

Ordinary Life: [?]

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lululu: [I saw that you just liked a video, it seems like you really like the CP, you’re looking at them this late?]

Ordinary Life: [I was just doing it because I was bored. It’ll be my last time looking at them.]

lululu: [??? Why the last time?]

Ordinary Life: [It’s all fake, I can’t keep fooling myself.]


Lululu: [. . .]

Lu Shijin felt like he had just been shot. Even without being dumped, he just saw his fan ditch!

It hurts!!! It hurts so fucking much!!!

lululu: [Why?]

Ordinary Life: [If they’re not real, then I have to leave early, to avoid wasting my time and emotions.]

lululu: [How can you be sure that they’re not real? Can’t you have hope? You need to think about it logically when it comes to this, your idols need you!]

Ordinary Life didn’t respond. Lu Shijin didn’t know if he really quit or if he just disconnected.

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Lu Shijin really couldn’t sleep. Not only did Xu Yifan ‘abandon’ him, even this fan abandoned him.

He just liked two people, what was wrong with that?

Lu Shijin decided to go to Tao Qinghong’s Weibo account and rewatch all of his CP videos to cure his broken heart!


Lu Shijin’s plan to quit was momentarily put on hold, while the group continued to work.

The CP between Lu Shijin and Xu Yifan was also put on hold. Many anti-fans mocked Lu Shijin for using Xu Yifan for popularity, and immediately ditching him when he had his own fanbase, acting like a blood-sucker. YiLu with You was a joke, according to them.

At first, the CP fans still eagerly refuted the anti-fans, but they gradually realized that the individual interactions between Lu Shijin and Xu Yifan were decreasing.

More and more rumors about the discord between them appeared on the internet. Their individual fans also began tearing at each other with the manipulations of others.

Their company had already decided to target some of the rumors online, so they decided to have a live interview.

On the day of, the stream started on time with all six members. A couple hundred thousand fans had long been waiting, and after the stream began, more people poured in.

[See, see, see YiLu with You is dead. They’re sitting a billion miles apart, clearly ignoring each other!]

[Is the blood-sucker happy? I heard he wanted to quit, please do!]

[Can these people be any saltier? My Jinjin got to his position with his own strength, not because of others.]

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[Did they really have an argument? Sigh, it feels bad to see their current status after being with them since the start.]

The host was a man and after a simple introduction of everyone, they began the interview.

Although the questions were said to be gathered from fan comments, they were all things chosen by the company.

“Then let’s begin. First question, let me see, it’s asking Lu Shijin.”

Hearing his name being called, Lu Shijin sat up straighter.

The host continued with a smile, “This question is very interesting, it’s about personal feelings. The fans want to know what our youngest, Jinjin, thinks about idols dating?”

Lu Shijin subconsciously glanced at Xu Yifan, who was sitting beside the host, and quickly moved his gaze away.

He thought about it and said, “If they met someone they really like, I don’t think there’s anything wrong.”

“Then have you thought about dating?”

Lu Shijin smiled, “A senior once told me that I should be fighting to advance my career at this age. Something like dating can wait until later, since a lifetime is a long time. I think he’s correct. Also, I feel like if I did date, it would disappoint my fans, so I currently don’t have any intention of doing so.”

“Seems like Jinjin’s pretty self-aware, very suitable for being an idol~”

[Hahaha, Lu Shijin’s talking about not dating live, do all the CP fans hear?]

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[Finally, this is worth a celebration. I’ve long quit being a CP fan, they’re so disgusting with how they keep cheering all day and night about the smallest things!]

[My heart’s breaking because of how sudden this is, I’ve chased them for so long, crying]

[Good luck Jinjin! Keep on working on your career! I’m all for it~]

Afterwards, Lu Shijin didn’t look at Xu Yifan.

The host continued to ask questions to the other members. Lu Shijin just needed to maintain his smile and occasionally nod or clap.

When it was Xu Yifan’s turn, the host flipped to the next card in his hands and asked.

“The question about Xu Yifan is: everyone knows you have a phoenix tattoo on your shoulder, but you’ve never explained its history. The fans want to know if there’s any special meaning behind it?”

Lu Shijin was sitting the furthest away from Xu Yifan and perked up his ears to listen.

“Not really.” Xu Yifan tapped the shoulder with the tattoo, “I have a birthmark on my shoulder, the tattoo’s for covering it. But I don’t suggest getting a tattoo unless you’re sure about it.”

The host didn’t continue asking.

Although the host didn’t seem interested, Lu Shijin suddenly had an idea. A beam of light suddenly shone across his originally muddled brain.

If . . . there WAS a birthmark under the tattoo, what kind of birthmark was it?!

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